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July 2021

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By Children's Dentistry No Comments

Why are young kids so reluctant to meet their local children’s dentist? Dentophobia in young children may stem from fear of a new environment and not knowing what to expect. It could also be caused by the sound of dental equipment

Whatever the cause, parents and dentists have to work together to foster good oral health. When kids develop dental hygiene skills at a young age, they have fewer tooth problems as adults. 

So what’s the solution? How can parents help their kids get excited about going to the dentist? Here are some pro tips to help your little one overcome dental fear: 


Ideally, children should have their first dental visit when they start teething or turn one year old, whichever comes first. Look for a dental practice that specializes in treating young children. They will work with parents to make the visit feel safe and exciting. 

Here are two tips for parents of young children: 

  1. Have kids meet their local children’s dentist before having a cleaning or exam. They can take a tour of the dentist’s office, meet their care team, and even sit in the chair. It’s a no-pressure way to introduce them to the dentist.
  2. Incorporate the idea of visiting the dentist into conversations at home. Try to find age-appropriate books that describe what it’s like to go to the dentist. Kids might want to give dental exams to their stuffed animals or learn more about healthy teeth.

Even with all of the above preparation, some kids will take a few visits to warm up to dental and other medical visits. This is absolutely normal and universal. 


Once kids are comfortable with their local dentist, they can start getting cleanings and exams. Even though baby teeth fall out eventually, it’s still important to check them regularly for signs of decay.

To make sure kids pass their dental exams with flying colors, establish a tooth brushing routine at home. Flossing isn’t necessary until kids have two teeth that touch each other, usually around the age of two or three. Tooth brushing, on the other hand, is a perfect addition to the bedtime routine. 

If your child has been to the dentist several times and still shows reluctance or fear, have a chat with them at home. Being brave and overcoming fear is something we all have to do at times. Also, talk to your dentist. They may suggest that your child: 

  • Bring a stuffed animal or blanket to exams
  • Sit in your lap during teeth cleaning
  • Come in when there are fewer patients in the office
  • Visit again without having an exam

Compassionate dentistry is all about helping patients get the right care. If it takes a little longer to get our littlest patients excited about brushing, we don’t mind at all. 


We know that children can get a little nervous when it’s time to visit the dentist, which is why our friendly team at Magic Smiles is so patient and kind. Dental visits shouldn’t be stressful, so we do everything possible to put your child at ease. 

Children between the ages of two and 17 may be entitled to $1000 of free dental treatment through Medicare. To determine eligibility, call Medicare direct (132 150) to speak with a customer service representative. 

To get started with us, give us a call at (02) 6654-0650 to schedule an initial consultation with our dental specialists. 


Invisalign aligners


By Invisalign No Comments

Are you an adult who would like to reap the benefits of straight teeth? Do you need to find a discreet way to improve your smile? 

More than 10 million people have used Invisalign, a set of clear braces that realigns even extremely crooked teeth. Instead of metal braces, which can be uncomfortable, Invisalign uses a series of clear retainers. 

In general, Invisalign treatment takes 12 to 18 months, and there is a slight adjustment period. Patients often see results in just a few weeks. To find out the best way to care for new Invisalign aligners, keep reading. 


During the first few weeks, Invisalign retainers may be a bit uncomfortable. Patients should wear them for 22 hours per day to get the maximum benefits. Patients will feel pressure as teeth move into their new positions, but there shouldn’t be any sharp pain. Here are a few ways to adjust to the aligners:


So much depends upon getting a tight seal between the Invisalign retainer and the teeth. One simple way to accomplish this is to use an aligner chewie, a small device that patients bite down on while wearing the braces. They put the chewie over different sections of teeth, then bite. 

This tightens the seal and makes the aligners more comfortable. There shouldn’t be any sharp pain or bleeding from the gums. If this occurs, it’s time to meet with the dental team in person.


If possible, remove the Invisalign aligners every day at the same times. These breaks can occur at any time of day, but make sure the total “off” time is no more than two hours. The braces might irritate the tongue at first, but it’s important to leave them in place. 

There are several free apps to help track daily wear time. Use these if you aren’t sure if you are meeting the required time. Patients who are inconsistent with wearing their braces could extend their treatment time past 18 months. 


Although it’s tempting to remove aligners by hand, it can scrape the gums and lead to infection. To properly remove Invisalign aligners, use an Orthokey. This small hook is specific to Invisalign appliances and is safe to use at home. 

Cleaning aligners takes a few steps, but this process is vital to prevent bacteria and plaque buildup. First, remove the aligners and rinse them under warm water. Next, brush them with toothpaste and rinse again. Soak the aligners in a special cleaning solution and then rinse one more time. 

Taking the time to care for Invisalign aligners helps maintain oral health during the realignment process. Teeth and gums are extremely vulnerable to bacteria, and proper care will prevent gum disease from taking hold. 

Talk to your dentist to see if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign.  


After our patients’ teeth are nice and straight, we recommend that they get teeth whitening. Our friendly team at Magic Smiles can do in-house whitening procedures that give you a dazzling, natural-looking smile. 

In addition to clear Invisalign braces, we also offer traditional metal braces. Adults who wish to improve their smiles are welcome here! We have offices in Woolgoolga and Coffs Harbour.

Talk to us about your oral health goals and we can chat about the Invisalign process. Contact our experienced team today at (02) 6654-0650 to schedule an initial consultation with our experienced dental specialists.

a tooth with a blue arrow


By Restorative Dentistry No Comments

Adults need dental implants or dentures for a number of reasons. Poor oral hygiene, untreated gum disease, and heart disease can all lead to tooth loss. Diabetes and COPD are also common culprits. 

Surprisingly, about two-thirds of all senior citizens have gum disease. That’s about 36 million people who are at risk of losing teeth. What’s the solution? 

Dentists work with patients to prevent tooth loss, but if it occurs they have a few solutions. Dental implants are one treatment option, but how do they stack up against dentures? To find out more about these procedures, keep reading. 


Dental implants consist of a post made from titanium, which is implanted in the gums, and a crown made from ceramic or porcelain. There are several steps involved with dental implants. First, the oral surgeon removes the tooth and allows the gums to heal. If necessary, he or she will graft bone into the empty spot in the patient’s gums. 

After this heals, the oral surgeon implants the post in the gums. They may top it with a porcelain or ceramic crown, or use it as an anchor for dental bridges or dentures. With proper care, dental implants can last for 30 years or more. 

Dental implants strengthen the gums and do require a healthy, robust gumline for optimal insertion. They provide a natural-looking, enduring solution to tooth loss. 

The only drawback for some patients is the cost. Dentists may discount multiple implants and they can provide guidance regarding health plans. 


Dentures are ideal for patients who have lost several teeth in a row or entire arches. They also work well for patients whose gums cannot support dental implants. Dentures are custom-made, typically from acrylic resin. 

Patients who have remaining healthy teeth may be good candidates for partial dentures. These dentures may be anchored to implants or the patient’s teeth. Often, they are removable. 

Full dentures are another option for patients who have had a full arch removed on the top, bottom, or both. Again, specialists craft natural-looking, custom appliances that help patients talk and chew normally.

The cost of dentures is typically less than that of implants, but dentists can advise as to the final price. 

Whether patients choose dental implants or dentures, the goal is always a healthy mouth and a bright smile. Restoring your teeth can make you feel more confident, boosting your ability to get jobs and make friends. 

It’s always a good time to address your oral health. Even if you haven’t been to a dentist for years, let us help you by starting with a tooth cleaning. We can discuss your smile goals and see if implants or dentures are a viable option.


Tooth loss happens, but our friendly team at Magic Smiles offers dentures and dental implants that give you a dazzling, natural-looking smile. 

We also offer a wide range of cosmetic procedures including tooth bonding, contouring, and clear Invisalign braces. Adults who wish to improve their smiles are welcome here! We have offices in Woolgoolga and Coffs Harbour.

It’s never too late to invest in a healthy, full smile. Talk to us about your oral health goals. Contact our experienced team today at (02) 6654-0650 to schedule an initial consultation with our dental specialists. 

Attractive senior man with nice smile


By Restorative Dentistry No Comments

Did you know that tooth implants have been around for thousands of years? Bamboo, copper, and iron have all been used to replace missing teeth. Some civilizations even used human or animal teeth, to varying levels of success. 

Nowadays, experienced oral surgeons use titanium dental implants. Your local Coffs Harbour dentist performs dozens of implants each year and is happy to answer commonly asked questions about this procedure. 

With proper care, dental implants can last for more than 30 years. Keep reading to learn more about this attractive, durable solution for missing teeth. 


Dental implants have a 90% to 95% success rate and the surgery is performed on an outpatient basis. Dentists first remove the infected or broken tooth, creating a gap in the gum line. They allow that to heal and may graft in some donor bone if the gum line is not strong enough. Once that heals, it’s time to focus on the implant. 


Dental implants are titanium posts that are inserted into the gumline. They strengthen the patient’s gums and, as they heal, integrate themselves into the jaw bone. The titanium bonds with the patient’s bone and does not move around like some dentures. 

Implants are natural-looking and long-lasting solutions for people with one or two missing teeth in a row. Larger gaps may require bridges or dentures. 


People with healthy gums and sufficient jawbone are good candidates for dental implants. If the jaw bone has deteriorated, oral surgeons graft in healthy bone. This supports healing and promotes acceptance of the implant. 

At the time of the implant, patients should be in good physical health. Dentists may need to confer with patients’ doctors in the event of an ongoing physical illness. 


Depending upon the patient’s preferences, dental implants may be better than traditional dentures or dental bridges. They are permanent, don’t shift around, and look natural. Dentures can be uncomfortable at first, and bridges may require filing down existing teeth. 

Our Coffs Harbour dentist will discuss your options to make sure you’re getting the right procedure. 


Even though implants cost more than other options, they are an investment in your smile and overall health. Missing teeth diminish oral health and weaken the jawbone, so it’s important to replace them as soon as possible.

Costs for implants vary according to each patient’s health plan, and dentists may be able to discount multiple implants. The operation can be performed with or without general anesthesia for nervous patients or complex cases. Talk to your local Coffs Harbour dentist about what we can do for your smile!


If you are considering dental implants, the first step is an evaluation and x-ray. Our experienced team at Magic Smiles will determine if you’re a good candidate for the procedure. We provide gentle dental checkups and will only recommend you for implants if it’s the right next step. 

Patients who are getting implants for a special event, such as a wedding or graduation, should know that implants can take up to six months from the initial exam to the final crown. 

Let’s talk! Contact our friendly team today at (02) 6654-0650 to schedule an initial consultation with our dental specialists. 

Coffs Harbour Invisalign Dentist

Your Coffs Harbour Invisalign® Dentist Explains Clear Braces

By Invisalign No Comments

Do you dream of a beautiful smile but hate the idea of metal braces? Have you thought about Invisalign® clear orthodontics but fear they will be ineffective?

At Magic Smiles Dental, Dr. Arpit Pathak has helped hundreds of patients achieve a beautiful, straight smile with Invisalign clear aligners. Here he explains how Invisalign works to correct misaligned teeth and bites.

Why should I consider Invisalign orthodontics?

Aside from the obvious aesthetic improvement orthodontics provide, straight teeth offer much more than a beautiful smile. Over half of our patients report improved confidence and happiness after treatment with Invisalign clear aligners. Also, crooked, crowded, and gapped teeth are much harder to keep clean, so straightening your teeth also comes with enhanced oral health.

While traditional metal braces effectively move your teeth into proper alignment, Invisalign offers several advantages that attract many patients.

One of the most popular reasons patients choose Invisalign orthodontics is because they are so discreet. With their perfect fit and clear design, they are virtually invisible. In fact, people standing right next to you probably won’t even notice them.

Another reason people love Invisalign is that they are removable. This makes oral hygiene much easier and more effective and means none of the food restrictions metal braces require.

Aside from those reasons, patients find the clear aligners much more comfortable than metal brackets and wires that can poke and injure soft tissues in the mouth. There’s also no need for emergency dental visits for a broken wire of lost bracket.

Moreover, because of how Invisalign aligners work, most patients only have to wear them for 6 to 18 months, compared to the usual 2 years for traditional braces.

How do I get started with clear aligners?

The first step in the process is an evaluation to determine if you are a good candidate for Invisalign. Good oral health is vital, so any dental decay or gum disease issues will need treatment before beginning with orthodontics. The evaluation will also include photographs, x-ray images, and a model of your teeth and bite.

At Magic Smiles Dental, we use digital x-rays for reduced radiation exposure and improved image quality. We also utilize state-of-the-art intraoral scanners that produce an instant 3D surface model using advanced imaging sensors. This allows you to avoid the traditional dental molds that are unpleasant and messy.

Your Invisalign dentist will then utilize all your information to generate a computerized treatment plan. A special Invisalign lab will fabricate your clear aligner sets with advanced dental technology so that they will fit perfectly.

As you progress through treatment, each new aligner set will progressively move your teeth into the desired positions.

Do clear aligners really move teeth effectively?

All orthodontics, including Invisalign clear aligners, reposition teeth through force. The force breaks down bone surrounding teeth, allowing them to move. Once a tooth moves to the desired position, bone regeneration holds it firmly in its new place.

To achieve continued force, traditional metal braces require frequent visits to the dentist for wire tightening. Rubber bands are also commonly employed to achieve the correct force.

With Invisalign, however, the force is progressively changed by micromovements through a series of aligners. Each new set is created to move your teeth gently but continually toward their desired positions. During treatment, you will progress to a new set of aligners approximately every two weeks. And since you progress at home on your own, you won’t have to see your dentist as often.

As you progress in treatment, tooth movement will be noticeable when you see your smile in the mirror. The final set of aligners is meant to be your retainers, and just like retainers after traditional braces, you will need to wear these until bone regeneration is complete.

While not everyone is a candidate for Invisalign aligners, they are highly effective in patients with mild to moderate crowded and crooked teeth.

Are you a candidate for Invisalign Clear Orthodontics?

Would you like to know if Invisalign will give you the smile you have always dreamed of? If you are in the Coffs Harbour area, contact our friendly, knowledgeable dental team today at (02) 6652 3242 to schedule an appointment. We would be honored to help you fall in love with your smile!