How To Eliminate Bad Breath At Home

By February 10, 2021 February 16th, 2022 Oral Health
close up of woman with hand over mouth

If you suffer from bad breath, you know just how debilitating and embarrassing it can be. First dates, fourth dates, job interviews, and even just playing with your children are all impacted by smelly breath. You may have lower self-esteem that comes across as incompetence during interviews or as not being as fun or confident on dates or in so many other circumstances.

Patients with bad breath should schedule a dental checkup as soon as possible to ensure that gum disease, decay, or other dental problems aren’t the cause. If anything, a dental cleaning can reset the bacteria in the mouth, providing a clean slate that allows you to maintain fresh breath.

Until you can get to the dentist, try these at-home remedies to eliminate bad breath:

Drink Plenty of Water

Dry mouth and dehydration are two of the most common reasons for bad breath. A dry mouth means that saliva production has decreased which leads to an overpopulation of bad bacteria.

Simply drinking more water (at least eight glasses per day) can counteract dry mouth and encourage more saliva. If you’re suffering from bad breath, stay away from sugary or caffeinated drinks as much as possible.


Although not backed up by science, many people recommend either drinking pineapple juice or chewing on a pineapple slice to eliminate smelly breath. Then rinse with water to remove any lingering sugars.


Parsley contains a chemoprotein called chlorophyll which makes the plant green. It is also believed to combat odors. To try this out, simply chew on fresh parsley leaves after eating or start taking a parsley dietary supplement.


There are several ways to use zinc for reducing bad breath:

  • Mouthwash
  • Chewing gum
  • Dietary supplements
  • Cashews

Zinc minimizes sulfurous compounds in the mouth which effectively eliminates halitosis. Rinsing with a mouthwash that contains zinc salts can reduce bad breath for up to six months!

Green Tea

According to the National Library of Medicine, green tea deodorizes and disinfects the mouth, effectively reducing sulfur compounds. As an antioxidant, it removes bad bacteria from the teeth and gums.

Sipping on green tea throughout the day could provide incredible results! If you don’t like plain green tea, try mint green tea for a little more flavor.

Baking Soda Mouthwash

Toothpastes that contain baking soda are most known for whitening teeth. Baking soda can also effectively eliminate bad-breath-causing bacteria.

A homemade baking soda mouthwash is made simply with 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 1 cup of warm water. Swish for 30 seconds, then spit it out.


Getting rid of garlic-related bad breath could be as simple as eating an apple! The natural compounds in the apples neutralize garlic compounds in the mouth and bloodstream which could eliminate the garlic smell faster than other remedies.

Dental Checkup for Bad Breath

One of the first questions you should ask yourself when experiencing bad breath is: “When was my last dental checkup?” Dental professionals remove smelly plaque and tartar from all surfaces of the teeth and along the gum line during dental cleans. You’d be surprised at what a difference this makes in the smell of your breath and appearance of your smile!

At Magic Smiles, our team of dental experts is prepared to help you achieve fresh breath and a healthy, beautiful smile. Contact us today at

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