Common Questions about Teeth Whitening in Coffs Harbour

By April 20, 2023 Cosmetic Dentistry

If you are looking to enhance the look of your smile, there are many cosmetic dentistry treatments to choose from. However, teeth whitening in Coffs Harbour is one of the fastest and most conservative options available. Quickly erasing mild to moderate external staining, teeth whitening can have a dramatic effect on your appearance

At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, we are proud to offer Zoom!, the leading method of teeth whitening. With both in-office and take-home treatments available, you are sure to find something that fits your lifestyle and budget. 

Contact our office today to schedule a consultation and find out if teeth whitening is right for you.

Am I a candidate for teeth whitening in Coffs Harbour?

If you struggle with extrinsic dental stains, located on the outer surfaces of your teeth, you are likely a candidate for teeth whitening. Note that Zoom does not remove internal stains, which are often the result of decay, trauma, or certain medications. If you wish to address this type of discoloration, you are a better candidate for bonding or porcelain veneers.

Will in-office whitening work better than take-home treatment?

During in-office Zoom, your dentist will coat your teeth in peroxide whitening gel, which will break down stains. During take-home treatment, you will wear custom-made trays filled with a similar gel, though one with a lower concentration of peroxide. 

In-office Zoom can lighten your teeth by as many as 8 shades in a single office visit. Take-home treatment can also have noticeable results, but they will not be immediate. Typically, you will need to wear your whitening trays 30 minutes a day for about two weeks. 

Note that take-home Zoom, which is provided by your dentist, is much more effective than do-it-yourself treatments. More importantly, it could be safer. Some store bought whitening products have excessive levels of peroxide, which could cause sensitivity or even damage your teeth.

Does whitening hurt?

Whitening may cause some minor sensitivity during treatment. This may linger for a few days afterwards, especially in response to heat or cold. Monitoring your diet and using over-the-counter pain medication can reduce sensitivity. 

If you already suffer from dental sensitivity, be sure to let your dentist know ahead of time. That way, he or she can take appropriate steps to limit additional discomfort.

How long do results last?

Professional teeth whitening results typically last several years. Of course, this will depend on your oral health and lifestyle. Fortunately, it is safe to undergo repeat teeth whitening in Coffs Harbour, with the appropriate supervision of your dentist.

How can I make my results last longer?

Aside from routine dental hygiene, being vigilant about your diet is one of the best ways to prolong your teeth whitening results. Dark-colored foods and drinks, like coffee, red wine, and tomato products, are notorious for causing dental stains. Acidic products, such as soda and citrus, can also lead to discoloration by eroding tooth enamel. Enjoy these things moderately, and be sure to brush and floss afterwards. 

You should also avoid smoking and tobacco use

Contact Us to Learn More about Our Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments 

If you are interested in teeth whitening in Coffs Harbour, contact our office today! We are happy to answer any additional questions and explain our other cosmetic treatments, if desired. 

Contact us online or call us at (02) 6652-3242.

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