Are dental implants right for me?

By December 16, 2020 February 16th, 2022 Restorative Dentistry
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Missing teeth are more than a cosmetic issue, they contribute to more oral health issues, low self-esteem, and even overall health issues. To combat these problems, most dentists recommend dental implants.

These small, screw-like posts insert into the jawbone through the gum line and take the place of the tooth roots. Dental implants are the only restorative option that offers this type of stability. Dental bridges and dentures use other teeth and the gums to stabilize themselves; unfortunately, those don’t offer the same kind of strength or durability.

For these reasons, many patients prefer dental implants! The best way to determine if dental implants are right for you is to visit an experienced dentist. For now, here are five indications that someone is a suitable candidate for dental implants:

1. Good oral health

Patients who desire dental implants should be free of cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues. These problems can lead to failed dental implants if the disease-causing bacteria attack the implant site. Fortunately, as long as the problems haven’t progressed too far, the dentist can treat these issues before beginning the dental implant process.

Once the patient’s mouth is restored, the dentist can plan for dental implant placement.

2. Sufficient jawbone density

For the implant to be stable and secure, the patient must have the appropriate amount of jawbone density. If not, the implant will likely become loose.

Bone loss begins as soon as a tooth goes missing because the jawbone requires the tooth root to keep it stimulated. The good news is that when an implant is inserted into the bone, it regrows!

3. Good oral hygiene habits

Good oral hygiene is more than just brushing and flossing every day. What you brush and floss with, how often, and when all matters too.

Dentists recommend that patients of all ages brush once in the morning and once in the evening for two minutes at a time. Patients should use a fluoridated toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush for optimal cleaning. Flossing should take place in the evening after the last meal of the day. Talk to your dentist about rinsing with a mouthwash and which brands he recommends.

Good oral hygiene also includes:

  • switching out your toothbrush at least every three months or when the bristles are worn
  • drinking plenty of water throughout the day
  • eating healthy, mouth-friendly foods
  • avoiding tobacco use

When patients abide by these guidelines, their dental implants are more likely to last a lifetime.

4. No bad oral hygiene habits

Patients who desire dental implants must stop using tobacco products throughout the process. Our hope is that they would continue this even after the implants are placed!

Tobacco use creates an unhealthy and imbalanced mouth where problems like gum disease and decay thrive. These are poor conditions for dental implants to live in and will impede the healing process.

5. Willingness to endure the process

Unlike other restorative options, dental implants require surgery and months of healing time. Patients must be willing to abide by the aforementioned guidelines and trust their dentist throughout the entire process. While the process to a fully restored mouth is long, the results are certainly worth it!

Dental Implants in Woolgoolga

If you’re considering dental implants, contact our experienced and compassionate team members today at (02) 6654-0650. During your initial consultation, we’ll determine if implants are the right option for your smile.

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