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August 2021

happy older man sitting at table outside

“Am I too old for dental implants?” and other FAQs

By Restorative Dentistry No Comments

Tooth replacement is a reality for many seniors. One of the most common types of tooth replacements is dental implants. Many may ask whether they are too old for dental implant surgery. The short answer to that question is no. 

Dr. Arpit Pathak at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre can help you determine dental implant surgery is right for you.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that resemble screws. The implants are inserted into a patient’s mouth and they bond with natural bone. An abutment, or connector, is then placed on top of the implant. This abutment acts as the base for the replacement tooth or “crown” to be placed on top.

Dental implants have become among the strongest, safest, and most successful dentistry procedures around. Their success rate is near 98%.

What are the steps to getting a dental implant?

The process of getting a dental implant occurs in several steps:

  1. Consultation. Your dental professional will examine the implant site, using X-rays or 3D scans, and explain implant options for you. 
  2. Implant installation. At the next appointment, your dentist will insert the implant in your jaw at the site of the missing tooth. Keeping in mind that everyone’s experience differs, most patients say they’ve experienced less pain and discomfort than they expected. Many patients report returning to work the next day. The discomfort experienced post-surgery is like that experienced after other dental surgeries. Swelling, some pain, and minor bleeding are to be expected. Most patients successfully manage the symptoms with over-the-counter medications. The dental surgeon will usually use stitches that self-dissolve. If the dentist uses stitches that do not dissolve on their own, he will remove them for you in a follow-up visit.
  3. Osseointegration. The process by which the jawbone begins to bond with the implant is known as osseointegration. Your dentist may recommend eating only soft foods for several weeks to ensure the success of this phase. Within weeks, most patients can resume their normal eating habits.
  4. Placement of abutments. After the bone and implant have successfully bonded, your dentist will place the abutment on top of the dental implant. The abutment is the connector on top of which the replacement tooth, or crown, will be placed.
  5. New teeth. Once gums are fully healed from the initial surgery, your dentist will custom make your new teeth by taking molds, or impressions, of your mouth. Upon completion, the new restorations are inserted on top of the abutments.

Is implant failure possible?

Most dental implant procedures for seniors are successful. There are cases, however, where osseointegration, or the fusion of the bone with the implant, does not take place. In cases like this, the implant is removed and the procedure can be retried in about three months. Patients may also opt for a dental bridge or denture. 

How do I care for my new implants?

To get the most out of your new implants and help ensure they last a long time the patient can take care of them by:

  • Brushing and flossing regularly, as you would for natural teeth
  • Getting regular checkups at your dental office, as well as regular cleanings
  • Avoiding harmful habits like chewing very hard foods like ice or hard candy

Dental Implants in Coffs Harbour

Dr. Pathak and his team are ready to answer any and all questions you may have about dental implants. Call any of our three convenient locations (Coffs Harbour – (02) 6652-3242 or Woolgoolga – (02) 6654-0650) or schedule a free consultation online today.

Choosing the best dentist for you

6 Factors to Consider When Evaluating a Dental Practice Near You

By Woolgoogla and Coffs Harbour Dentist No Comments

Choosing a new dentist is an important decision. Routine dental checkups help keep your teeth and gums healthy and help prevent disease. Poor oral health can result in many other health risks including cardiovascular disease, for example.

But what factors should be considered when searching for a new dentist? It’s common to hop online and search for “best dental practice near me” when looking for a new dental practice. But what exactly makes a dental practice the “best” or even good? Dr. Arpit Pathak at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre can help you make an informed decision.

Below are 6 important factors to consider when evaluating a new dental practice. 

1. Referrals

A good way to find a dental practice is by getting referrals. Those referrals can come from those closest to you, such as family and friends. They can also come from strangers in the form of reviews left for the practice online. 

Other healthcare professionals, such as your primary care physician or physical therapist can also be a great source for referrals. 

2. Credentials

When researching a new dentist, be sure to evaluate their credentials. Board certification, for example, is a primary factor to consider when deciding on a new dentist. A properly certified dentist completed the appropriate training, education, and has appropriate experience in his field.

It may also be a good idea to examine whether a dentist has a history of malpractice claims or disciplinary actions against him. Such information is usually a matter of public record and can be found on the website of your local government agency that oversees the accreditation of medical professionals.

3. Experience

The more experienced a dental professional is in his field, the higher the success rate of your results will be. This can be especially true if someone is looking for treatment for a specific condition. 

Asking how many patients a dentist has treated for a particular condition or how many specific procedures he has performed can help a patient gauge the level of experience a dentist has attained.

4. Technology

Dentistry is a discipline that is always evolving. New technologies are being put into practice every day.

Inquiring whether a dental practice near you offers the latest in technological equipment can indicate whether the practice has good diagnostic capabilities that can result in less invasive treatments and yield better results.

5. Bedside Manner

A medical professional’s bedside manner or communication style is a critical component in determining his ability to care for patients. Choosing a dentist that is comfortable speaking with patients and who understands a patient’s needs is vital to getting effective care and treatment.

Ask yourself this question: Is this dental professional open with knowledge and do they welcome and respect questions? If the answer is “no” or “it could be better,” he may not be the right dentist for you.

6. Insurance

Knowing which insurance a dental practice accepts or does not is a practical matter. Choosing a dentist who offers your dental insurance may mean the difference between paying little in out-of-pocket expenses or paying a lot. 

Dental Practice Near You in Coffs Harbour

Dr. Pathak and his team are ready to answer any questions you may have about your oral care. Call any of our three convenient locations: 

  1. Coffs Harbour – (02) 6652-3242 
  2. Woolgoolga – (02) 6654-0650) 

 Or schedule a free consultation online today. 


Veneers or dental crowns: which are best?

Veneers vs Crowns:  Which option is right for you?

By Cosmetic Dentistry No Comments

Veneers and dental crowns are great ways to improve a smile. One restores damaged or decayed teeth while the other is solely cosmetic. 

Dr. Arpit Pathak at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre can explain the pros and cons of veneers and crowns to help you determine the best option for your smile.

How are veneers and crowns different?

Dental crowns cover and protect damaged and decayed teeth. They can also replace a missing tooth when paired with a dental implant. 

A dental crown can be thought of as a cover for the whole tooth. They are roughly 2 millimeters thick and are made of either porcelain, a combination of porcelain and metal, or entirely of metal.

A veneer is a thin tooth-colored shell that is attached to the front of an existing tooth. It is made of porcelain or resin (a composite material) and is roughly about 1 mm thick.

Veneers can cover surface-level chips and cracks. However, chips and cracks that affect the tooth’s root or pulp must be treated with a crown. 

Because a veneer only covers the front surface of a tooth, it leaves more of the original tooth intact than crowns. However, about half a millimeter of the enamel on the front of the tooth needs to be ground down to roughen the surface for bonding a veneer.

What’s the process for getting a veneer?

The dentist makes an impression of your tooth either by digital scan or by mold. The image or mold is then sent out to a lab for the creation of the veneer. When the veneer is manufactured and sent back to the dentist, it is bonded to the tooth using special cement. Once the cement hardens, the veneer is ready to go.

What’s the process for getting a crown? 

Unlike veneers, dental crowns cover an entire tooth. Because of that, more of the original tooth needs to be filed in advance of crown placement.

As with veneers, a dentist takes an impression of your tooth by digital scan or by mold and then sends that scan or mold to a lab for manufacturing of the crown.

When the permanent crown is ready, the dentist will place it on the patient’s tooth. Then, the fit and bite will be adjusted until comfortable.

What are the pros and cons of crowns and veneers?

The pros of crowns

  • Entire coverage of the tooth so there is more protection from decay
  • Porcelain crowns look and feel like natural teeth

The cons of crowns

  • More of the natural tooth needs to be filed or ground down to prepare the tooth for placement
  • The fragility of the porcelain means it can be damaged over time
  • A dark line between the crown and the gum may become visible as the gum recedes over time (this only applies to crowns that are made from porcelain fused with metal alloy)

The pros of veneers

  • Aesthetically pleasing; no line between the gum and the crown becomes visible 
  • Don’t require a lot of filing or grinding of natural teeth in preparation

The cons of veneers

  • More of the natural tooth is left exposed, leading to decay
  • The lifespan of veneers is only 5-7 years, at which point they may have to be replaced
  • Veneers are not reversible

Learn More from Our Coffs Harbour Dentist

A patient with teeth that require restoration can get all of their questions answered about crowns and veneers by Dr. Pathak and his team. Call any one of our three convenient locations (Coffs Harbour – (02) 6652-3242 or Woolgoolga – (02) 6654-0650) or conveniently schedule an appointment online today.


A woman puts a clear aligner in her mouth after visiting an Invisalign doctor in New South Wales.

Do clear aligners move teeth better than braces?

By Orthodontics No Comments

People often come to a fork in the road on the path to straightened teeth: braces or aligner therapy? Each treatment has its advantages and disadvantages, but you may be wondering if one orthodontic treatment is more effective than the other.

The answer? It really just depends.

In 2019, BMC Oral Health published a medical journal comparing the effectiveness of clear aligners and braces. Researchers discovered that clear aligners were better in moving sections of teeth in shorter lengths of time. However, braces are more effective at controlling the teeth, holding teeth in place, and bite force contacts.

Both treatments use proven technology with a long history of successful cases. The real question is not whether one is better than the other, but whether one suits your personal needs and lifestyle.

Clear Aligners

Aligner therapy is a popular alternative to metal braces. Clear aligners work like any other orthodontic device. They apply pressure on the teeth to gently move them and reshape the supporting jaw bone, but with trays instead of wires and brackets.


  • Most people choose clear aligners, like Invisalign®, because they are invisible. When patients clean them regularly and effectively, most people won’t notice that they have aligners on.
  • No poky wires or scratchy brackets are needed for aligner therapy, so many people consider them more comfortable.
  • Do you have a big speech, and you’re worried your orthodontic device may make you sound funny? Are you not ready to give up your favorite foods? Clear aligners are removable.
  • Clear aligners are low maintenance. Because they can be removed, aligners and the teeth are easy to clean.


  •  Although Invisalign has advanced quite a bit since its emergence in the 1990s, this technology is still limited and cannot correct overly complex alignment issues.
  •  Accidents happen. Clear aligners are easy to misplace or break because they are removable.
  • If patients don’t wear clear aligners as prescribed, they will not work. People must remember to wear them with responsibility.


When most people think about braces, they imagine those made of brackets, wires, and rubber bands. Traditional metal braces have been straightening teeth for decades. Thankfully, contemporary braces are much smaller and more comfortable than before.


  • Traditional braces are best for complicated cases, such as rotated teeth.
  • The wearer cannot remove fixed braces, so they cannot be lost.
  • Because they cannot be removed, treatment time can be faster when compared to inconsistent aligner wearers.
  • Braces encourage compliance because patients must visit their orthodontists monthly for check-ups and tightening.
  • Braces are customizable, and patients can choose different colors to showcase their sense of style.


  • Metal braces are obvious.
  • Braces aren’t removable, so patients must wear them at all times until treatment is over.
  • If patients have a tight schedule, it may be difficult to visit their orthodontists every month.
  • Patients must avoid some foods so that brackets don’t pop off.
  • Sometimes, braces can make it harder to clean and floss teeth thoroughly.

Schedule an Appointment Today

No matter what path you choose, straighter teeth benefit wellness and may cause you to smile more. At Magic Smiles Dental Implant Centre, our dentists examine the teeth to help determine if aligner therapy is right for you.

Please schedule a consultation for clear aligner therapy in Woolgoolga and Coffs Harbour, NSW, by sending us a message online.