Dental Implants: A Timeline of What to Expect, Part 2

By September 9, 2024 September 12th, 2024 Woolgoogla and Coffs Harbour Dentist
full set of dentures being placed on five dental implants in lower jaw

So, you’ve decided to go for dental implants – great choice! Whether you’re replacing a single tooth, a few teeth, or opting for a full set of pearly whites, knowing what to expect on this journey can make the whole process feel a lot less daunting. Our dentists in Coffs Harbour break down the timeline associated with dental implant placement to help you anticipate every step of your journey.

Want to verify your candidacy for dental implant surgery? Contact Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre in Coffs Harbour at (02) 6652-3242 or Woolgoolga at (02) 6654-0650 to reserve a consultation now!

Placing Abutments: The Connector Piece

Once your dental implant has settled nicely into your jawbone (this can take a few months), it’s time to place the abutment. Think of the abutment as the middleman – the crucial connector piece that links the implant to your future crown or denture.

Placing the abutment is a quick and relatively simple procedure. Our dentists in Coffs Harbour will make a small incision in your gum to expose the implant, attach the abutment, and then close up the gum tissue around it. Don’t worry – we use local anesthesia, so you’ll be comfortable throughout. 

Afterward, you might experience some minor swelling or discomfort, but this usually subsides within a few days. Now, with the abutment in place, it’s time to move to the next exciting step!

Crown Placement or Denture Fitting: The Big Reveal

Once your gums have healed (this takes a few weeks), it’s finally time for the star of the show – the crown or denture! If you’re getting a single tooth replaced, our dentists in Coffs Harbour can make a crown matching the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth. For multiple missing teeth, you might be fitted with a bridge or dentures.

Our dentists in Coffs Harbour will secure the crown or dentures onto the abutment, and voilà – you now have a new, fully functional tooth (or teeth) that look and feel incredibly natural

After the Procedure: Taking Care of Your New Smile

With your new dental implants in place, you might be wondering, “What’s next?” The healing process after crown placement is typically smooth sailing. You’ll be advised to eat soft foods for a little while and avoid anything too hot or spicy to allow your mouth to fully heal

Good oral hygiene is key, so brushing and flossing around your implants is a must. Also, regular check-ups with our dentists in Coffs Harbour will ensure everything is healing as it should be.

Dental Implant Maintenance: Keeping That Smile Shining

Luckily, maintaining your implants isn’t difficult. Brush twice a day, floss daily, and add an antimicrobial mouthwash to keep your mouth extra clean. 

And, of course, don’t skip those dental visits! Our dentists in Coffs Harbour will check on your implants during regular appointments to ensure they’re holding up well and that your gums and jawbone remain healthy.

Remember, your dental implants are supposed to last for years – sometimes even a lifetime! – so taking care of them is crucial. With a little effort, you can keep your new smile looking bright, beautiful, and ready to take on the world.

Contact Our Dentists in Coffs Harbour for More Information

The timeline for dental implant placement might seem lengthy, but each step is designed to ensure your implants are as strong, functional, and natural-looking as possible. And with proper care, your dental implants will keep you grinning for years to come!

Discuss your candidacy and schedule appointments by calling (02) 6652-3242, or send us a message online to save some time!

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