
Preventative Dentistry

woman holding dental tools as part of preventive dentistry visit

Why is preventive dentistry important?

By Preventative Dentistry No Comments

Generally speaking, the majority of dentists recommend a dental check-up every 6 to 12 months for most cases as part of preventive dentistry. However, in 2017-2018, more than half of Australians had seen a dentist or dental professional in the last 12 months. 

While people have reasons for not visiting the dentist as often as they need to, preventive care is vital for having a healthy and attractive smile. At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, Dr. Arpit Pathak and his team take their time to perform gentle check-ups, dental cleans, and other preventive practices. Connect with our clinical family soon.

By taking care of your oral health through preventive dentistry, you also reap these four benefits:

1. Early Detection

Most dental problems don’t showcase themselves until too late. The simplest way to catch cavities, periodontal disease, oral cancer, and oral health problems is to schedule preventive appointments. 

During your checkup, our dentist will inspect your teeth and gums for indications of bacterial buildup, gum recession, and oral cancer. Also, he or she will scan the jaw area, inside the cheek, neck, and under tongue for lesions, bumps, or anything that appears strange. After, he or she will suggest the appropriate treatment to improve your health and provide education and next steps on how to care for your mouth.

2. Gain Home Care Knowledge

Although you can expect quality care at our New South Wales locations, what happens when you leave the dentist clinic? Most preventive dentistry does not occur in the office but rather in your daily life

Home care is essential for preventing oral health conditions, such as cavities. Therefore, we take our time to teach patients of all ages to care for their teeth at home properly. Flossing and brushing daily with the right tools and techniques can save your oral (and overall) wellness.

3. Improves Wellness

Preserving your oral hygiene through preventive methods affects your oral and overall health. Some preventive dentistry methods can strengthen your teeth. However, it’s fairly normal to get tiny cracks and chips from time to time. Often, this damage is undetectable to the untrained eye. Your dentist can identify and correct superficial problems before they worsen with preventive visits. Thereby maintaining the dental appearance and function of your pearly whites.

Likewise, preventing periodontal disease has an impact on your overall health. Did you know gum disease may increase your chance of developing or exacerbating certain medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease?

4. Saves Money in the Long Run

Neglect can lead to cavities, trauma, and other uncomfortable dental issues, which may require costly dental treatments to mediate. Worse still, extensive decay and damage can necessitate pulling a tooth, generating the need for more cosmetic and restorative dental procedures to replace them (plus maintenance). Save some cash and avoid potentially undergoing numerous dental procedures by prioritizing routine dental checkups and cleaning.

Inquire About Preventive Dentistry in Woolgoolga, NSW

At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, our dedicated staff is eager to answer your questions, provide helpful insights about caring for your teeth at home, and provide excellent care. We have a wide range of dental services to support your family’s oral health. 

When was your last dental checkup? If you are due for your next dental visit, consult with us today. Call (02) 6654-0650 or message us online right now.

man with two thumbs up

Preventive Dentistry: The Benefits of Regular Dental Cleans

By Preventative Dentistry No Comments

Dental cleans are extremely underrated. Though your parents may have expressed the importance, many adults don’t prioritize their oral health and often skip out on six-month dental visits. Unfortunately, this can have serious oral and overall health consequences. For patients who do attend these appointments, the benefits are obvious!

While brushing and flossing at home is important, six-month dental cleans should be a part of everyone’s oral hygiene routine. Read this blog to learn about the oral and overall health benefits of regular dental cleans.

1. Prevents serious dental problems

Though you may consider yourself an expert brusher, and even if you are one of the few people who floss twice a day, disease-causing bacteria can still attack your teeth and gums. It is nearly impossible for a person to reach every nook and cranny of their mouth, but a dental professional has the eye and mobility to clean the surface of every tooth and soft tissue in the mouth.

Attending regular dental cleans helps patients avoid cavities and gum disease. When dentists thoroughly clean the mouth, they remove the bacteria that can fester and attack the teeth and gums. In the long run, these appointments can save you from unnecessary pain and other symptoms of decay and disease.

2. Saves money

This isn’t necessarily a health benefit, but it is one that we don’t want to overlook! Most dental insurances cover the cost of two dental cleans per year. However, patients who don’t have insurance will certainly still save.

The cost of restorative dentistry is typically much more expensive than preventive because it takes more materials and time. Save yourself and your wallet the pain by attending regular dental cleans every six months.

3. Improved aesthetics

Tired of your stained, yellow teeth? Attending regular dental cleans helps remove dental stains caused by foods and beverages. During these appointments, your dentist may also recommend a different toothpaste and other tips to keep your smile bright.

4. Freshens breath

Bad breath is embarrassing—you know it if you’ve had it or been around someone who did. Consistent bad breath shouldn’t be remedied with gum and mints that may actually make the problem worse. When you attend a regular dental clean, your dentist can identify and remove the underlying problem. If further treatment is necessary, he or she will let you know.

5. Reduces overall health issues

Researchers and scientists are finally letting us in on a major secret—the health of our mouths impacts our whole bodies. It may be surprising to know that gum disease can affect your heart, but it’s true! This is just one of the many reasons why good oral hygiene is so important.

Attending regular dental cleans appointments help reduce your risk of developing these overall health problems:

  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Diabetes
  • Premature birth
  • Low birth weight
  • Dementia
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sjogren’s syndrome
  • Head and neck cancers

This benefit alone makes visiting the dentist twice a year more than worth it!

Dental Cleans in Woolgoolga

Ready to restore your oral health? Our team at Magic Smiles is ready to help! We provide comprehensive dental care to patients of all ages. Our state-of-the-art dental equipment and compassionate dental team ensures you receive the quality of dental care you deserve.

Call (02) 6653-1788 to schedule your dental cleans appointment today.