5 Reasons to Consider Orthodontics

By April 28, 2023 March 27th, 2024 Orthodontics

Did you set any health or wellness resolutions for 2023? If you are looking for a truly transformative experience in the new year, consider orthodontic treatment. Orthodontia is commonly associated with the teenage years. But adults can also enjoy the many benefits of orthodontics.

At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, we offer clear aligner therapy. In most cases, clear aligners can straighten teeth just as well as traditional braces. But the appliances are much more discreet and comfortable, making them an ideal solution for teens and adults alike. 

To learn more about orthodontics and how treatment can benefit you, contact our practice today. We serve patients in Coffs Harbour, Woolgoolga, and the surrounding areas

1. Enhanced Appearance 

Of course, the most obvious advantage of orthodontic treatment is cosmetic. Straighter teeth can help you look younger and healthier. And if you have overall bite misalignment, orthodontia can even improve the contours of your face. 

2. Better Oral Function

If you have a very misaligned bite, your top and bottom teeth will not come together properly. This can make it difficult or uncomfortable to enjoy certain foods, like whole fruits, sandwiches, or tougher cuts of meat. Furthermore, severe misalignment can even impact your speech, making it hard to pronounce certain sounds correctly.

Orthodontics can help you comfortably enjoy a full range of foods. And you may be able to speak more clearly and articulately than ever before.

3. Reduced Risk of Tooth Decay

When teeth are crowded or overlapping, it’s easy for bits of food and bacteria to become trapped underneath. Even when you brush and floss, you may not be able to access these areas, providing a perfect opportunity for bacteria to proliferate and cause cavities.

According to one study following over 9,000 individuals, orthodontics reduce both the frequency and severity of tooth decay later in life.

4. Reduced Risk of TMJ Disorder

TMJ Disorder occurs when the jaw joints are inflamed or damaged. Although there are many risk factors for TMD, dental misalignment is one of the most common. A misaligned bite can put uneven pressure on your jaw joints. For instance, one side of your mouth and one joint might bear more of the brunt of your bite. 

Orthodontics can lower your risk of developing TMJ Disorder in the future. And if you already have it, clear aligners can relieve symptoms such as jaw pain, chronic headaches, and neck and shoulder discomfort

5. Improved Self-Esteem

Mental wellness is a vital part of your overall health. But dental misalignment can take its toll. You could feel embarrassed to smile or speak in public. And eating certain foods in front of others could cause you anxiety. Orthodontic treatment can improve all of these areas, giving you a greater sense of confidence and the ability to share your smile freely

Our clear aligners can further enhance your self-esteem because they are virtually undetectable, even from a close distance

Learn More about Orthodontics at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre

Experience the benefits of orthodontia for yourself. Contact our office to learn more about our treatment and to find out if it is right for you

Reach any of our three locations online or give us a call.

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