Have red gums? Here’s what it could be.

By February 27, 2023 March 27th, 2024 Dental Checkup
Close-up of a lipsticked mouth with white teeth and red gums enjoying a piece of chewing gum

While redness in the gums can be normal in some cases, persistent redness can indicate an underlying problem. Indeed, red gums can indicate a range of dental and medical conditions. Routine checkups with a trusted dentist can help you pinpoint the cause of red, inflamed, or bloody gums.


Are you suddenly noticing darker gums accompanied by pain or sensitivity? If so, then it’s time to contact the team at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre. We can help you locate the cause to get speedy and effective treatments. Simply contact one of our two locations in Woolgoolga or Coffs Harbour, NSW, to get started now!


Swollen and dark gums can be a medical mystery. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to narrow down the diagnosis. Here are some of the most common reasons why a patient might have red gums.

Red Gums Might be Gingivitis

One of the most common reasons for red gums is gingivitis. Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease (also called periodontitis) that occurs when tissue-destroying plaque builds up along the gum line. The bacteria in the plaque can cause inflammation, which can lead to noticeably dark, swollen, and bleeding gums. 


Fortunately, gingivitis is just the beginning stage of periodontitis. This means that, if caught early enough, patients can completely reverse gingivitis. However, if left untreated, gingivitis can progress to advanced periodontitis, which can cause tooth loss.

Inflamed Gums Could be Advancing Periodontitis

Periodontitis is a more advanced form of gum disease. The infection (which starts out as mild gingivitis) spreads to the ligaments and bone that support the teeth


As a result, advancing periodontitis can present with:

  • Purple or dark red gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Bad breath
  • Receding gum tissue
  • Bone loss in the jaw
  • Loose teeth
  • Prolonged tooth loss
  • Changes in bite patterns

If you suspect that you might have periodontitis, it’s important to see a dentist or periodontist right away. Leaving periodontitis untreated could lead to significant damage that may be more costly to repair.

Vitamin Deficiencies Can Cause Red Gums

A lack of certain vitamins (such as vitamin C or vitamin K) can cause red gums. Vitamin C is important for healthy gum tissue, and a deficiency can cause the gums to become:

  • Tender
  • Inflamed
  • Prone to bleeding


Vitamin K is necessary for blood clotting, so a deficiency can make healing much more difficult. And, when it comes to red gums, healing is key.


If vitamin deficiencies are the main cause of red gums, then we suggest taking a daily multivitamin. Adding supplements to your diet ensures that you are getting the recommended amount of essential nutrients every day.

Expectant Mothers May Develop Sore Gums

Research suggests that pregnancy can cause hormonal changes in the body that can lead to red gums. The hormone that is largely to blame is progesterone.


Elevated levels of progesterone can cause the gums to become more sensitive to plaque and bacteria, which can lead to inflammation and redness. Medical professionals refer to this as ‘pregnancy gingivitis,’ and it usually goes away shortly after delivery.

Investigate Red Gums with a General Dentist in NSW

These are just four common reasons why patients see dark, swollen gums. Other reasons may include allergic reactions, medications, and injury. If you’re experiencing swollen or painful gums, then contact the team at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre immediately. We can help you diagnose the cause and get rapid treatment.

Request your appointment now by submitting a secure message here.

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