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December 2021

A large family smiles after receiving excellent care with dentists in Coffs Harbour

How to Find a Friendly Family Dentist Near Me

By Children's Dentistry No Comments

Are you searching for a consistent, faithful “family dentist near me” that can do it all? Family-focused dentists undergo training to serve every stage of life in preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry. Here are four measures that people can take to make sure that they choose a suitable family dentist.

1. Search “family dentist near me.”

“Near me” searches are location-based searches. When conducting “near me searches,” Google uses GPS (Global Positioning System) to deliver results that are closest to the searcher’s current location. Typing in “family dentist near me” is a simple phrase that can help you find dentists near you.

2. Check out photos of previous work.

Most of us have heard the cliche, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Yet, they may be worth even more than that. Humans are highly visual creatures, and we have observed the world around us since birth. In fact, our eyes work with our brain to decode and understand pictures. According to scientists at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), half the human brain is devoted directly or indirectly to vision. Because humans are hardwired to use images to support understanding, photographs of previous work can help prospective patients understand:

  • What a dental team has already accomplished
  • Predict the quality and types of services a dentist can perform for them in the future

3. Visit the practice (virtually).

Before, families could visit dental offices to meet a few members of a dental team and feel the ambiance of a clinic. Even with current Public Health Orders and Restrictions, you can still learn more about a practice by visiting their website:

4. Consider online reviews.

With access to information at our fingertips, it’s wise to research others’ opinions and experiences before committing to a practice. Families should look for two things: positive and negative reviews:

  • Positive reviews are a sign that patients are satisfied with their care. Does the dentist offer comprehensive services? What extra steps does the family dentist take to improve the patient’s experience?
  • The key to understanding negative reviews is not necessarily concerned about what the patient complained about, and it’s even more critical to focus on how the dental practice handled the complaint. Were they understanding, polite, and professional? Did they solve the complaint swiftly?

After appointments, patients are encouraged to leave honest feedback on Google, Facebook, and more. Here are some sentiments that our patients had to say about Magic Smiles Woogoolga:

  • “Had three fillings today, and I don’t like needles, so I did it without the needles. The surgeons were so good and patient and fast. No needles weren’t a problem! My teeth feel amazing, and I have never liked a dentist until now!”
  • “Very knowledgeable and competent dentist.”
  • “Great Family and Specialist Dental Practice in Woolgoolga”
  • “Best dentist in my life. Thank you soooooo much!”
  • “Professional, friendly, and felt at ease as soon as I arrived. Great work, Dr. Arpit, and team!”

Woolgoogla Family Dentist Near Me

Searching for a dentist in Woolgoolga, NSW, and surrounding areas that can treat every family member? Look no further. Dr. Arpit Pathak is an exceptionally highly rated dentist that helps patients achieve healthier, more brilliant smiles. At Magic Smiles Dental & Implant Centre, Dr. Pathak offers extensive dental treatments in an attempt to meet most needs. To schedule an initial consultation with a Woolgoolga Family Dentist today:

Woolgoolga dentist handles dentures

Woolgoolga Dentist Explains the Advantages and Disadvantages of Dentures

By Restorative Dentistry No Comments

Tooth loss and inadequate detention (fewer than 21 natural teeth) are health issues for Australians of all ages. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reports that 1 in 10 adults over 15 years have inadequate detention (and this rate of inadequacy increases with age). For this reason, some people choose dentures in pursuit of improving oral function and take years off their appearances. If you are considering tooth replacement methods, you may want to know how they can improve or hinder your lifestyle. In this blog, Dr. Pathak, a Woolgoolga dentist, clarifies the pros and cons of dentures.

Advantages of Dentures

1. There are many types of dentures.

Dental prosthetists design dentures to look and feel like natural teeth. In partnership with Harry Ramana (our skilled and knowledgeable denture prosthetist with decades of international experience), Dr. Pathak helps patients decide on the following types of dentures:

  • Partial dentures
  • Full dentures
  • Traditional dentures
  • Implant-supported dentures

2. Dentures are affordable.

According to a recent Australian Dental Association survey, the cost of complete maxillary dentures can range between $950 and $2,000 (with an average price of $1,350). Compared to dental implants, traditional dentures can be much more reasonable than dental implants (especially when multiple implants are required). 

It’s important to mention that dentists set their fees, and their prices reflect on a wide range of factors, including: 

  • Overhead costs
  • Location
  • Insurance coverage
  • Degree of difficulty needed for each service

3. Dentures are a straightforward tooth replacement method.

Dentures don’t require as much time or in-office appointments as other dental procedures (such as dental implants). Dentists and dental prosthetists work together to design, create, and complete dentures within a few weeks and typically two in-office visits:

  • Visit One: The dentist takes dental impressions.
  • Laboratory Time: The dentist sends the impressions to a lab for fabrication.
  • Visit Two: The dentist fits the fresh set of dentures to the patient’s mouth. If needed, adjustments are made.

4. Dentures provide added support.

The masseter muscle is a thick muscle located in the cheek that closes and opens the jaws during chewing. As time marches on, facial muscles weaken, and studies prove that tooth loss can expedite this process. An eye-opening study published by BMC Geriatrics revealed that tooth loss and masseter muscle thickness have a stronger relationship than aging and skeletal muscle mass index do.

For this reason, dentists sometimes recommend dentures to combat weak and sagging facial muscles. Dentures provide additional support to the jaw and oral muscles, which result in a more youthful, natural appearance in the jaw, mouth, and cheekbones.

Disadvantages of Dentures

1. Dentures can change the facial structure.

When the natural tooth root is missing, the jawbone is not stimulated, leading to bone atrophy. Bone atrophy shrinks the underlying bone and changes face shapes and supporting gum tissue. Furthermore, dentures must be refitted (or relined) every five to ten years as facial structures change.

However, it’s important to note that patients who choose implant-supported dentures do not need to worry about this problem as much. Dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that mimics a natural tooth root and saves the supporting jawbone.

2. Dentures require an adjustment period.

As patients adjust to dentures, they may experience onset discomfort, diet changes, and other difficulties. After 30 days, new denture wearers can expect to feel “normal” again and become accustomed to a foreign object in their mouth. 

Chat with a Woolgoolga Dentist about Dentures

Even though dentures are not a perfect tooth replacement option, their benefits outweigh the shortcomings. Start your improved smile journey with dentures today. Call (02) 6654-0650 or message us online to speak about dentures in Woolgoolga.

3D illustration of how crowns for teeth sit on a dental implant

Coffs Harbour Dentist Explains the Truth About Dental Implants

By Restorative Dentistry No Comments

When it comes to replacing the natural tooth root, dental implants are the gold standard. Despite popular belief, the dental implant is not the replacement tooth itself. Dental implants are surgically-secured devices that secure prosthetic teeth and abutments (connecting piece).

If you or a loved one are considering tooth removal and replacement, continue reading. In this blog, Dr. Arpit Pathak, a Coffs Harbour Dentist, clears up four more common myths and misconceptions about dental implants.

Myth #1: Dental implants are expensive.

According to Dental Costs Australia, dental implants range in cost based on how many teeth need to be replaced and the location of the office:

  • Single Dental Implants: $2,850 to $6,500
  • A Single Dental Implant Plus Bone Grafting: $4,000 to $11,500
  • All-on-4® Dental Implants: $15,000-$30,000

While it’s true that dental fillings, root canals, and other dental procedures are less expensive than dental implant surgery. Most dentists suggest other less costly and more conservative treatments if the tooth root can be saved. However, it’s important to note that this is not an option in certain circumstances.

Dental implants are the most effective method of replacing missing teeth, and the benefits are priceless. Implant-supported restorations:

  • Behave like natural teeth
  • Are intended to last a lifetime
  • Prevent facial bone loss
  • Stabilize neighboring teeth

Over time, these benefits add up and may lead to less time and money needed for maintenance. Investing in dental implants now can eliminate the need for future procedures and therapies in the future. 

Myth #2: Implant surgery is scary and painful.

Even though anxious attitudes towards dental practice settings are a global, prevalent problem, anxiety does not equate to reality. Before dental implant surgery, your dentist will:

  1. Explain what will happen during surgery and recovery.
  2. Administer local anesthesia and optional sedation to add comfort to the dental surgery.
  3. If necessary, prescribe pain management for post-procedure discomfort

Myth #3: Dental implants require additional maintenance.

Indeed, dental implant patients must take additional precautions during healing (such as diet changes). However, implant-supported restoration maintenance after recovery is similar to typical dental care routines.

Dental implants are not as delicate as you may think, and a key component of successful implantation is successful osseointegration. Osseointegration involves bonding the load-bearing implant with the surrounding bone, which allows the implant the next best thing to a natural tooth root.

After successful osseointegration, patients with dental implants are encouraged to:

  • Brush and floss teeth daily
  • Visit the dentist for routine exams and professional cleanings every six months

When practiced consistently, dental hygiene habits prevent the development of tooth decay and gum disease. As a bonus, dental restorations are not susceptible to cavities and other issues like natural teeth.

Myth #4: Dental implants do not work for people with dentures.

If you are missing an entire row or set of teeth, consider All-on-4 dental implants. All-on-4 implants can replace the need for traditional dentures and bone grafts, using just four dental implants to support a full arch. 

Learn More About Dental Implants with a Coffs Harbour Dentist

At Magic Smiles Dental Implant Centre, Dr. Pathak helps patients decide if dental implants are the best option for each one-of-a-kind smile. Save your smile and act now. Schedule a consultation for dental implants with our Coffs Harbour Dentist by:

Smiling woman holding Invisalign tray

How Does Invisalign Work: The Complete Guide

By Invisalign No Comments

The chances are that you’ve heard about Invisalign® and its reputation as an alternative to traditional braces to straighten teeth. Even though Invisalign has become a household name in dentistry, you may not know much about it. Don’t fret. This guide answers questions such as, “how does Invisalign work?” and more.

1. How does Invisalign work?

The Invisalign system consists of a series of transparent trays created from BPA-free plastic, molded to fit the wearer’s mouth. Each prescribed tray gently shifts the teeth into the desired position using gentle pressure (similar to traditional braces). For Invisalign to work, it’s essential to wear the trays as prescribed (typically 20 to 22 hours per day). Trays can be taken off to eat, brush, and floss. As the treatment continues, new trays are needed every few weeks. This means that more frequent dental visits are required so that dentists can ensure that treatment is on track and to hand out new trays.

2. How long is the treatment process?

An exciting aspect of clear aligner therapy is that it can be comparably shorter than traditional braces. According to a comparative study evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency between conventional fixed appliances and clear aligners, Invisalign patients finished treatment faster than those with fixed appliances. However, we hypothesize that the shorter treatment time in this study may be because Invisalign is generally suited for patients with less complicated alignment cases.

Before committing to extensive treatments, patients commonly ask how often ask how long it takes to see results. In many cases, patients see noticeable changes within two to three months. While total treatment time varies from person to person, patients typically complete their treatment in 12 to 18 months on average. It’s important to note that more uncomplicated cases tend to have shorter treatment times than more complex ones.

3. Does Invisalign work for everyone?

To date, 11 million people and counting have straightened their teeth with Invisalign, but not everyone qualifies for this treatment. Invisalign is ideal for teens and adults with minor to moderate misalignment and malocclusion, including:

  • Closing gaps or spaces
  • Correcting crooked or crowded teeth
  • Aligning overbites, underbites, crossbites, and open bites

While clear aligner technology is constantly updating, most dentists do not recommend Invisalign for young children or patients with severe malocclusion (bad bite). Why?

  • Children’s teeth are complex and still developing, and for this reason, dentists do not commonly suggest clear aligner treatment.
  • More complex cases may require more than gentle pressure to move teeth into perfect alignment. Although Invisalign now offers SmartForce attachments for more complex movement, traditional braces are still superior at correcting more complicated cases.

However, the most effective way to know which orthodontic treatment will be most effective for your unique case is to schedule an in-person appointment with a dentist.

Book a Consultation for Invisalign Right Now

Consider scheduling an Invisalign consultation if you are interested in undergoing orthodontic treatment while embracing the freedom to:

  • Eat what you want
  • Clean your teeth more thoroughly
  • Straighten your teeth with discretion

Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre can answer your questions and see if Invisalign is a suitable treatment for your needs. Start your straight smile journey by contacting us online or calling us at one of our three locations in New South Wales:

  • Woolgoolga (02) 6654-0650
  • Coffs Harbour (02) 5645 6375