Improve Your Routine Oral Hygiene with These Six Tips

By November 17, 2022 March 27th, 2024 Dental Checkup
A person rests their chin on their hands and smiles widely to reveal the benefits of routine oral hygiene

Routine oral hygiene includes activities like brushing and flossing. But, is simple brushing and flossing enough to keep your teeth and gums healthy and functional? Possibly, but there are a few things you can do (along with regular checkups) to take your oral hygiene to the next level.


At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, we believe that exceptional oral health care starts with you. So, don’t be shy–contact our team in Woolgoolga and Coffs Harbour, NSW, today. Simply send us a brief message here to get started!


In this post, we give you six tips on how you can improve your routine oral hygiene. Because even tiny changes can add up to major improvements in your oral and overall health!

1. Use a Soft-bristled Toothbrush

Did you know that the bristles on toothbrushes come in different stiffnesses, like soft, medium, and hard? Many patients assume that the stiffer the bristles are, the better clean they will get. But, that simply isn’t true.


Hard-bristled and soft-bristled toothbrushes both clean teeth equally well. The key difference? Hard bristles can rub away the protective layer on our teeth (tooth enamel) at an alarming rate, but soft bristles do not.


So, ditch the hard-bristled brush. Save your tooth enamel and prevent cavities with soft-bristled toothbrushes instead.

2. Don’t Rinse after Brushing

Today, many toothpastes contain remineralizing ingredients, such as fluoride or nano-hydroxyapatite. These ingredients rebuild weakened tooth enamel and prevent cavities from forming on the teeth.


Research indicates that rinsing after brushing actively removes these essential ingredients from the mouth. As a result, remineralizing toothpastes cannot properly strengthen and protect teeth as intended. 


So, simply spit out the toothpaste, skip the rinse, and carry on. Leaving residual toothpaste in the mouth allows remineralizing ingredients to do their job better.

3. Brush or Scrape Your Tongue

Right now, billions upon billions of bacteria are living in our mouths, many of which are responsible for bad breath. These bad-breath microbes create a sticky film in our mouths, which can be removed with gentle brushing. But, if you’re not brushing your tongue, then you may be leaving billions of odour-causing bacteria behind.


Following toothbrushing, you should brush or scrape your tongue. This helps to remove plaque, bacteria, and residual food debris on the tongue for fresher breath and a healthier smile.

4. Upgrade Your Dental Floss

There is no doubt about it–traditional string floss is a hassle. But, with recent upgrades to dental floss, patients have more accessible and comfortable ways to prioritize their periodontal health.


Here are just a few ways to floss in the 21st century:

  • A water flosser 
  • Interdental brushes
  • Floss picks (disposable or reusable!)

5. Eat and Drink Your Way to a Healthy Smile

Sugary and acidic foods and drinks are common cavity culprits. Therefore, establishing a dental-friendly diet is a great way to elevate your routine oral hygiene. 


So, drink plenty of fresh water, eat your fruits and veg, and add more probiotic foods (like yogurt and kimchi) to your menu for a healthier smile!

6. See a Dentist in NSW Every Six Months

Don’t let your routine oral hygiene practices go to waste. Maintain your oral health and hygiene by booking regular checkups and dental cleans with our dentists in New South Wales every six months. Request an appointment at Magic Smiles online now to schedule yours!


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