

A woman puts a clear aligner in her mouth after visiting an Invisalign doctor in New South Wales.

How to Choose the Best Invisalign® Doctor Near You

By Invisalign No Comments

You’re ready to straighten your smile and enhance your appearance with Invisalign®  treatments. Congratulations on taking the leap! But, now you might be faced with a dilemma: choosing the best Invisalign doctor near you.


With so many options available to patients, it can feel overwhelming to find the right dentist to help you correct a crooked smile. At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, however, we make it easy. 


Our experienced team members, advanced technology, and contemporary techniques make our dental clinics in Coffs Harbour and Woolgoolga, NSW, the top-ranking locations for all of your smile and Invisalign needs. Simply send our team a message to schedule your consultation with our Invisalign doctor today!


Meanwhile, let our team give you tips and tricks on how to find an expert Invisalign doctor near you. Using this information could save you money on your unique treatment plan.

Look for Experienced Invisalign Doctors

Invisalign treatments can be costly for patients and dentists alike. Therefore, Invisalign offers incentives to dentists who provide Invisalign smile-correcting systems in their practices. This allows Invisalign doctors to reduce their overhead, which saves them money in the long term.


The idea of incentive programs is to help dentists pass the savings on to their patients. So, the longer a dentist has been offering Invisalign, the more likely they are to offer reduced rates.


At Magic Smiles, our team of experts has been offering smile-enhancing Invisalign treatments for years. This means that we are ready, willing, and able to make clear aligners more affordable and accessible to patients from all backgrounds.

Consider a Specialist

When it comes to getting a perfectly straight and beautiful smile, patients should consider a specialist, like an orthodontist. An orthodontist has unique training in correcting numerous alignment issues. As a result, patients can get highly-personalized care that doesn’t require additional expertise when they visit an orthodontist.


The team at Magic Smiles knows that you and your family are busy. That’s why we offer a wide range of dental specialists, including a licensed and experienced orthodontist. So, when you choose our team, you’re choosing convenient, comprehensive care in a single, friendly location.

A Great Invisalign Doctor Should Have Great Technology

Dental technology is constantly improving, which allows Invisalign doctors to deliver more effective and comfortable care. However, if a dentist is using old technology, then you may not be getting the best results from clear-aligner systems.


At Magic Smiles, we prioritize your care and comfort by staying current on all the latest dental technology and trends. Using advanced software (like Digital Smile Design), our team can intricately plan each step of your treatment. Not only that, but this cutting-edge technology allows our team to show you what your straightened smile will look like before you even begin Invisalign. Talk about advanced technology!

Looking for an Invisalign doctor near you? We can help!

Stop searching for a needle in a haystack and start calling the team at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre. Our team of skilled professionals has the credentials, expertise, and technology to give you the perfectly straight, tailor-made smile of your dreams. 


New and existing patients can schedule their Invisalign consultations by sending our team a message here.


woman smiling before Invisalign treatment

Is Invisalign® worth it?

By Invisalign No Comments

If you’re considering starting a journey to straight teeth, you might be interested in Invisalign—and you’re not alone. Currently, 12 million people have achieved a more beautiful and healthier smile with this clear aligner system. Because of the solid global backing and success, you may still wonder if Invisalign is worth it for you? Well, the short and anticlimactic answer to this burning question is “it just depends.” 

Knowledge is power, and it’s worth visiting a dentist near you to know for sure. If you are in New South Wales, schedule an Invisalign consultation with Dr. Arpit Pathak or one of his colleagues as an initial step. Then, answer the following questions regarding Invisalign candidacy:

Do you value discretion?

One of the top reasons people choose Invisalign is that it is famously hard to detect. Invisalign aligners are crafted from transparent, biocompatible plastic designed to fit snugly on the teeth. If you want the fact that you’re straightening your teeth to be your little secret, then Invisalign is ideal.

How severe is your misalignment?

Although Align Technology is continually evolving, it is not suitable for everyone. Invisalign is ideal for patients with mild to moderate misalignment. Additionally, those who need to refresh and realign their teeth after previous orthodontic work may benefit from Invisalign. (Yes! Usually, it pays off to wear your retainer with fidelty!) Depending on your specific needs, braces may be better suited for your smile.

Do you want to be able to keep your diet the same?

It’s human nature to gravitate towards the foods we’ve learned to love. However, Dynamic Eating Psychology supports that restricting foods (especially those you enjoy) triggers a stress reaction in the body. Yes, it’s essential to eat some foods in moderation. However, saying “no” to foods that you have an emotional bond with can leave you feeling uneasy.

Unfortunately, fixed braces come with the hurdle of not being able to eat whatever you want. Sticky, tough, and crunchy foods are off-limits when wearing braces because they can snap the wires and brackets. Conversely, a bonus feature about Invisalign is that it’s removable. As long as you take out your aligners before meals and snacks, you can eat virtually whatever you want, whenever you want.

Are you interested in a potentially more comfortable treatment?

Usually, all orthodontic treatments have the potential to produce mild to moderate discomfort. Orthodontic treatment relies heavily on applying pressure to the tooth roots. Consequently, gentle orthodontic pressure can still cause soreness that you can usually mediate with over-the-counter medication.

Structurally, braces can be more uncomfortable than clear aligners. If dislodged, metal wires and brackets may scratch or poke the gums and sides of your mouth. On the other hand, Invisalign is made of plastic, which feels smooth.

Is Invisalign Really Worth Your While?

Though results and experiences vary from person to person, studies support that patients are satisfied post-Invisalign. Frankly, it’s hard to tell if clear aligner therapy is suitable for you without at least meeting with an Invisalign provider to see if you qualify.

If you’re still wondering if the Invisalign system is worth it, schedule an appointment at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre by calling (02) 6654-0650 or messaging us online. Our dentists are eager to evaluate your smile to see if Invisalign could benefit your life. 

Smiling woman holding Invisalign tray

How Does Invisalign Work: The Complete Guide

By Invisalign No Comments

The chances are that you’ve heard about Invisalign® and its reputation as an alternative to traditional braces to straighten teeth. Even though Invisalign has become a household name in dentistry, you may not know much about it. Don’t fret. This guide answers questions such as, “how does Invisalign work?” and more.

1. How does Invisalign work?

The Invisalign system consists of a series of transparent trays created from BPA-free plastic, molded to fit the wearer’s mouth. Each prescribed tray gently shifts the teeth into the desired position using gentle pressure (similar to traditional braces). For Invisalign to work, it’s essential to wear the trays as prescribed (typically 20 to 22 hours per day). Trays can be taken off to eat, brush, and floss. As the treatment continues, new trays are needed every few weeks. This means that more frequent dental visits are required so that dentists can ensure that treatment is on track and to hand out new trays.

2. How long is the treatment process?

An exciting aspect of clear aligner therapy is that it can be comparably shorter than traditional braces. According to a comparative study evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency between conventional fixed appliances and clear aligners, Invisalign patients finished treatment faster than those with fixed appliances. However, we hypothesize that the shorter treatment time in this study may be because Invisalign is generally suited for patients with less complicated alignment cases.

Before committing to extensive treatments, patients commonly ask how often ask how long it takes to see results. In many cases, patients see noticeable changes within two to three months. While total treatment time varies from person to person, patients typically complete their treatment in 12 to 18 months on average. It’s important to note that more uncomplicated cases tend to have shorter treatment times than more complex ones.

3. Does Invisalign work for everyone?

To date, 11 million people and counting have straightened their teeth with Invisalign, but not everyone qualifies for this treatment. Invisalign is ideal for teens and adults with minor to moderate misalignment and malocclusion, including:

  • Closing gaps or spaces
  • Correcting crooked or crowded teeth
  • Aligning overbites, underbites, crossbites, and open bites

While clear aligner technology is constantly updating, most dentists do not recommend Invisalign for young children or patients with severe malocclusion (bad bite). Why?

  • Children’s teeth are complex and still developing, and for this reason, dentists do not commonly suggest clear aligner treatment.
  • More complex cases may require more than gentle pressure to move teeth into perfect alignment. Although Invisalign now offers SmartForce attachments for more complex movement, traditional braces are still superior at correcting more complicated cases.

However, the most effective way to know which orthodontic treatment will be most effective for your unique case is to schedule an in-person appointment with a dentist.

Book a Consultation for Invisalign Right Now

Consider scheduling an Invisalign consultation if you are interested in undergoing orthodontic treatment while embracing the freedom to:

  • Eat what you want
  • Clean your teeth more thoroughly
  • Straighten your teeth with discretion

Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre can answer your questions and see if Invisalign is a suitable treatment for your needs. Start your straight smile journey by contacting us online or calling us at one of our three locations in New South Wales:

  • Woolgoolga (02) 6654-0650
  • Coffs Harbour (02) 5645 6375
woman placing Invisalign aligners in mouth

Is Invisalign worth the cost? 

By Invisalign No Comments

How much would you pay to have a beautiful smile for the rest of your life? It’s hard to put a price tag on that. However, we understand that patients must consider their budget before moving forward with orthodontic treatment.

Asking whether or not Invisalign® is worth the cost implies that Invisalign clear aligners are more expensive than traditional braces. That isn’t always the case. Depending on your alignment issues, clear aligners could be the same price as metal braces or even more affordable. 

Invisalign vs Traditional Braces

Some benefits of Invisalign are more obvious than others. For instance, patients love that aligners are clear and hardly noticeable. Other benefits are less obvious, like the fact that Invisalign can provide faster results than braces in some cases. 

Let’s dive into the reasons why so many patients believe that Invisalign is worth the cost.

1. Aesthetics

The aesthetic difference between traditional braces and Invisalign is clear. The nearly invisible aligners draw older teens and adults to this orthodontic treatment because they can maintain a mature and professional appearance while undergoing orthodontic treatment. 

What is even better is that this method of straightening teeth and correcting bite issues often provides several other advantages over traditional orthodontic methods. 

2. Comfort

Invisalign uses a patented SmartTrack™ material that consists of several layers of polyurethane plastic resin. SmartTrack is safe, effective, and comfortable. The aligners fit snugly around the teeth and should not irritate the gums, lips, or cheeks (a common complaint among patients with traditional braces). 

3. Freedom

Patients who choose Invisalign have the freedom to remove the aligners whenever necessary. Although they must be worn for at least 22 hours per day to be effective, being able to remove the aligners while eating is a freedom that traditional braces do not offer. 

4. Easy maintenance

Traditional braces require a lot of maintenance. You even need a special tool for flossing. Invisalign aligners are easy to clean. Simply soak them in a cleaning solution or gently scrub them with a toothbrush. 

Removing the aligners also makes it easy to thoroughly clean your teeth before putting the aligner back in your mouth. Easy maintenance and the ability to care for your teeth as usual reduce the risk of cavities and gum disease during and after treatment. 

5. Results

The success of the Invisalign brand can be attributed to its effective and proven results. Compared to braces and other clear aligner brands, Invisalign is often faster at moving teeth and treating a variety of other conditions. As long as the patient complies with his dentist’s aftercare guidelines, his results should last a lifetime! 

The Numbers

So, what does Invisalign really cost? According to, Invisalign treatment typically costs between $3,000 and $7,000. Most people pay less than $5,000. Traditional braces can cost as low as $3,000 and as high as $10,000. 

What you pay for treatment will depend on several factors, including: 

  • The extent of your alignment issues
  • Your location
  • The dentist you choose
  • Your compliance
  • Retainers and aftercare
  • Insurance coverage

To get a more realistic estimate, talk to an experienced Invisalign dentist near you. 

Invisalign Dentist in Coffs Harbour

Our team at Magic Smiles in Coffs Harbour and Woolgoogla can help you achieve the smile you have always wanted. Contact us today at any of our three locations by phone or send us a message online. 

Invisalign aligners


By Invisalign No Comments

Are you an adult who would like to reap the benefits of straight teeth? Do you need to find a discreet way to improve your smile? 

More than 10 million people have used Invisalign, a set of clear braces that realigns even extremely crooked teeth. Instead of metal braces, which can be uncomfortable, Invisalign uses a series of clear retainers. 

In general, Invisalign treatment takes 12 to 18 months, and there is a slight adjustment period. Patients often see results in just a few weeks. To find out the best way to care for new Invisalign aligners, keep reading. 


During the first few weeks, Invisalign retainers may be a bit uncomfortable. Patients should wear them for 22 hours per day to get the maximum benefits. Patients will feel pressure as teeth move into their new positions, but there shouldn’t be any sharp pain. Here are a few ways to adjust to the aligners:


So much depends upon getting a tight seal between the Invisalign retainer and the teeth. One simple way to accomplish this is to use an aligner chewie, a small device that patients bite down on while wearing the braces. They put the chewie over different sections of teeth, then bite. 

This tightens the seal and makes the aligners more comfortable. There shouldn’t be any sharp pain or bleeding from the gums. If this occurs, it’s time to meet with the dental team in person.


If possible, remove the Invisalign aligners every day at the same times. These breaks can occur at any time of day, but make sure the total “off” time is no more than two hours. The braces might irritate the tongue at first, but it’s important to leave them in place. 

There are several free apps to help track daily wear time. Use these if you aren’t sure if you are meeting the required time. Patients who are inconsistent with wearing their braces could extend their treatment time past 18 months. 


Although it’s tempting to remove aligners by hand, it can scrape the gums and lead to infection. To properly remove Invisalign aligners, use an Orthokey. This small hook is specific to Invisalign appliances and is safe to use at home. 

Cleaning aligners takes a few steps, but this process is vital to prevent bacteria and plaque buildup. First, remove the aligners and rinse them under warm water. Next, brush them with toothpaste and rinse again. Soak the aligners in a special cleaning solution and then rinse one more time. 

Taking the time to care for Invisalign aligners helps maintain oral health during the realignment process. Teeth and gums are extremely vulnerable to bacteria, and proper care will prevent gum disease from taking hold. 

Talk to your dentist to see if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign.  


After our patients’ teeth are nice and straight, we recommend that they get teeth whitening. Our friendly team at Magic Smiles can do in-house whitening procedures that give you a dazzling, natural-looking smile. 

In addition to clear Invisalign braces, we also offer traditional metal braces. Adults who wish to improve their smiles are welcome here! We have offices in Woolgoolga and Coffs Harbour.

Talk to us about your oral health goals and we can chat about the Invisalign process. Contact our experienced team today at (02) 6654-0650 to schedule an initial consultation with our experienced dental specialists.

Coffs Harbour Invisalign Dentist

Your Coffs Harbour Invisalign® Dentist Explains Clear Braces

By Invisalign No Comments

Do you dream of a beautiful smile but hate the idea of metal braces? Have you thought about Invisalign® clear orthodontics but fear they will be ineffective?

At Magic Smiles Dental, Dr. Arpit Pathak has helped hundreds of patients achieve a beautiful, straight smile with Invisalign clear aligners. Here he explains how Invisalign works to correct misaligned teeth and bites.

Why should I consider Invisalign orthodontics?

Aside from the obvious aesthetic improvement orthodontics provide, straight teeth offer much more than a beautiful smile. Over half of our patients report improved confidence and happiness after treatment with Invisalign clear aligners. Also, crooked, crowded, and gapped teeth are much harder to keep clean, so straightening your teeth also comes with enhanced oral health.

While traditional metal braces effectively move your teeth into proper alignment, Invisalign offers several advantages that attract many patients.

One of the most popular reasons patients choose Invisalign orthodontics is because they are so discreet. With their perfect fit and clear design, they are virtually invisible. In fact, people standing right next to you probably won’t even notice them.

Another reason people love Invisalign is that they are removable. This makes oral hygiene much easier and more effective and means none of the food restrictions metal braces require.

Aside from those reasons, patients find the clear aligners much more comfortable than metal brackets and wires that can poke and injure soft tissues in the mouth. There’s also no need for emergency dental visits for a broken wire of lost bracket.

Moreover, because of how Invisalign aligners work, most patients only have to wear them for 6 to 18 months, compared to the usual 2 years for traditional braces.

How do I get started with clear aligners?

The first step in the process is an evaluation to determine if you are a good candidate for Invisalign. Good oral health is vital, so any dental decay or gum disease issues will need treatment before beginning with orthodontics. The evaluation will also include photographs, x-ray images, and a model of your teeth and bite.

At Magic Smiles Dental, we use digital x-rays for reduced radiation exposure and improved image quality. We also utilize state-of-the-art intraoral scanners that produce an instant 3D surface model using advanced imaging sensors. This allows you to avoid the traditional dental molds that are unpleasant and messy.

Your Invisalign dentist will then utilize all your information to generate a computerized treatment plan. A special Invisalign lab will fabricate your clear aligner sets with advanced dental technology so that they will fit perfectly.

As you progress through treatment, each new aligner set will progressively move your teeth into the desired positions.

Do clear aligners really move teeth effectively?

All orthodontics, including Invisalign clear aligners, reposition teeth through force. The force breaks down bone surrounding teeth, allowing them to move. Once a tooth moves to the desired position, bone regeneration holds it firmly in its new place.

To achieve continued force, traditional metal braces require frequent visits to the dentist for wire tightening. Rubber bands are also commonly employed to achieve the correct force.

With Invisalign, however, the force is progressively changed by micromovements through a series of aligners. Each new set is created to move your teeth gently but continually toward their desired positions. During treatment, you will progress to a new set of aligners approximately every two weeks. And since you progress at home on your own, you won’t have to see your dentist as often.

As you progress in treatment, tooth movement will be noticeable when you see your smile in the mirror. The final set of aligners is meant to be your retainers, and just like retainers after traditional braces, you will need to wear these until bone regeneration is complete.

While not everyone is a candidate for Invisalign aligners, they are highly effective in patients with mild to moderate crowded and crooked teeth.

Are you a candidate for Invisalign Clear Orthodontics?

Would you like to know if Invisalign will give you the smile you have always dreamed of? If you are in the Coffs Harbour area, contact our friendly, knowledgeable dental team today at (02) 6652 3242 to schedule an appointment. We would be honored to help you fall in love with your smile!

woman with Invisalign

Invisalign vs Traditional Metal Braces

By Invisalign No Comments

We all understand the benefits of having straight, perfectly aligned teeth—better oral health, higher self-esteem, and greater chances of success. These reasons are why so many people seek orthodontic treatment; it can be life-changing!

Unfortunately, these benefits often get overlooked when a patient is considering the possibility of wearing braces for up to two years. If that’s your situation, know that you have options and that those options will be the reason you reap the benefits of a beautiful smile.

Invisalign® clear aligners and traditional metal braces are two of the most popular orthodontic options. Continue reading to learn about their pros and cons.


Patients who qualify for Invisalign typically have mild to moderate orthodontic issues, such as:

  • Gapped teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Crowded teeth

Dentists will recommend this treatment for older teens and adults who are willing and able to commit to the process.

Benefits of Invisalign

Here are the most common reasons people choose Invisalign clear aligners:

  • Discreet appearance: The top reason patients love Invisalign clear aligners is their nearly invisible appearance. For older teens and adults, discretion is especially important. Putting metal braces on top of a less-than-perfect smile can add to feelings of insecurity. Clear aligners simply don’t.
  • Comfort: Invisalign uses smooth, flexible plastic material that doesn’t irritate the gums and cheeks (if they are fitted properly). The brackets and wires that make up traditional metal braces often cause irritation that is painful and distracting.
  • Convenience: Clear aligners can be removed at any time during the day. However, patients must wear them for at least 22 hours a day to receive desired results. Patients love that they can remove their aligners while eating or even while giving a presentation at work. This is a convenience that metal braces don’t provide.
  • Easy maintenance: Proper care is an essential part of being an Invisalign patient. Thankfully, clear aligners don’t require much! Patients should clean their teeth and rinse the aligner after every meal and use a special cleaner each night as a part of their oral hygiene routine.

Disadvantages of Invisalign

Before dentists approve patients for Invisalign, the patient must commit to wearing the aligners for at least 22 hours a day. The patient must also be responsible enough to keep up with every new aligner. They can easily be thrown away or misplaced during mealtimes!

Additionally, Invisalign clear aligners are typically more expensive than traditional metal braces because patients receive a new aligner tray about every six weeks.

Traditional Metal Braces

Initially, traditional metal braces may seem much less desirable, but the benefits of traditional braces are worth considering.

Benefits of Traditional Metal Braces

Metal braces…

  • are more effective for complex orthodontic issues.
  • are permanent, so they won’t get lost or damaged.
  • don’t require extra cleaning steps.
  • are more affordable.

Disadvantages of Metal Braces

Traditional metal braces are notorious for…

  • being chunky and extremely conspicuous
  • poky wires that irritate the gums
  • getting food stuck in the brackets
  • making eating more difficult

Invisalign and Orthodontic Treatment in Woolgoolga

Our dental and orthodontic experts at Magic Smiles are prepared to help patients with all types of orthodontic issues. We discuss your orthodontic needs, smile goals, and budget to create a plan that meets your specific needs. To schedule an initial consultation, call (02) 6654-0650 today.

woman placing Invisalign aligners in mouth

Top 3 Reasons to Choose Invisalign Clear Aligners

By Invisalign No Comments

Do clunky metal braces sound less appealing to you than having crooked, gapped, or crowded teeth? If so, you’ve probably wondered about other orthodontic options! Invisalign® clear aligners are an effective and aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional braces, and luckily, most patients are suitable candidates!

The best way to find out if Invisalign is the best option for you is to visit your local dentist. During that appointment, the dentist will explain the reasons that so many patients choose Invisalign, the downsides to this treatment, and other orthodontic options, such as clear braces.

If you are a candidate for Invisalign or if you’re still in the early stages of making your decision, this blog can help make the choice clear! (See what we did there?)

The top three benefits of Invisalign clear aligners include:

1. Discreet appearance

A list of benefits about Invisalign wouldn’t be complete without talking about their discreet appearance. This is, after all, the top reason patients are interested in this orthodontic treatment.

Dentists and orthodontists mostly recommend Invisalign to older teens and adults. This demographic is typically more concerned with looking younger because of braces or having something so obvious distract from their overall appearance.

Clear aligners enable patients to maintain good self-esteem while transforming their smiles. Although Invisalign aligners aren’t completely invisible, they do go unnoticed in many situations!

2. Convenience and comfort

One of the greatest things about Invisalign aligners is that they can be removed at any time. However, patients should wear them for at least 20 hours per day to receive the desired results.

We love to remind our patients that with traditional braces, food is much more likely to get stuck between the brackets. With clear aligners, this isn’t a problem! Simply remove the aligner before eating, rinse or brush your teeth after eating, then replace the aligner.

Dentists who offer Invisalign also ensure that the aligners are perfectly fit so patients don’t experience rubbing that causes discomfort. Wires and brackets that rub the cheeks and gums are also eliminated and never become an issue. Of course, with all orthodontic treatment, discomfort is to be expected because of the tooth movement. Patients can especially expect to feel mild pain or discomfort every two weeks when their new aligners arrive.

For us, convenience and comfort are a major benefit to choosing Invisalign clear aligners! They make achieving a beautifully aligned smile much easier.

3. Effectiveness

While these clear, plastic aligners may not seem strong enough to move teeth, they have been proven to be just as effective as metal braces in many cases. Invisalign technology utilizes micromovement that gently pushes the teeth into their proper positions.

Like traditional braces, Invisalign can treat a wide range of orthodontic cases, including:

  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Open bite
  • Crowded teeth
  • Gap teeth

In some cases, patients may require additional treatment, like dental extraction before they can begin their Invisalign journey. Additionally, attachments and buttons may be necessary for patients with more severe cases.

Woolgoolga Invisalign Dentist

Ready to find out if Invisalign is right for you? Our experienced dentists are Magic Smiles are prepared to help you achieve a beautiful smile. Click here to learn about our other cosmetic dentistry options!

To schedule your initial consultation, contact our dental practice today at (02) 6654-0650.

woman holding clear aligners

The Good and Not-So-Good of Invisalign Clear Aligners

By Invisalign No Comments

When it comes to braces, most patients are ecstatic to hear that Invisalign clear aligners are an option. Traditional metal braces don’t usually sound quite as appealing. However, clear aligners aren’t right for everyone. Continue reading to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of choosing Invisalign clear aligners.

Benefits of Invisalign

Most patients are drawn to Invisalign because of their discreet appearance because they can achieve a beautiful smile without having to deal with metal brackets on their teeth. This is especially true for our adult patients who don’t want braces to make them look or feel like they are in junior high again.

While this is the most obvious benefit, Invisalign also offers:


When clear aligners fit properly, they tend to be much more comfortable than metal braces. Many patients with traditional metal braces complain about brackets and wires rubbing against their gums and cheeks throughout the day. Not only is this painful and irritating, but it can be a distraction from school, work, and other tasks throughout the day.

Invisalign clear aligners are made from a smooth, flexible plastic that won’t irritate the gums or cheeks.


Although it is important to wear the aligners for at least 22 hours a day, patients have the freedom to remove their Invisalign trays while eating, to give a speech or presentation, and while brushing their teeth. This benefit is unique to clear aligners and one of the main reasons so many patients chose them as their orthodontic option.

Simple Maintenance

Caring for traditional braces can be difficult because brushing and flossing require more a little more effort and maybe even some new tools. With Invisalign, you can keep your same toothbrush and floss because the aligner can be removed while brushing.

To keep your aligner clean, you will need a special cleaner recommended by your dentist. We also recommend that patients brush after each meal, before replacing their Invisalign tray, to inhibit bacterial growth.

Quick Results

While it’s true that no two treatment plans are alike, most patients can expect to wear their Invisalign trays for between 6 and 18 months.

Drawbacks of Invisalign

Because Invisalign requires patients to wear several different trays throughout treatment, the cost is significantly more expensive than traditional metal braces. Traditional braces cost between $5,000 and $6,000 on average. Invisalign can cost up to $8,000. However, every treatment plan is different. So be sure to ask your dentist for a quote.

Clear aligners also require more responsibility and self-control from the patient. We only recommend Invisalign to older teens and adults for this reason. It’s imperative that patients keep up with their aligners so that they don’t have to be replaced, making their cost higher and treatment time longer.

When an Invisalign tray doesn’t fit perfectly, it may cause some pain or discomfort to the gums and cheeks. If this happens, be sure to contact your dentist immediately to have a new tray created.

Invisalign Dentist in Woolgoolga

Invisalign clear aligners can help patients with all types of orthodontic needs. If you’re ready to begin the journey to a perfectly aligned, beautiful smile, call our friendly dental team today at (02) 6654-0650. Our expert dentists are prepared to help you achieve the smile of your dreams through compassionate dental care.

woman with Invisalign

Are Invisalign® clear aligners as great as they seem?

By Invisalign No Comments

What hinders a smile more than gaps and misalignment? Bulky, metal braces. Should the solution to a problem add to it, even if just for a little bit? While the saying, “it will get worse before it gets better” applies to some situations, it doesn’t have to apply to orthodontics.

Invisalign clear aligners offer a discreet solution to gapped, crowded, and misaligned teeth. Though this incredible product has been around for decades now, it has never been as effective as it is today. Rarely do dentists have a patient who isn’t a candidate for clear aligners.

Want to know more? Check out the rest of this blog to learn why Invisalign is one of the best orthodontic and cosmetic dentistry options for your smile.

1. Less time at the dentist’s office

With traditional braces, patients must visit the dentist regularly to have their wires or rubber bands tightened. This is extremely inconvenient for adults and teenagers who so often have packed schedules.

Because Invisalign patients don’t have brackets and wires, they don’t have to attend these appointments. Additionally, the Invisalign treatment program allows patients to receive trays for several phases of their treatments which can last for months. This means, they only need to visit the dentist for progress checks or if something is wrong with their aligner.

2. Easier maintenance

Unlike traditional braces, clear aligners can be removed. This makes them much easier to clean and enables patients to clean their teeth thoroughly before replacing the aligner. Patients who choose Invisalign are less likely to suffer from cavities, gum disease, and dental staining when they care for their mouth properly. However, it is important to note that patients must be willing to clean their teeth after every meal so that bad bacteria don’t fester beneath the aligner.

3. Discreet appearance

Undoubtedly, the number one reason patients want Invisalign is because of its discreet appearance. Traditional braces, though much less bulky now than they used to be, are obvious and distracting. Clear aligners may be somewhat noticeable, but they are completely invisible, so patients can go about their days feeling confident about their appearance and that their smile is getting more and more beautiful by the day.

4. More comfort

Brackets, wires, and rubber bands can be extremely painful and uncomfortable, especially right after placement and tightening appointments. These elements often irritate patients’ cheeks, lips, and gums.

Invisalign technology eliminates those irritants and provides patients with a smooth appliance that works just as effectively. However, in some cases, patients with Invisalign still need to wear rubber bands, so don’t be surprised if your dentist recommends them.

5. No food restrictions

Braces may inhibit a person’s ability to eat certain foods and most dentists recommend that patients avoid crunchy foods that could harm their brackets. With Invisalign, there are no such restrictions. Patients simply remove their aligners while eating—the biggest issue here is that some people forget to put their aligners back in or accidentally throw the aligner away! Yikes!

Your Invisalign Dentists in Woolgoolga

At Magic Smiles, we desire to help patients achieve healthy AND beautiful smiles. Invisalign is just one of the many ways we do that. To learn if you are a suitable candidate for Invisalign, contact our friendly dental team today at (02) 6654-0650 to schedule your initial consultation.