
Cosmetic Dentistry

Common Questions about Teeth Whitening in Coffs Harbour

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If you are looking to enhance the look of your smile, there are many cosmetic dentistry treatments to choose from. However, teeth whitening in Coffs Harbour is one of the fastest and most conservative options available. Quickly erasing mild to moderate external staining, teeth whitening can have a dramatic effect on your appearance

At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, we are proud to offer Zoom!, the leading method of teeth whitening. With both in-office and take-home treatments available, you are sure to find something that fits your lifestyle and budget. 

Contact our office today to schedule a consultation and find out if teeth whitening is right for you.

Am I a candidate for teeth whitening in Coffs Harbour?

If you struggle with extrinsic dental stains, located on the outer surfaces of your teeth, you are likely a candidate for teeth whitening. Note that Zoom does not remove internal stains, which are often the result of decay, trauma, or certain medications. If you wish to address this type of discoloration, you are a better candidate for bonding or porcelain veneers.

Will in-office whitening work better than take-home treatment?

During in-office Zoom, your dentist will coat your teeth in peroxide whitening gel, which will break down stains. During take-home treatment, you will wear custom-made trays filled with a similar gel, though one with a lower concentration of peroxide. 

In-office Zoom can lighten your teeth by as many as 8 shades in a single office visit. Take-home treatment can also have noticeable results, but they will not be immediate. Typically, you will need to wear your whitening trays 30 minutes a day for about two weeks. 

Note that take-home Zoom, which is provided by your dentist, is much more effective than do-it-yourself treatments. More importantly, it could be safer. Some store bought whitening products have excessive levels of peroxide, which could cause sensitivity or even damage your teeth.

Does whitening hurt?

Whitening may cause some minor sensitivity during treatment. This may linger for a few days afterwards, especially in response to heat or cold. Monitoring your diet and using over-the-counter pain medication can reduce sensitivity. 

If you already suffer from dental sensitivity, be sure to let your dentist know ahead of time. That way, he or she can take appropriate steps to limit additional discomfort.

How long do results last?

Professional teeth whitening results typically last several years. Of course, this will depend on your oral health and lifestyle. Fortunately, it is safe to undergo repeat teeth whitening in Coffs Harbour, with the appropriate supervision of your dentist.

How can I make my results last longer?

Aside from routine dental hygiene, being vigilant about your diet is one of the best ways to prolong your teeth whitening results. Dark-colored foods and drinks, like coffee, red wine, and tomato products, are notorious for causing dental stains. Acidic products, such as soda and citrus, can also lead to discoloration by eroding tooth enamel. Enjoy these things moderately, and be sure to brush and floss afterwards. 

You should also avoid smoking and tobacco use

Contact Us to Learn More about Our Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments 

If you are interested in teeth whitening in Coffs Harbour, contact our office today! We are happy to answer any additional questions and explain our other cosmetic treatments, if desired. 

Contact us online or call us at (02) 6652-3242.

A pretty mouth behind teal wrapping paper to convey cosmetic dentistry treatments for Christmas

Cosmetic Dentistry: Four Ways to Bring Glad Tidings to Your Grin

By Cosmetic Dentistry No Comments

Nothing brings cheer to your loved ones like your beautiful smile. But, if your smile is looking a little dull this holiday season, then you may be looking for fast and effective ways to upgrade your grin. This year, cosmetic dentistry treatments with our Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Center team can keep your smile off of the naughty list (read more about cosmetic dentistry here).


Are you ready to give yourself the gift of a healthy and beautiful smile? Then, schedule an appointment with our team in Coffs Harbour or Woolgoolga, NSW, today. Simply request your appointment here to get started.


Meanwhile, let’s explore four cosmetic dentistry treatments that can help you win a kiss under the mistletoe.

Teeth Whitening

Even if you have been using store-bought teeth whiteners, professional teeth whitening may be worth exploring


Professional whitening treatments use stronger ingredients than store-bought whiteners. In fact, professional treatments may contain up to 40% bleaching ingredients as compared to roughly 10% bleaching ingredients in store-bought options.


Not only are professional whitening treatments faster and more effective, but the results last longer, too. Experts believe that most patients can enjoy a noticeably lighter smile for up to three years after a single whitening treatment.

Dental Bonding

Dentists use a strong, tooth-coloured material to fill in cavities. But, this tooth-coloured material (a versatile composite resin) can do much more than protect teeth against further decay. Indeed, dentists frequently use this composite resin to address subtle smile flaws, such as:

  • Chipped or fractured teeth
  • Discoloured teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Large gaps
  • Worn tooth enamel


Dental bonding is non-invasive and completely reversible. Subsequently, it is a great way for you to customize your smile without damaging your natural teeth.

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are very thin (but very strong!) ceramic shells that dentists permanently affix to the front surface of teeth. They can cover the same smile flaws that dental bonding can cover, but porcelain veneers are not reversible. This means that this cosmetic dentistry treatment is a lifelong commitment. So, if veneers crack, break, or fall off, then it is crucial to repair or replace them as soon as possible.


Nevertheless, veneers may be a better way for you to get a perfectly tailor-made grin. You can work closely with our team to choose the right shade, shape, and size of porcelain veneers for your smile.

Laser Gum Contouring Cosmetic Dentistry

Having even one to two millimeters of extra gum tissue can give you the appearance of a gummy smile. Get your smile holiday-ready with safe and effective laser gum contouring.


This cosmetic dentistry procedure gently removes extra gingival tissue to improve your gum line and enhance your oral aesthetic. And, because our dentists use soft-tissue lasers, you’ll experience less pain and faster healing after the procedure. 

Cosmetic Dentistry Near Me

If you’re looking for affordable, safe, and effective cosmetic dentistry in New South Wales, then contact the team at Magic Smiles. With offices in Woolgoolga and Coffs Harbour, we can help you get a stunning smile just in time for the New Year. Request your appointment to get started now!

person holds a nicely wrapped gift

Dentists in Coffs Harbour Give You Oral Health-Related Gift Ideas for the Holidays

By Cosmetic Dentistry No Comments

Did the holidays sneak up on you like they snuck up on us? If so, then you may be looking for last-minute gift ideas for your friends and family members. Of course, we know that they’d love a prepaid cosmetic dentistry treatment (like teeth whitening!), but what about other oral health-related gifts? Our dentists in Coffs Harbour are here to help!


But, before you complete your holiday shopping, be sure to schedule a dental exam and cleaning for yourself at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre. Get started now by contacting our dentist in Coffs Harbour or Woolgoolga, NSW, here.


Now, back to your holiday shopping. In this post, our dentists in Coffs Harbour give you four oral health-related gift ideas that your friends and family will love!

Stocking Stuffers for Healthy Smiles

Never underestimate the power of stocking stuffers! Your loved ones will enjoy getting thoughtful, helpful, and cost-effective gifts, like:

  • Travel-size toothbrushes, toothpaste, and mouthwash
  • On-the-go oral hygiene products (like interdental flossers and single-use mini toothbrushes)
  • Sugarless gum and mints (opt for xylitol-containing goodies for their cavity-fighting properties!)
  • Store-bought whitening strips
  • Chewable toothpaste tablets

Electric Toothbrush

The Australian Dental Association (ADA) recommends twice-daily toothbrushing for at least 120 seconds (two minutes) each time. But, many of us struggle to brush twice a day for two minutes at a time.


If you know someone who hates to brush their teeth, then try gifting them an electric toothbrush. Not only are electric toothbrushes more effective at removing built-up plaque, but many of them are programmed to run for two-minute intervals. This means that your loved one can remove more cavity-causing plaque while also meeting the ADA’s daily oral-hygiene guidelines.

Oral Irrigators

Traditional string floss isn’t exactly fun to use. Wrapping the string tightly around the fingers can cut off circulation, and maneuvering the hands and floss around the mouth can be challenging, especially for children and older adults.


Oral irrigators (also called water flossers) are an easy and modern way to remove plaque from hard-to-reach places, like between the teeth and below the gum line. When used in addition to traditional string floss and regular brushing, oral irrigators are an ideal way to keep your smile healthy in between dental cleanings.

Specialized Toothpastes

While drugstore toothpastes are effective, they may not offer many additional benefits, like remineralizing properties


This year, show your loved ones that you care by giving them specialized toothpastes. Whether they strengthen weak tooth enamel or address tooth sensitivity, specialized toothpastes are a thoughtful way for you to help your friends and family members prioritize their oral health all year round.

Meet Our Dentists in Coffs Harbour or Woolgoolga

This year, don’t let the holidays stress you out–ask our dentists in Coffs Harbour or Woolgoolga for more oral health-related gift ideas. Simply reach the team at Magic Smiles here to learn more. And don’t forget to schedule a dental exam and cleaning for yourself while you’re at it!

blonde woman smiling at the camera

Everything You Need to Know About Teeth Whitening in Coffs Harbour

By Cosmetic Dentistry No Comments

Are you interested in brightening your smile but not sure where to start? Our knowledgeable dentists are here to discuss your cosmetic dentistry options for safe, gentle, and effective teeth whitening.  

Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre offers in-office and take-home whitening treatments for quick and convenient teeth whitening results in the Coffs Harbour area.  

How do I get started? 

One of our dentists can explain the benefits of teeth whitening during your periodic dental cleaning and check-up appointment. Teeth whitening works best when your teeth are clean and healthy. In fact, the best time for teeth whitening is after a dental cleaning!

Whitening treatment does not work on existing restorations such as crowns and bridges. Teeth whitening is also not recommended for teeth with decay or gums in need of treatment. Our team can help you prioritize the treatment you need for the brightest smile you deserve. 

What teeth whitening system do you use? 

Our office only uses Philips Zoom, which is the most trusted whitening product on the market. Zoom is also one of the most well-known in-office whitening treatments available. If you are in need of quick results for a special event, Zoom may be the perfect fit.

Philips also offers an extensive line of take-home whitening gels for long-lasting and convenient results. This option is perfect for patients who are unsure of the results they desire or those who need the convenience of at-home whitening.  

What is the process like? 

The Philips Zoom in-office whitening treatment can take several hours to complete. We recommend our patients bring earbuds to listen to music during the treatment. Hands-free entertainment is best. There will be breaks between whitening sessions to stretch your legs. The number of sessions depends on the current shade of your teeth. Our team will be there to make sure your comfort is top priority during these sessions.  

If you want to try Philips take-home whitening kit, a quick appointment to take impressions is necessary. Impressions are used to make molds of your teeth for a custom-fit tray that delivers the right amount of whitening gel. A helpful team member will go over instructions and assist you with trying on the trays to ensure a comfortable fit.  

What results can I expect? 

Whether you choose the in-office Zoom whitening or take-home kit, you can expect to see your smile brightened by several shades. Zoom in-office whitening treatment offers immediate results that continue to work even after you leave the office. To achieve your best results, it is important to follow all the instructions given to you during your appointment. 

For a long-term result that you will continue to love, we recommend you follow-up Zoom whitening with the take-home whitening kit. This is especially helpful if you enjoy drinking dark beverages such as coffee, tea, or wine. We find it is often necessary to continue whitening at home to maintain your brightest smile. 

Schedule Your Teeth Whitening in Coffs Harbour Appointment

When you’re ready to get started, schedule a dental check-up and cleaning. Let our team help you discover the best teeth whitening option to fit your specific needs! Contact us today at one of our three locations. 

Dental Cleaning Close-up

Book Dental Cleanings Before Whitening Treatments

By Cosmetic Dentistry No Comments

When people want to improve the way their smile looks, they often look towards teeth whitening. In fact, the Australian Dental Associate reported that 1 in 5 people bleached their teeth in 2020. Do you want to whiten your teeth but haven’t scheduled a dental cleaning appointment in quite some time. If this sounds like you, then slow your roll. For many reasons, it’s wise to schedule dental cleanings before teeth whitening treatments. Dr. Arpit Pathak of Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre thoroughly explains why:

You might discover that you don’t need teeth whitening.

Teeth cleaning doesn’t whiten your teeth. Still, it is an effective way to remove surface-level stains. Professional dental cleanings aim to remove pesky plaque, tartar, and food particles that cannot at-home flossing and brushing cannot reach.

Specifically, tartar is infamous for staining dental enamel with a yellowish-brownish color. Once the plaque on your teeth calcifies into tartar, dental team members must use a scaler. A scaler is a specialized dental hygiene tool that effectively removes tartar. Removing gunk from your mouth not only improves the way your teeth feel. It can also lead to less intense dental staining.

Your dentist can spot tooth decay and gum disease before it worsens.

Dentists can look at their patients’ teeth close up during dental cleanings. Here, they can spot dental issues that aren’t always noticeable to the naked eye. Before any cosmetic dentistry treatment, it’s wise to treat any oral health issues to maximize results.

Furthermore, powerful bleaching agents found in teeth whitening products can extensively damage your teeth and aggravate your gums. Consequently, you might suffer further discomfort or irritation if you bleach your teeth with existing dental issues. If your teeth are already compromised before treatment, you might experience irreversible damage after whitening.

Usually, dental insurance covers dental cleanings.

Even though insurance companies deem dental cleanings medically necessary, they don’t believe this same sentiment towards whitening treatments. Cosmetic dentistry treatments (like teeth whitening) only improve the way your smile looks and must be paid for in full by the patient.

By undergoing teeth cleaning first, you’ll have better results.

If you have food particles, plaque, and tartar on the surface of your teeth, bleaching agents in teeth whitening treatments cannot work as effectively. So, removing plaque and tartar yields more effective and noticeable results. You might be more satisfied with the dramatic transformation by cleaning your teeth before whitening treatments.

Visit us for dental cleanings, whitening treatments, and more!

Aside from normal discoloration, you might accumulate staining from neglecting dental health for an extended period, smoking, drinking dark-colored liquids, and natural aging. If you’re still unhappy with the color of your teeth after dental cleanings, you might want to consider adding on whitening treatments to gently bleach your enamel. However, it’s possible that your staining won’t budge with a traditional whitening treatment. If deep, intrinsic staining is causing your discoloration, then you might have to consider more extensive cosmetic dentistry treatments (for example, veneers).

Are you self-conscious about your teeth? First, schedule a standard dental cleaning at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre by calling (02) 6654-0650 or messaging us online. If you are still insecure about your teeth, there’s no shame in adding on or coming back in for teeth whitening treatment at our Woolgoolga or Coffs Harbour, NSW locations. We look forward to helping you feel more comfortable and content with your smile.

woman smiling after cosmetic dentistry services

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Change Your Life

By Cosmetic Dentistry No Comments

Your smile plays a much more significant role in your life than you might believe. Smiling more can positively impact your mood, relationships, and even success. When you feel content about how your smile looks, you’ll probably want to smile more. Still, cosmetic dentistry is the field of dentistry that exists for those who want to enhance the way their smile looks. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on positive aesthetic changes, including whitening, straightening, and shaping the teeth.

At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, our talented dental team provides comprehensive cosmetic dentistry services at our Coffs Harbour and Woolgoolga, NSW locations. Message us online today if you’re unsatisfied with your smile when you look in the mirror.

Although having healthy teeth and gums should be prioritized, addressing shortcomings that detract from your smile’s appearance is also valuable. Outside of improving aesthetics, here are several ways that investing in cosmetic dentistry can benefit your life and might make you smile more:

Straightening your smile impacts your dental health.

Beyond beauty concerns, uncorrected alignment of the teeth and jaws can pose health problems. Generally, overcrowded teeth are more prone to trauma and are abnormal enamel wear. Additionally, crooked teeth can contribute to poor oral hygiene, tooth decay, and periodontal disease since they are more challenging to clean. If your teeth or bite are misaligned, starting orthodontic treatment (for example, Invisalign®) may be a worthy venture.

Cosmetic dentistry can be a step towards a healthier lifestyle.

Cosmetic dentistry is an investment, and it’s sensible to proactively protect your investment. To prolong the effects of cosmetic dentistry treatments, you may be keener to kick the bad habits holding your smile back.

For example, it’s no secret that using tobacco stains your teeth. If you want to keep your dramatic, professional teeth whitening results for as long as possible, you may not be as tempted to smoke or chew tobacco products.

Improving the way your smile looks may improve your mental and physical health.

Taking pride in a sparkling smile can cause a ripple effect on your overall well-being. Theoretically and empirically, self-esteem is associated with mental and physical health. Research indicates that positive self-esteem is linked to happiness, adjustment, satisfaction, and even better recovery after severe disease.

Scientifically, smiling makes you feel good.

According to Ron Gutman, the author of “Smile: The Astonishing Powers of a Simple Act,” investigators discovered that one smile can produce the same level of neurological stimulation as up to 2,000 chocolate bars. Simply, the act of smiling releases dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin that signal to your body that you’re happy and make you feel happier.

Smiling more might make you live a longer life.

If you’re happy and you know it, you might live longer. While many studies focus on positivity, smiling, and lifespan, let’s focus on one. After studying an old baseball team photo, American scientists concluded a seven-year average lifespan difference between big smilers and non-smilers in this specific photo.

See How Our Cosmetic Dentists Can Help You Smile More

Self-care isn’t selfish. If you want to finally feel better about your smile, set up a cosmetic dentistry consultation at any of our Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre sites by messaging us online or calling:

  •       Woolgoolga, NSW (02) 6654-0650
  •       Coffs Harbour, NSW (02) 6652-3242
woman smiling and receiving dental checkup from gentle dentist

How to Tell that It’s Time for a Dental Checkup

By Cosmetic Dentistry No Comments

Dental checkups are crucial for preventing problems and preserving the teeth, gums, and supporting tissues. Additionally, checkups serve as an opportunity for dentists to identify the early signs of oral health conditions (before they get worse).

At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, Dr. Arpit Pathak assists families across New South Wales in achieving optimal oral health. Before booking your next dental wellness check, answer these six questions to discover if it’s actually time to visit the dentist.

1. Are you experiencing dental sensitivity or pain?

Though ranging in severity, dental sensitivity or pain can indicate tooth decay or gum disease. Besides a cavity or periodontal disease, sensitive teeth can reveal:

  • Eroded enamel
  • Fractured teeth
  • Worn down fillings
  • An exposed tooth root

As you can tell, there could be many reasons why your teeth feel sensitive or uncomfortable. Therefore, it’s the best bet to visit a general dentist if you are experiencing these symptoms.

2. Are your gums bleeding, sensitive, or receding?

Here are some scenarios that may indicate gum disease or brushing too hard:

  • You notice blood in the sink after you brush your teeth
  • Your teeth feel sensitive after eating or drinking something very hot or cold
  • Your teeth look longer than usual

If these symptoms sound familiar, a dentist can help you identify the cause of your suffering and offer appropriate intervention.

3. Do you have oral sores that won’t heal on their own?

The Australian Dental Association (ADA) describes mouth ulcers as “more than a troubling tingle.” Generally, ulcers (oral sores) are a short-lived immune reaction and signify that the body working quickly to repair the damage. Sometimes, oral sores form from outside forces. For example, ulcers are likely to develop when wearing improperly fitted dentures. Other times, stress, illness, and nutritional deficits can cause aphthous sores to form.

However, if you’ve noticed that an ulcer lasts longer than a week (or two), this could be a sign of oral cancer. If so, get checked out by a medical professional immediately.

4. Does your breath smell bad or teeth look yellow?

Having bad breath and yellow teeth can feel embarrassing. Despite good oral hygiene, these socially awkward symptoms can still occur (and plaque and tartar build-up is likely the culprit). Luckily, a skilled dental team can help tackle the source of this problem.

5. Do you have previous dental work that feels off?

Some people believe once they’ve had dental work, they never have to worry about their teeth ever again. However, this is far from the truth. If you’ve had any form of cosmetic or restorative work in the past, it’s crucial to keep an eye on that area. Crowns, dental implants, and other restorations can become loose or crack. If this happens, schedule an appointment with a general dentist immediately to help prevent further damage.

6. Has it been over six months since your last dental checkup?

When was the last time you had a dental checkup? Even though everybody is different, a good rule of thumb is to visit the dentist every 6 to 12 months. Commit to your oral health by scheduling your next appointment at one of many Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre locations. Check out our contact page to find a location closest to you.

Three Smiling Friends

Should I Receive a Porcelain Crown or Veneers?

By Cosmetic Dentistry No Comments

If you are considering enhancing your smile, a porcelain crown and veneers can be equally effective options. Our modern dental porcelain can be matched to virtually any shade of dental tissue, so your newly enhanced tooth or teeth will blend naturally with the rest of your smile. The right treatment for you will depend on several factors, including your dental health, your personal cosmetic goals, and the degree of enhancement you require. 

At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, a member of our team can explain both options at your consultation and help you choose the optimal treatment. Contact us today to schedule your cosmetic evaluation. 

What Is a Porcelain Crown?

A porcelain dental crown is a larger restoration, shaped like a tooth. Because it fits over the entire tooth, your dentist will need to significantly reshape it. He or she will gently trim away tissue before taking impressions. These impressions will enable our trusted partner lab to create a crown that fits comfortably and snugly. Your dentist will also carefully match the porcelain to your surrounding teeth to ensure a seamless and beautiful smile. 

Candidates for a Porcelain Crown

Because a crown requires significant changes to your tooth, we typically recommend this type of restoration for severe cosmetic issues or structural damage. A crown may be right for you if you struggle with:


  • Significant decay that is too widespread for a filling
  • An infected tooth
  • A cracked tooth
  • An acutely worn tooth that offsets the force of your bite
  • A severely misshapen tooth 

What Are Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are much smaller than crowns and, as such, require less alteration to your teeth. To place a veneer, your dentist will simply need to trim off the thin layer of dental enamel in the front of your tooth. As with a porcelain crown, he will then take impressions of your tooth and send them, along with an appropriate color selection, to our lab. The technicians will craft a wafer-thin piece of porcelain that will form a new facade for your tooth. 

Candidates for Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are a more conservative option than a porcelain crown. Accordingly, they may be a better choice if you are simply struggling with cosmetic dentistry concerns, rather than structural or functional issues. We may recommend veneers if you want to address:

  • Discoloration, such as internal staining, that teeth whitening cannot reduce
  • Small cracks and chips in your teeth
  • Minor gaps and misalignment that do not require orthodontic care
  • Worn edges that do not affect the balance of your bite 
  • Slightly misshapen or small teeth 

In addition, to qualify for veneers, your teeth need to be structurally sound. If you want to improve the look of a tooth with a cavity or previous filling, we will likely recommend a porcelain crown instead.

Find Out If a Porcelain Crown or a Veneer Is Right for You

At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, we proudly use the latest dental materials for stunningly lifelike crowns and veneers. We always provide detailed and honest treatment recommendations that are in your best interests. To learn more about our cosmetic and restorative options, contact us online or call (02) 6653-1788. We proudly serve patients in Coffs Harbor and Woolgoolga. 


A person rests their chin on their hands and smiles widely to reveal the benefits of routine oral hygiene

Teeth Whitening in Woolgoolga: Preparation, Procedure, and Results

By Cosmetic Dentistry No Comments

When it comes to teeth whitening, Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre in Woolgoolga believes in using the best products on the market. We provide popular and trusted Philips Zoom teeth-whitening treatments. Zoom products allow our patients to receive treatments either in our Woolgoolga dental office or in the comfort of their own home. 

The decision to receive in-office or take-home whitening treatments is completely up to our patients, but here are a couple of things to consider:

  • Patients expecting rapid results benefit most from in-office treatments.
  • At-home treatments take longer to achieve a patient’s desired shade, but the convenience allows patients to whiten their teeth wherever or whenever they want.  

Choosing the Right Teeth-Whitening Method for You

Knowing the available in-office and take-home Zoom options at our Woolgoolga dental centre helps patients determine which method is best for them. 

In-office teeth whitening systems include:

  • Philips Zoom QuickPro. This procedure takes 30 minutes and is best for patients who want rapid results.
  • Philips Zoom Whitespeed. This is a 45-minute procedure using a LED blue light to enhance whitening results. This procedure is recommended for patients looking for a dramatically whiter smile.

Take-home teeth whitening systems include:

  • Philips Zoom DayWhite. This is a kit which includes custom-made trays and a whitening solution based on the patient’s specific needs. The trays are worn for 30 minutes twice a day for 2 weeks.
  • Philips Zoom NiteWhite. Similar to Zoom DayWhite, this is a whitening kit that includes bespoke trays and a customized whitening solution. Zoom NiteWhite trays are worn overnight (or for at least 2-4 hours daily) for 2 weeks.


Whether patients choose to whiten their teeth at our Woolgoolga dental centre or at home, it’s important to prepare for the whitening process. Dentists recommend that patients receive a thorough, professional dental cleaning before applying Zoom teeth-whitening products. A dental cleaning helps prepare the surface of the teeth for optimal results. 


After discussing teeth-whitening options with Dr. Pathak and properly preparing the teeth, it’s time to work on getting a brighter, whiter smile. Here’s what patients can expect from their chosen teeth-whitening method:

In-office teeth whitening:

Philips Zoom QuickPro 

  • A thin layer of quick-drying varnish is applied to each tooth. 
  • Next, a protective sealant is applied over the varnish. 
  • After 30 minutes, the patient brushes off the varnish and sealant.
  • Patients are free to leave the office immediately after application. 

Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed

  • A layer of whitening gel is applied to the teeth. 
  • Next, a LED lamp is used to enhance the effects of the whitening product. 
  • The gel and light process is repeated 3 times. 
  • Afterward, a protective gel is applied to the teeth to shield the enamel and diminish sensitivity. 
  • Before leaving the office, Dr. Pathak will supply patients with a take-home whitening kit and customized trays so they can conduct touch-ups at home.

At-home teeth whitening:

Philips Zoom DayWhite and NiteWhite

    • Brush and floss teeth thoroughly to remove plaque.
    • Carefully place a small drop of whitening gel into each tooth impression in the customized tray. 
    • Place the tray gently over the teeth.
    • Remove the tray after the prescribed time.
    • Gently wash the tray in cold water.
    • Brush teeth to remove the leftover whitening gel.

Brilliant Results

One treatment of Philips Zoom QuickPro delivers a smile that is up to 4 times brighter. Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed results in teeth that are up to 8 shades whiter after a single treatment. After 2 weeks, patients using Philips Zoom DayWhite or Philips Zoom NiteWhite will enjoy noticeably whiter, brighter smiles. 

Schedule a Consultation

Not sure which Zoom teeth-whitening method is best for you? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Pathak and his Woolgoolga dental team today. Call us at +61423191324 or contact us online.

Veneers or dental crowns: which are best?

Veneers vs Crowns:  Which option is right for you?

By Cosmetic Dentistry No Comments

Veneers and dental crowns are great ways to improve a smile. One restores damaged or decayed teeth while the other is solely cosmetic. 

Dr. Arpit Pathak at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre can explain the pros and cons of veneers and crowns to help you determine the best option for your smile.

How are veneers and crowns different?

Dental crowns cover and protect damaged and decayed teeth. They can also replace a missing tooth when paired with a dental implant. 

A dental crown can be thought of as a cover for the whole tooth. They are roughly 2 millimeters thick and are made of either porcelain, a combination of porcelain and metal, or entirely of metal.

A veneer is a thin tooth-colored shell that is attached to the front of an existing tooth. It is made of porcelain or resin (a composite material) and is roughly about 1 mm thick.

Veneers can cover surface-level chips and cracks. However, chips and cracks that affect the tooth’s root or pulp must be treated with a crown. 

Because a veneer only covers the front surface of a tooth, it leaves more of the original tooth intact than crowns. However, about half a millimeter of the enamel on the front of the tooth needs to be ground down to roughen the surface for bonding a veneer.

What’s the process for getting a veneer?

The dentist makes an impression of your tooth either by digital scan or by mold. The image or mold is then sent out to a lab for the creation of the veneer. When the veneer is manufactured and sent back to the dentist, it is bonded to the tooth using special cement. Once the cement hardens, the veneer is ready to go.

What’s the process for getting a crown? 

Unlike veneers, dental crowns cover an entire tooth. Because of that, more of the original tooth needs to be filed in advance of crown placement.

As with veneers, a dentist takes an impression of your tooth by digital scan or by mold and then sends that scan or mold to a lab for manufacturing of the crown.

When the permanent crown is ready, the dentist will place it on the patient’s tooth. Then, the fit and bite will be adjusted until comfortable.

What are the pros and cons of crowns and veneers?

The pros of crowns

  • Entire coverage of the tooth so there is more protection from decay
  • Porcelain crowns look and feel like natural teeth

The cons of crowns

  • More of the natural tooth needs to be filed or ground down to prepare the tooth for placement
  • The fragility of the porcelain means it can be damaged over time
  • A dark line between the crown and the gum may become visible as the gum recedes over time (this only applies to crowns that are made from porcelain fused with metal alloy)

The pros of veneers

  • Aesthetically pleasing; no line between the gum and the crown becomes visible 
  • Don’t require a lot of filing or grinding of natural teeth in preparation

The cons of veneers

  • More of the natural tooth is left exposed, leading to decay
  • The lifespan of veneers is only 5-7 years, at which point they may have to be replaced
  • Veneers are not reversible

Learn More from Our Coffs Harbour Dentist

A patient with teeth that require restoration can get all of their questions answered about crowns and veneers by Dr. Pathak and his team. Call any one of our three convenient locations (Coffs Harbour – (02) 6652-3242 or Woolgoolga – (02) 6654-0650) or conveniently schedule an appointment online today.