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January 2021

illustration of mouth with missing teeth

Why People Have Missing Teeth and The Available Solutions

By Restorative Dentistry No Comments

While tooth loss is common, it isn’t inevitable. Most of the time, missing teeth are entirely preventable. Our job as dental professionals is to help patients maintain healthy and complete smiles for their entire lives! Unfortunately, this isn’t always possible. For those instances, we offer restorative treatments that reestablish beauty and function.

One of the best ways to prevent missing teeth is to educate yourself on what causes them. In this blog, we discuss the main reasons for tooth loss and the most popular solutions.

Reasons for Tooth Loss

Understanding what causes missing teeth can help you find ways to prevent tooth loss. Here are the four main reasons for one to several missing teeth:

1. Poor oral hygiene

The most effective oral hygiene routines include brushing twice a day and flossing daily. A proper diet and bi-annual visits to the dentist are also imperative to maintaining a healthy smile. Disregarding these guidelines may result in cavities or gum disease which may result in tooth loss.

2. Decay

Dental decay, or cavities, can lead to tooth loss when the cavity isn’t treated in time. As the plaque and tartar continue to eat away at the dental enamel, the tooth may become so infected that it can’t be saved. Patients will likely feel severe pain at this point, causing them to visit the dentist who may recommend a dental extraction.

3. Gum disease

Also known as periodontal disease, gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss among adults. What begins as bleeding gums could eventually lead to major tooth loss. Gum disease slowly progresses over time, so patients who visit the dentist regularly should avoid these consequences.

4. Trauma

Accidents happen and, most of the time, they are beyond our control. Sports injuries and car accidents can cause instant tooth loss or enough damage to a tooth that it must be extracted. Our dentists recommend wearing a mouthguard while playing sports to prevent tooth loss caused by trauma.

Solutions to Missing Teeth

Most patients seek treatment for missing teeth because of the negative impact on their appearance and confidence. However, tooth loss can also lead to serious oral and overall health issues. To avoid these consequences, most dentists offer these three restorative options:


Traditional dentures are a non-surgical option for patients who want to replace an entire arch of missing teeth. This restorative option is extremely popular, but may not provide the stability, function, or health benefits that most patients desire.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge consists of two dental crowns and one, two, or three prosthetic teeth. The dental crowns attach to the adjacent teeth which are shaved down. Dentists often recommend bridges to patients with only one to a few missing teeth in a row. Dental bridges are safe and secure.

Dental Implants

Dental implants can be attached to a single crown, a dental bridge, or a denture. These small, titanium rods take the place of tooth roots. During a surgical procedure, the dentist places one or more dental implants, then once the mouth has healed, he attaches the restoration.

Of all the restorative options, dental implants are the most durable, life-like, and safe.

Seek Treatment Today

Whether you already have missing teeth or want to avoid tooth loss, a trip to the dentist is always a good idea. At Magic Smiles, we desire to see patients of all ages maintain their natural teeth through preventive care. When that isn’t possible, our gentle and expert dentists offer safe and effective restorative solutions.

Call us today at (02) 6654-0650 to schedule an appointment.

chart with progression of periodontal disease

Periodontal Disease 101: Know the Facts

By Oral Health No Comments

Periodontal disease (aka gum disease) affects millions of Australian adults. Yet, many don’t know anything about it until they are diagnosed with it. Many of those people aren’t diagnosed until the disease has developed into a very serious health problem which often leads to tooth loss.

Education is the first step towards prevention. That’s why we’re writing this blog! Here, you’ll find the basic and most important facts about gum disease.

The Stages of Gum Disease

Gum disease happens when the bacteria in the mouth become unbalanced. In a healthy mouth, billions of bacteria that work together to create a neutral environment. Poor oral hygiene, eating too much sugar, genetics, and certain medications can all lead to the production of bad bacteria that take over the mouth. Once this occurs, the disease progresses through these four stages:


Gingivitis is the most common form of gum disease and most easily treated. In some cases, an enhanced oral hygiene routine can reverse gingivitis, but a professional dental clean is the best treatment.

How do you know if you have gingivitis? The most common symptoms are red gums, irritated gums, and bleeding while brushing and flossing.

Early Periodontitis

When gingivitis turns into early periodontitis, the person may experience persistent bad breath and mild gum recession in addition to their other symptoms. At this stage, the disease may not be reversible.

Early periodontitis treatment usually includes scaling and root planing. This treatment involves using special dental tools to remove tartar from above and below the gum line.

Moderate Periodontitis

As the bacteria moves further and further below the gum line, it attacks the bones and infiltrates the bloodstream and immune system. The gums will continue to recede, and the other symptoms will continue to worsen.

Scaling and root planing might be the dentist’s first line of treatment for moderate periodontitis. Then, he or she might recommend gum surgery to replace the missing tissue.

Advanced Periodontitis

In the last stage of gum disease, the symptoms should be very apparent. Patients report having loose teeth because of the extend of gum disease. The teeth may seem more spaced out than usual as well. At this point, the disease and its symptoms must be addressed. This could include root scaling and planing, gum grafting, and other restorative procedures.

The Connection to Overall Health

Because periodontitis is an inflammatory disease, and can get into the bloodstream, it impacts many areas of the body. Periodontal disease is associated with heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis.

For women, gum disease can be a symptom of hormonal issues like puberty, menstruation, and menopause.

Preventing Periodontal Disease

Our goal as dental professionals is to help everyone avoid gum disease. First, we educate. Then, we provide practical tips for patients to apply.

Here are our top five tips for preventing periodontal disease:

  1. Brush every morning and evening with a fluoridated toothpaste
  2. Floss every evening
  3. Consume a healthy diet (limiting sugary beverages and candy)
  4. Quit tobacco use
  5. Visit the dentist regularly

Those who follow these guidelines are much less likely to develop gum disease at any age!

Start Preventing Periodontal Disease Today

At Magic Smiles, we desire to see all patients achieve optimal oral health. Our team of friendly, experienced dentists is proud to serve the Woolgoolga and Coffs Harbour communities. Contact us today at (02) 6654-0650 to schedule a dental cleans and exam appointment.

close up of woman's smile

6 Common Question About Dental Veneers

By Cosmetic Dentistry No Comments

Want a smile that turns heads? Consider porcelain veneers! These tooth-colored shells provide patients with picture-perfect smiles that last. Dental veneers began as a temporary solution for famous actors and actresses to use during photo shoots and red-carpet events. Fortunately, veneers are now available to everyone!

In this blog, we’ll address the most common questions about dental veneers so you can decide if this cosmetic dental solution is right for you.

1. How are dental veneers placed?

Once a patient is approved for dental veneers, he or she will meet with their dentist to talk about the design of the veneers and any concerns he or she may have. Then, the dentist takes x-rays or impressions of the patient’s teeth. The final step of the first appointment is to prepare the tooth for the veneers. This process includes removing dental enamel from the teeth, then taking another impression to ensure the veneers fit perfectly. Temporary veneers are placed on the patient’s tooth until the permanent ones are ready.

During the next appointment, the temporary veneers are removed, and the permanent ones are placed. If the veneers aren’t perfect when they arrive, the dentist can make small adjustments to the shape and color to meet the patient’s expectations.

2. Do veneers require special care?

In short, no. Patients can treat their veneers like they treat their natural teeth by brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using a mouthguard at night if necessary. Those with veneers may want to visit the dentist more frequently to ensure their teeth, gums, and veneers are healthy.

Patients should also avoid bad habits, such as biting their nails, chewing ice, using their teeth to open certain items, and using tobacco.

3. What are Lumineers?

Dentists often call Lumineers “no-prep veneers” because they don’t require any enamel be removed from the teeth. Rather than being made from porcelain, Lumineers are made from thin laminate. Also unlike porcelain veneers, Lumineers can be removed without causing severe damage to your teeth.

4. Are there any drawbacks to veneers?

Dental veneers cannot be removed without being replaced because the natural teeth are permanently damaged. Additionally, they are more expensive than Lumineers and other cosmetic dental procedures.

5. What alternative cosmetic procedures provide similar results?

Veneers can correct multiple aesthetic issues at one time which makes them superior to other cosmetic procedures. However, there are ways to achieve similar results. Patients may require one or more of these cosmetic solutions:

  • Professional teeth whitening
  • Dental bonding
  • Orthodontics
  • Tooth contouring

6. Who is a candidate for veneers?

Dental veneers are best for patients who have cosmetic concerns and an otherwise healthy smile. Patients with cavities, gum disease, or who suffer from bruxism are not good candidates for veneers. However, these issues can be corrected, allowing patients to receive veneers.

Additionally, patients must be willing to undergo the entire procedure and commit to quitting bad habits that could damage their veneers.

Dental Veneers in Woolgoolga

The best way to determine if veneers are right for you is to meet with an experienced cosmetic dentist like ours at Magic Smiles. We are passionate about helping patients achieve healthy, beautiful smiles. Dental veneers are just one of many ways we do that!

Call our friendly dental team today at (02) 6654-0650 to schedule an initial consultation.

woman placing Invisalign aligners in mouth

Top 3 Reasons to Choose Invisalign Clear Aligners

By Invisalign No Comments

Do clunky metal braces sound less appealing to you than having crooked, gapped, or crowded teeth? If so, you’ve probably wondered about other orthodontic options! Invisalign® clear aligners are an effective and aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional braces, and luckily, most patients are suitable candidates!

The best way to find out if Invisalign is the best option for you is to visit your local dentist. During that appointment, the dentist will explain the reasons that so many patients choose Invisalign, the downsides to this treatment, and other orthodontic options, such as clear braces.

If you are a candidate for Invisalign or if you’re still in the early stages of making your decision, this blog can help make the choice clear! (See what we did there?)

The top three benefits of Invisalign clear aligners include:

1. Discreet appearance

A list of benefits about Invisalign wouldn’t be complete without talking about their discreet appearance. This is, after all, the top reason patients are interested in this orthodontic treatment.

Dentists and orthodontists mostly recommend Invisalign to older teens and adults. This demographic is typically more concerned with looking younger because of braces or having something so obvious distract from their overall appearance.

Clear aligners enable patients to maintain good self-esteem while transforming their smiles. Although Invisalign aligners aren’t completely invisible, they do go unnoticed in many situations!

2. Convenience and comfort

One of the greatest things about Invisalign aligners is that they can be removed at any time. However, patients should wear them for at least 20 hours per day to receive the desired results.

We love to remind our patients that with traditional braces, food is much more likely to get stuck between the brackets. With clear aligners, this isn’t a problem! Simply remove the aligner before eating, rinse or brush your teeth after eating, then replace the aligner.

Dentists who offer Invisalign also ensure that the aligners are perfectly fit so patients don’t experience rubbing that causes discomfort. Wires and brackets that rub the cheeks and gums are also eliminated and never become an issue. Of course, with all orthodontic treatment, discomfort is to be expected because of the tooth movement. Patients can especially expect to feel mild pain or discomfort every two weeks when their new aligners arrive.

For us, convenience and comfort are a major benefit to choosing Invisalign clear aligners! They make achieving a beautifully aligned smile much easier.

3. Effectiveness

While these clear, plastic aligners may not seem strong enough to move teeth, they have been proven to be just as effective as metal braces in many cases. Invisalign technology utilizes micromovement that gently pushes the teeth into their proper positions.

Like traditional braces, Invisalign can treat a wide range of orthodontic cases, including:

  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Open bite
  • Crowded teeth
  • Gap teeth

In some cases, patients may require additional treatment, like dental extraction before they can begin their Invisalign journey. Additionally, attachments and buttons may be necessary for patients with more severe cases.

Woolgoolga Invisalign Dentist

Ready to find out if Invisalign is right for you? Our experienced dentists are Magic Smiles are prepared to help you achieve a beautiful smile. Click here to learn about our other cosmetic dentistry options!

To schedule your initial consultation, contact our dental practice today at (02) 6654-0650.