Why People Have Missing Teeth and The Available Solutions

By January 29, 2021 February 16th, 2022 Restorative Dentistry
illustration of mouth with missing teeth

While tooth loss is common, it isn’t inevitable. Most of the time, missing teeth are entirely preventable. Our job as dental professionals is to help patients maintain healthy and complete smiles for their entire lives! Unfortunately, this isn’t always possible. For those instances, we offer restorative treatments that reestablish beauty and function.

One of the best ways to prevent missing teeth is to educate yourself on what causes them. In this blog, we discuss the main reasons for tooth loss and the most popular solutions.

Reasons for Tooth Loss

Understanding what causes missing teeth can help you find ways to prevent tooth loss. Here are the four main reasons for one to several missing teeth:

1. Poor oral hygiene

The most effective oral hygiene routines include brushing twice a day and flossing daily. A proper diet and bi-annual visits to the dentist are also imperative to maintaining a healthy smile. Disregarding these guidelines may result in cavities or gum disease which may result in tooth loss.

2. Decay

Dental decay, or cavities, can lead to tooth loss when the cavity isn’t treated in time. As the plaque and tartar continue to eat away at the dental enamel, the tooth may become so infected that it can’t be saved. Patients will likely feel severe pain at this point, causing them to visit the dentist who may recommend a dental extraction.

3. Gum disease

Also known as periodontal disease, gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss among adults. What begins as bleeding gums could eventually lead to major tooth loss. Gum disease slowly progresses over time, so patients who visit the dentist regularly should avoid these consequences.

4. Trauma

Accidents happen and, most of the time, they are beyond our control. Sports injuries and car accidents can cause instant tooth loss or enough damage to a tooth that it must be extracted. Our dentists recommend wearing a mouthguard while playing sports to prevent tooth loss caused by trauma.

Solutions to Missing Teeth

Most patients seek treatment for missing teeth because of the negative impact on their appearance and confidence. However, tooth loss can also lead to serious oral and overall health issues. To avoid these consequences, most dentists offer these three restorative options:


Traditional dentures are a non-surgical option for patients who want to replace an entire arch of missing teeth. This restorative option is extremely popular, but may not provide the stability, function, or health benefits that most patients desire.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge consists of two dental crowns and one, two, or three prosthetic teeth. The dental crowns attach to the adjacent teeth which are shaved down. Dentists often recommend bridges to patients with only one to a few missing teeth in a row. Dental bridges are safe and secure.

Dental Implants

Dental implants can be attached to a single crown, a dental bridge, or a denture. These small, titanium rods take the place of tooth roots. During a surgical procedure, the dentist places one or more dental implants, then once the mouth has healed, he attaches the restoration.

Of all the restorative options, dental implants are the most durable, life-like, and safe.

Seek Treatment Today

Whether you already have missing teeth or want to avoid tooth loss, a trip to the dentist is always a good idea. At Magic Smiles, we desire to see patients of all ages maintain their natural teeth through preventive care. When that isn’t possible, our gentle and expert dentists offer safe and effective restorative solutions.

Call us today at (02) 6654-0650 to schedule an appointment.

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