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November 2022

A person clutches their jaws to indicate the presence of a TMD

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD): What It Is, and How to Treat It

By Orthodontics No Comments

If you have frequent jaw pain that makes yawning, speaking, and chewing more difficult, then you may have a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). Luckily, simple solutions (like orthodontics) can help you get lasting relief from jaw pain and dysfunction.


The team at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre is here to help you get healthy teeth and jaws for life. Contact our team in Coffs Harbour and Woolgoolga, NSW, online here to see how we can take your oral health to the next level.


Diagnosing a temporomandibular joint disorder starts with you. Keep reading to learn more about what a TMD is, what it feels like, and how to treat it

What is TMJ disorder?

The temporomandibular joint (shortened to TMJ) is a hinge-like joint. It connects the lower jaw (called the mandible) to the temporal bones of the skull (located just above the ears). These joints allow us to open and close our mouths. Because of their near-constant use for speaking, eating, and yawning, the TMJ is vulnerable to injury and wear over time.


Dysfunction and disease can limit the TMJ’s mobility, comfort, and function, leading to what experts call a temporomandibular joint disorder.

What causes a TMD?

A TMJ disorder may develop for a number of reasons, including:

  • Bruxism (unconscious dental grinding and jaw clenching)
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Tight or tired facial muscles
  • Trauma or injury to the jaw 
  • Arthritis 
  • Depression, anxiety, and other psychological stressors
  • Certain medications (like fluoxetine, sertraline, and venlafaxine)
  • Genetics


The cause of a TMD may be the result of one, some, or all of the above factors. Ultimately, a trained professional must diagnose the disorder in order to pinpoint the likely culprit and treat it accordingly.

What does a TMJ disorder feel like?

In the absence of pain, clicking and popping sounds coming from the jaw joints are normal. However, clicking and popping accompanied by pain are signs of a TMD.


Other signs and symptoms of a TMJ disorder include:

  • Pain that radiates from the jaw toward the face, neck, or shoulders
  • Jaw stiffness
  • Limited mobility
  • Locked jaws
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Frequent headaches or migraines
  • Changes in bite patterns

How can I treat a TMJ disorder?

There are several surgical and non-surgical options to treat a TMJ disorder. However, the team at Magic Smiles always prefers to pursue non-surgical treatment options before pursuing surgical treatment options.


Common non-surgical treatment options include:

  • Personalized night guards: These anti-bruxism devices provide a constant cushion between the teeth to deter sleep bruxism (which affects nearly 13% of all adults).
  • Orthodontic treatments: In some cases, improper dental alignments may put undue stress on the teeth and jaws. Simple solutions (like clear aligner therapy) can easily shift teeth into better alignment for prolonged pain relief.
  • Medications: Whether over-the-counter or prescription, painkillers can reduce discomfort and improve jaw mobility. Alternatively, anxiolytics and antidepressants may also decrease tension in the jaw and improve mobility.

Get TMD Relief Now at Magic Smiles

Don’t let jaw pain and dysfunction keep you from living your life to the fullest. Contact the team at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre today to see how we can help you. Just send a message to one of our three, convenient locations to book your appointment now!


A person rests their chin on their hands and smiles widely to reveal the benefits of routine oral hygiene

Improve Your Routine Oral Hygiene with These Six Tips

By Dental Checkup No Comments

Routine oral hygiene includes activities like brushing and flossing. But, is simple brushing and flossing enough to keep your teeth and gums healthy and functional? Possibly, but there are a few things you can do (along with regular checkups) to take your oral hygiene to the next level.


At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, we believe that exceptional oral health care starts with you. So, don’t be shy–contact our team in Woolgoolga and Coffs Harbour, NSW, today. Simply send us a brief message here to get started!


In this post, we give you six tips on how you can improve your routine oral hygiene. Because even tiny changes can add up to major improvements in your oral and overall health!

1. Use a Soft-bristled Toothbrush

Did you know that the bristles on toothbrushes come in different stiffnesses, like soft, medium, and hard? Many patients assume that the stiffer the bristles are, the better clean they will get. But, that simply isn’t true.


Hard-bristled and soft-bristled toothbrushes both clean teeth equally well. The key difference? Hard bristles can rub away the protective layer on our teeth (tooth enamel) at an alarming rate, but soft bristles do not.


So, ditch the hard-bristled brush. Save your tooth enamel and prevent cavities with soft-bristled toothbrushes instead.

2. Don’t Rinse after Brushing

Today, many toothpastes contain remineralizing ingredients, such as fluoride or nano-hydroxyapatite. These ingredients rebuild weakened tooth enamel and prevent cavities from forming on the teeth.


Research indicates that rinsing after brushing actively removes these essential ingredients from the mouth. As a result, remineralizing toothpastes cannot properly strengthen and protect teeth as intended. 


So, simply spit out the toothpaste, skip the rinse, and carry on. Leaving residual toothpaste in the mouth allows remineralizing ingredients to do their job better.

3. Brush or Scrape Your Tongue

Right now, billions upon billions of bacteria are living in our mouths, many of which are responsible for bad breath. These bad-breath microbes create a sticky film in our mouths, which can be removed with gentle brushing. But, if you’re not brushing your tongue, then you may be leaving billions of odour-causing bacteria behind.


Following toothbrushing, you should brush or scrape your tongue. This helps to remove plaque, bacteria, and residual food debris on the tongue for fresher breath and a healthier smile.

4. Upgrade Your Dental Floss

There is no doubt about it–traditional string floss is a hassle. But, with recent upgrades to dental floss, patients have more accessible and comfortable ways to prioritize their periodontal health.


Here are just a few ways to floss in the 21st century:

  • A water flosser 
  • Interdental brushes
  • Floss picks (disposable or reusable!)

5. Eat and Drink Your Way to a Healthy Smile

Sugary and acidic foods and drinks are common cavity culprits. Therefore, establishing a dental-friendly diet is a great way to elevate your routine oral hygiene. 


So, drink plenty of fresh water, eat your fruits and veg, and add more probiotic foods (like yogurt and kimchi) to your menu for a healthier smile!

6. See a Dentist in NSW Every Six Months

Don’t let your routine oral hygiene practices go to waste. Maintain your oral health and hygiene by booking regular checkups and dental cleans with our dentists in New South Wales every six months. Request an appointment at Magic Smiles online now to schedule yours!


A young woman sits on the floor and clutches her chest, indicating dentophobia before a dental appointment

Four Ways to Overcome Dentophobia

By Dental Checkup No Comments

Is a deep-seated fear of the dentist keeping you from getting yearly checkups and cleanings? You don’t have to go through it alone. The team at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre is here to give you four ways to overcome dental anxiety (also called dentophobia).

Looking for gentle dentistry in Coffs Harbour or Woolgoolga, NSW? At Magic Smiles, we offer numerous services (like sedation dentistry) to make dental care more comfortable for you. Contact our team now to see how we can give you a more pleasant experience.

Meanwhile, let’s discuss four things you can do to make dental care less intimidating. Even simple solutions can add up to major differences in your care and comfort!


Calm Your Nerves with Breathing Exercises

We’ve all heard it before– “Just take a deep breath!” But, how beneficial is deep breathing on anxiety? It turns out that it could make a noticeable difference in soothing frayed nerves.

Research reveals that prolonging exhalation triggers the parasympathetic nervous system. Once triggered, the parasympathetic nervous system reduces the fight-or-flight response. As a result, feelings of fear and anxiety greatly diminish with deep, controlled breathing.

So, what’s the trick? Simply breathe in, and fully release all of the air from your lungs (exhaling for about five counts). Repeat this process for two to five minutes or until you feel more relaxed.


Distract Yourself with Your Favorites

For many patients, the sensations of a dental office can trigger their dentophobia. So, if the sound of drills or the smell of a sterile environment causes you to panic, then block out the surrounding environment with welcome distractions

Here are a few ways that you can keep yourself distracted and entertained during dental appointments:

  • Listen to your favorite music (and pump the volume up just a tad!)
  • Watch your favorite TV shows or movies (on our TVs or on your own device!)
  • Play with fidgets to keep energetic hands occupied
  • Place diluted essential oils (like calming lavender mixed with coconut oil) under the nose to promote calm 


Find Your Happy Place

It might sound a little silly, but visualization can be a powerful tool to combat dentophobia. Visualization is a mental exercise that encourages patients to reframe and redirect their thoughts. Experts believe that visualization is a form of meditation, which can help patients relax and find their ‘happy place,’ even in stressful situations.


Consider Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry may be the most effective way to overcome dentophobia. This nerve-soothing approach to gentle dentistry deters dental anxiety with the use of:

  • Oral conscious sedation
  • IV sedation
  • Nitrous oxide 
  • Local anesthesia
  • General anesthesia


Sedation dentistry is right for most patients. So, don’t hesitate to ask our team which sedation dentistry services might benefit you most at your next appointment!


Ask Us About Sedation Dentistry in New South Wales

Don’t let dentophobia keep you from getting exceptional dental care with our skilled dentists in Coffs Harbour and Woolgoolga, NSW. Contact the team at Magic Smiles online here to ask us about our available sedation dentistry services and other gentle treatments.


Close-up image of crowns for teeth in Coffs Harbour, NSW

Six Reasons to Get Crowns for Teeth

By Restorative Dentistry No Comments

Dental crowns for teeth serve as protective coverings to combat continued damage, decay, and dysfunction. As a result, dental crowns (also called caps) are a popular restorative solution to strengthen and beautify patients’ smiles.


Looking for top-notch restorative dental care in a friendly and educational atmosphere? Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre is your premier location for all things dental health. Schedule your next dental appointment at one of our three, convenient locations in Coffs Harbour and Woolgoolga, New South Wales by submitting a request online here.


Meanwhile, let our team tell you six reasons why you might need dental crowns for teeth. From restorative to cosmetic, these versatile prosthetics offer numerous benefits.

1. Prevent Cavities from Spreading

Did you know that cavities are contagious? 2014 research indicates that cavities are infectious, as cavity-causing bacteria are easily transmissible via saliva. That’s right–swapping spit can result in tooth-destroying cavities.


If you have a cavity, then it’s important to protect yourself and others from damaging bacteria. Dental caps can prevent extensive dental decay from spreading to surrounding teeth or other people. As a result, crowns for teeth serve as comprehensive treatments that restore patients’ smiles and their interpersonal relationships. 

2. An Alternative to Traditional Teeth Whitening

Traditional teeth-whitening treatments easily lift external stains from the teeth. But, when it comes to internal discoloration, traditional teeth-whitening just won’t cut it.


Internal stains may be the result of trauma, medications, or health conditions. Whatever the cause, they are immune to traditional whitening methods. Instead, patients with intrinsic stains can seamlessly cover discoloration with tooth crowns.


Our team can craft and color-match crowns to patients’ exact specifications. As a result, patients can tailor their smiles to meet their aesthetic, health, and budgetary goals.

3. Combat Tooth Sensitivity

Thinning tooth enamel is the primary cause of dental sensitivity. And, even though tooth enamel is the toughest substance in our bodies, it is incapable of repairing itself once damaged.


Significantly worn or thin tooth enamel requires reinforcement. However, simpler solutions (like dental fillings) may not be enough to support ultra-weak teeth. Dental caps offer more protection than fillings while also improving the appearance of dull or discolored teeth.

4. Complete a Dental Implant or Dental Bridge

Tooth caps can sit atop a dental implant to replace missing teeth. Alternatively, crowns can serve as anchors on neighboring teeth to keep dental bridges securely in place. 

5. Protect Teeth Following Root Canal Therapy

If a cavity goes untreated for too long, it may result in a painful (and potentially life-threatening!) root canal infection. Luckily, root canal therapy effectively removes the infection. But, teeth with root canal infections require long-lasting protection.


A tooth cap protects and restores teeth following root canal therapy. As a result, patients can keep their natural teeth longer without sacrificing their overall aesthetic.

6. Reshape Teeth to Improve Oral Function and Aesthetics

In some cases, short or misshapen teeth can affect dental occlusion (the way our teeth align and interact). Dental crowns for teeth with abnormalities help patients improve their bite patterns, which improves their oral function and appearance.

Crowns for Teeth in Woolgoolga and Coffs Harbour

Are you ready to see if crowns are right for your teeth? Then, contact the team at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre today! Patients can easily reach one of our three locations by submitting appointment requests online here.