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September 2020

beautiful transformed smile with veneers

Can veneers transform my smile?

By Cosmetic Dentistry No Comments

Who doesn’t want a beautiful, dazzling smile? A great smile starts with straight, white teeth, but what if your teeth are less than perfect? For these patients, our team at Magic Smiles offers veneers. This cosmetic treatment seamlessly improves the appearance of teeth.

Porcelain veneers are thin, strong shells that our dentist places on the surface of teeth. They are strong and durable to perform like your normal teeth. Best of all, your teeth will look and feel natural.

Who Are the Best Candidates?

The best candidates for veneers are people who have minor cosmetic issues. If your teeth are extremely crooked, misaligned, or broken, there are other treatment options available. In our practice, we use veneers for the following:

  • Small gaps
  • Small chips and breaks
  • Misshapen and crooked teeth
  • Stained teeth that are resistant to whitening

Additionally, patients should have healthy teeth and gums. If you have cavities or gum disease, the dentist needs to treat these oral health problems before you can get the treatment. This cosmetic procedure also works better for individuals who don’t clench or grind their teeth. During a consultation, our dentist can determine if veneers are the right choice to meet your needs.

What Happens During Installation?

The installation process is straightforward and involves two separate appointments. During your first visit, the doctor removes a small amount of enamel from the tooth’s surface. By removing the enamel, the dentist is making room for the veneer to fit appropriately.

Once your teeth are prepped, the doctor makes impressions, takes photos, and x-rays. The images and impressions are sent to the lab. At the laboratory, the technicians make your permanent veneers.

In some cases, the dentist might place temporary veneers while the permanent restoration is customized at the lab. Once your permanent restoration is ready, you will return to the dentist. The doctor first checks that the fit, shape, and color are correct before placing. He or she can make any need adjustments at this time. The doctor uses a strong bond to attach the veneers.

How Will I Feel Afterward?

After the treatment, it’s normal for patients to experience some discomfort and soreness. This usually subsides within a few days, and patients can take over-the-counter pain relievers to minimize any symptoms. The teeth might feel sensitive, so you might have to watch what you eat and drink. It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions to minimize any symptoms.

How Do I Care for my Veneers?

Veneers are long-lasting and can last up to 20 years or even longer in some cases. To get the most out of your new veneers, you should care for them like you would your natural teeth. This includes brushing and flossing daily. Patients should also be cognizant of the foods they eat to minimize the chance of any chips or breaks.

Patients should visit their dentist regularly for check-ups. In case your teeth suffer any wear or tear, your doctor can fix or replace your veneers to restore your smile.

Schedule a Consultation

If you want to find out if dental veneers are right for you, you can contact our team to schedule a consultation. Our dentist examines your mouth and gums to determine if you are a candidate for the procedure. Give us a call at (02) 6654-0650 to speak to one of our knowledgeable team members.




5 Reasons You May Need A Dental Crown

By Restorative Dentistry No Comments

Each time a dentist places a dental crown, their goal is to restore the look and function of the damaged tooth. Dental crowns are popular restorative options because they are extremely effective, durable, and versatile. Most dentists offer several types of dental crowns, such as all-ceramic, metal, porcelain-fused-to-metal, and zirconia. Each type has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The patient and dentist will work together to choose the material that works best for the patient’s lifestyle and smile.

Not sure if you need a crown? Here are five reasons why your dentist may suggest a dental crown:

1. Large cavity

Cavities can create large holes in a tooth when not treated early enough. In cases like these, a dentist will clean out and fill the cavity, but the surrounding tooth structure may still be weak. When that occurs, a crown is used to protect the rest of the tooth from breaking.

2. Broken cusps

The cusp of a tooth is the pointed part of the biting surface used to break up foods. These are typically broken when a person chews on things like ice or crunchy foods often. Though these types of cracks or breaks aren’t usually painful at first, they enhance a person’s risk of further breakage, tooth decay, and disease. It is important for patients to seek dental treatment for a broken cusp as soon as possible. In many cases, the dentist will recommend a dental crown.

3. Excessive wear

Bruxism (teeth grinding), acid reflux, and consuming large amounts of highly acidic foods can cause teeth to wear over time. Sometimes this process is quick and other times, teeth wear from years of neglect. Patients eventually notice that their teeth aren’t as sharp or as long as they once were.

Dentists will place a dental crown over the damaged tooth along with treating the underlying cause of the tooth wear. For example, if bruxism has caused the damage, your dentist may recommend wearing a nightguard to protect your teeth while sleeping.

4. Root canal

A patient may need root canal therapy for any of the following reasons:

  • Severe decay
  • Repeated dental procedures on the same tooth
  • A faulty crown
  • A severe chip or crack in the tooth

Regardless of the reason, once the procedure is complete, the dentist will most likely place a dental crown on top of the root-canaled tooth to reinforce the tooth’s strength and function. The natural tooth serves as a pillar for the crown, keeping it secured and supported.

5. Dental implants

When a patient wants to replace a missing tooth, most dentists recommend dental implants. This tooth-replacement option is one of the safest, most durable, and natural-looking options available.

The procedure consists of placing a titanium, screw-like rod through the gums and into the jawbone—this acts as the tooth root. Once healed, the dentist will place an abutment that secures the crown to the implant. To replace more than one missing tooth, the patient may choose an implant-supported dental bridge or denture.

Dental Crown in Woolgoolga

Not sure if you need a dental crown? Visit your local dentist for an initial consultation to learn about your restorative options.

Our gentle and experienced dentists are prepared to create a dental crown that restores function and completes your smile. To schedule your initial consultation, call (02) 6654-0650.

woman with Invisalign

Are Invisalign® clear aligners as great as they seem?

By Invisalign No Comments

What hinders a smile more than gaps and misalignment? Bulky, metal braces. Should the solution to a problem add to it, even if just for a little bit? While the saying, “it will get worse before it gets better” applies to some situations, it doesn’t have to apply to orthodontics.

Invisalign clear aligners offer a discreet solution to gapped, crowded, and misaligned teeth. Though this incredible product has been around for decades now, it has never been as effective as it is today. Rarely do dentists have a patient who isn’t a candidate for clear aligners.

Want to know more? Check out the rest of this blog to learn why Invisalign is one of the best orthodontic and cosmetic dentistry options for your smile.

1. Less time at the dentist’s office

With traditional braces, patients must visit the dentist regularly to have their wires or rubber bands tightened. This is extremely inconvenient for adults and teenagers who so often have packed schedules.

Because Invisalign patients don’t have brackets and wires, they don’t have to attend these appointments. Additionally, the Invisalign treatment program allows patients to receive trays for several phases of their treatments which can last for months. This means, they only need to visit the dentist for progress checks or if something is wrong with their aligner.

2. Easier maintenance

Unlike traditional braces, clear aligners can be removed. This makes them much easier to clean and enables patients to clean their teeth thoroughly before replacing the aligner. Patients who choose Invisalign are less likely to suffer from cavities, gum disease, and dental staining when they care for their mouth properly. However, it is important to note that patients must be willing to clean their teeth after every meal so that bad bacteria don’t fester beneath the aligner.

3. Discreet appearance

Undoubtedly, the number one reason patients want Invisalign is because of its discreet appearance. Traditional braces, though much less bulky now than they used to be, are obvious and distracting. Clear aligners may be somewhat noticeable, but they are completely invisible, so patients can go about their days feeling confident about their appearance and that their smile is getting more and more beautiful by the day.

4. More comfort

Brackets, wires, and rubber bands can be extremely painful and uncomfortable, especially right after placement and tightening appointments. These elements often irritate patients’ cheeks, lips, and gums.

Invisalign technology eliminates those irritants and provides patients with a smooth appliance that works just as effectively. However, in some cases, patients with Invisalign still need to wear rubber bands, so don’t be surprised if your dentist recommends them.

5. No food restrictions

Braces may inhibit a person’s ability to eat certain foods and most dentists recommend that patients avoid crunchy foods that could harm their brackets. With Invisalign, there are no such restrictions. Patients simply remove their aligners while eating—the biggest issue here is that some people forget to put their aligners back in or accidentally throw the aligner away! Yikes!

Your Invisalign Dentists in Woolgoolga

At Magic Smiles, we desire to help patients achieve healthy AND beautiful smiles. Invisalign is just one of the many ways we do that. To learn if you are a suitable candidate for Invisalign, contact our friendly dental team today at (02) 6654-0650 to schedule your initial consultation.