Top 7 Benefits of Dental Implants

By April 12, 2023 Restorative Dentistry
Smiling girl with brown hair wearing red shirt

A missing tooth or gap between your teeth leaves your smile incomplete. Just one lost tooth can negatively impact both your appearance and your oral health. While there are a variety of options for replacing missing teeth, dental implants are one of the best restorative options available. Dr. Arpit Pathak and the team at Magic Smiles provide dental restorations for residents in and around Coffs Harbor. 

Here are the top seven reasons why we love dental implants.

1. Dental Implants Provide a Solution to a Variety of Dental Issues

Many restorative options provide a limited amount of help. While full dentures, partial dentures, and bridges replace teeth, they come with a range of potential issues, such as slippage, poor fit, and a challenging care regimen. Dental implants, however, can replace one tooth or permanently stabilize a bridge, partial, or denture. This level of versatility allows our dental team to customize the perfect treatment for you–a treatment that could last the rest of your life!

2. Implants Look and Feel Natural 

One of the worst things about losing a tooth or teeth is how uncomfortable you feel. With dental implants, the jawbone and gums grow around the implant over time, creating the feel of natural teeth. We understand the importance of cosmetics, as well as oral health. Our team will shade-match your dental implants so that they perfectly match the color of your natural teeth. You’ll end up with a smile that feels and looks natural. 

3. They Can Restore Your Ability to Speak Naturally

Slurred or difficult speech is a common issue with tooth loss and also with wearing dentures. Missing teeth and dentures often impact the ability to speak comfortably. Patients may slur words and inadvertently whistle or spit when talking. Since dental implants mimic a natural tooth, they fit comfortably and will restore your ability to enunciate words, without causing embarrassing side effects. 

4. Dental Implants Will Return Your Bite Force to Natural Levels

When you have a damaged or missing tooth, your bite force becomes impaired. A dental implant will replace your original tooth’s root and crown, so it also restores your ability to bite down. In the dental implant process, dentists anchor the implants to your jawbone, giving you the same strength and bite force as you previously had.

5. Implants Prevent Bone Deterioration and Sagging Facial Structure

To keep bone mass healthy, your jaw needs teeth roots. When you lose teeth, jawbone mass deteriorates. Over time, you will also lose your youthful, full facial shape. Without teeth as a supporting structure, cheeks become sunken, and the face takes on a sagging appearance. With dental implants, our dentists restore the foundation of your face and help you prevent early aging. 

6. They Require No Extra Care

One of our favorite things about dental implants is how easily they are maintained. You won’t need to reline your dentures or follow up with any special instructions to keep your dental implants healthy and strong. Simply follow the provided instructions for regular, daily oral health care at home. 

7. Dental Implants Provide a Lifetime Solution for Missing Teeth

Many dental prosthetics (replacement teeth) provide durable, long-lasting solutions. However, most will need replacement over time. Bridges usually need replacement in 7 to 10 years. Dentures need to be refitted regularly and replaced every 8 years or so. In contrast, dental implants don’t need readjusting, refitting, or replacement. They can last thirty years or longer. 


Transform Your Smile and Your Health with Dental Implants

Missing or damaged teeth weaken a person’s self confidence and oral health. Dr. Pathak and the team at Magic Smiles offer a wide range of treatment options, including dental implants, to improve your smile and dental health. Come visit us at our Coffs Harbor location and we’ll get started on the perfect treatment plan for you. Call us today at (02) 6652-3242.

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