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April 2022

dental hygienist identifies bleeding gums in patient

Why are my gums bleeding, and how can I stop it?

By Oral Health No Comments

There’s a chance that every adult might suffer from some degree of bleeding gums at some point in their lifetime. Although a small amount of blood in the mouth may not bother you, bleeding gums should not be ignored.

If you notice that your gums are bleeding, we suggest visiting a Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre location as soon as possible. Our experienced dental team diagnoses the root cause of bleeding gums and appropriately treats the condition.

There are many reasons why you could have bleeding gums. Some reasons are related to your oral health. Other times, bleeding gums can be the warning sign of a potentially even more significant problem. Here, we go over six reasons your gums may be bleeding and how to stop it.

1. You’re using an incorrect brushing technique.

When it comes to brushing your teeth, easy does it. Brushing your teeth too hard can damage your enamel and may cause discomfort, your gums to bleed, and your toothbrush bristles to fray. Likewise, the Australian Dental Association recommends gently brushing your teeth with a toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles twice a day.

2. You’re new to routine flossing.

Don’t panic or give up! If you’ve just started flossing, some bleeding is normal. Thankfully, this symptom should go away in about a week as you master your flossing craft. If the bleeding persists after a week, speak with your dentist.

3. You’re deficient in vitamins and minerals.

A balanced diet full of vitamins and minerals can help your body perform at its peak. However, deficiencies can hinder your oral and overall health. Specifically, deficiencies in the following substances can lead to poor gum health:

  • Vitamin C helps our cells heal. So, a long-term vitamin C shortage might lead to inflamed gums that bleed easily.
  • Vitamin K has healthy blood clotting properties, so lacking this vitamin can hinder your body’s ability to prevent excessive bleeding in case of injury.
  • Iron helps the body produce healthy blood cells and maintain high-functioning blood vessels.

4. Your dental restorations are not fitting correctly.

Do you have any prior dental work? If so, make sure that your crown, denture, or other dental restoration fits properly. If a restoration slips out of place, it may cut the gum tissue.

5. You’re experiencing hormonal changes.

The hormonal imbalances during puberty and pregnancy can increase blood flow to the gums and affect your overall gum health. Thus, increasing the threat of developing gum disease.

6. You have gum disease.

Gum disease starts as an infection in the gingival tissue that has the potential to develop into something much more severe (periodontitis). Although largely preventable via regular dental visits, experts estimate that 3 in every 10 Australian adults have moderate to severe periodontitis. One of the earliest signs of gum disease is bleeding, and your dentist might even be able to reverse it if it’s caught in time!

Discover the Your Bleeding Gums Cause

Your first line of defense against bleeding gums should always be a trip to your dentist. If you noticed that your gums are bleeding, inflamed, or otherwise irritated, type “dentist near me” in your favorite search engine and schedule a check-up with a trusted dentist in your area.

At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, our team will thoroughly examine the state of your teeth and gums. Your dentist may recommend additional treatment or a visit with your primary care doctor if they suspect a systemic health issue. Early intervention is key to protecting your health, so reach out to our team by calling (02) 6654-0650 or messaging us online as soon as you can.

woman smiling before Invisalign treatment

Is Invisalign® worth it?

By Invisalign No Comments

If you’re considering starting a journey to straight teeth, you might be interested in Invisalign—and you’re not alone. Currently, 12 million people have achieved a more beautiful and healthier smile with this clear aligner system. Because of the solid global backing and success, you may still wonder if Invisalign is worth it for you? Well, the short and anticlimactic answer to this burning question is “it just depends.” 

Knowledge is power, and it’s worth visiting a dentist near you to know for sure. If you are in New South Wales, schedule an Invisalign consultation with Dr. Arpit Pathak or one of his colleagues as an initial step. Then, answer the following questions regarding Invisalign candidacy:

Do you value discretion?

One of the top reasons people choose Invisalign is that it is famously hard to detect. Invisalign aligners are crafted from transparent, biocompatible plastic designed to fit snugly on the teeth. If you want the fact that you’re straightening your teeth to be your little secret, then Invisalign is ideal.

How severe is your misalignment?

Although Align Technology is continually evolving, it is not suitable for everyone. Invisalign is ideal for patients with mild to moderate misalignment. Additionally, those who need to refresh and realign their teeth after previous orthodontic work may benefit from Invisalign. (Yes! Usually, it pays off to wear your retainer with fidelty!) Depending on your specific needs, braces may be better suited for your smile.

Do you want to be able to keep your diet the same?

It’s human nature to gravitate towards the foods we’ve learned to love. However, Dynamic Eating Psychology supports that restricting foods (especially those you enjoy) triggers a stress reaction in the body. Yes, it’s essential to eat some foods in moderation. However, saying “no” to foods that you have an emotional bond with can leave you feeling uneasy.

Unfortunately, fixed braces come with the hurdle of not being able to eat whatever you want. Sticky, tough, and crunchy foods are off-limits when wearing braces because they can snap the wires and brackets. Conversely, a bonus feature about Invisalign is that it’s removable. As long as you take out your aligners before meals and snacks, you can eat virtually whatever you want, whenever you want.

Are you interested in a potentially more comfortable treatment?

Usually, all orthodontic treatments have the potential to produce mild to moderate discomfort. Orthodontic treatment relies heavily on applying pressure to the tooth roots. Consequently, gentle orthodontic pressure can still cause soreness that you can usually mediate with over-the-counter medication.

Structurally, braces can be more uncomfortable than clear aligners. If dislodged, metal wires and brackets may scratch or poke the gums and sides of your mouth. On the other hand, Invisalign is made of plastic, which feels smooth.

Is Invisalign Really Worth Your While?

Though results and experiences vary from person to person, studies support that patients are satisfied post-Invisalign. Frankly, it’s hard to tell if clear aligner therapy is suitable for you without at least meeting with an Invisalign provider to see if you qualify.

If you’re still wondering if the Invisalign system is worth it, schedule an appointment at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre by calling (02) 6654-0650 or messaging us online. Our dentists are eager to evaluate your smile to see if Invisalign could benefit your life. 

close up of teething baby with blonde hair and blue eyes

Children’s Dentistry Expert Explains: Everything You Need to Know about Teething and First Teeth

By Children's Dentistry No Comments

With a trusted children’s dentist and some accurate information, parents should have everything they need to take excellent care of their infant’s oral health. In this article, you’ll find some interesting facts about preventive oral care for babies, teething, and first teeth. We’ll also provide helpful tips and information to help you through the trials of teething.

Should you have questions or need a children’s dentist in the Coffs Harbour area, call Magic Smiles and schedule an appointment with our family-friendly dental team. We provide gentle, professional dental care for children, and we enjoy teaching parents how to take great care of their baby’s oral health, even before teeth erupt. 

Let’s start now with what you can expect inside your little one’s mouth in the first 36 months of his or her life. 

Daily Oral Care for Infants

Many parents are unaware that the bacteria that cause cavities is transmitted to an infant through his parents’ saliva. This occurs through kisses, sharing utensils, and other instances when the parent’s saliva enters the baby’s mouth, and this is completely natural. Though the infant has no teeth, the bacteria reside in the mouth until teeth erupt. 

Cleaning your infant’s mouth before and after teeth erupt is important. Before teeth erupt, use a soft, clean, wet cloth to gently rub the baby’s gums, tongue, and the interior of his cheeks. Repeat this a few times a week or daily.


Between ages three and six months, your baby should begin teething. You’ll notice symptoms that include but are not limited to:

  • Excessive drooling
  • Swollen, red gums
  • Slight cough
  • Fussiness and irritability
  • Lack of nighttime sleep
  • Disturbance in his eating pattern
  • Gnawing on his hands, toys, and anything else within reach
  • A slight temperature, usually under 101

Teething is uncomfortable, but you can soothe your baby’s pain by offering a refrigerated (not frozen) teething toy or spoon; gently rubbing his gums with your clean finger; offering a teething biscuit; or, with your pediatrician’s approval, giving the baby an appropriate dose of an infant pain reliever. Note that over-the-counter pain relievers are only appropriate for babies over 6 months of age.

Expect teething to occur on and off throughout the baby’s first few years.

First Teeth

Though all infants are different, for most, the lower center teeth erupt one after the other, followed by the top center teeth. Next come the two teeth on either side of the top center teeth, then those on either side of the bottom center teeth. 

By three years of age, your little one will probably have all 20 primary teeth, also called baby teeth or temporary teeth.

Care for your baby’s teeth by using an infant toothbrush and un-fluoridated infant toothpaste or water. Brush in the morning and evening, and when multiple teeth erupt you can add flossing to the routine. Also, only allow your baby or toddler to fall asleep with a bottle or cup that contains water. Milk, juice, and other beverages can cause a painful, destructive dental condition called baby bottle tooth decay.

Your Coffs Harbour and Woolgoolga Children’s Dentist

Our team at Magic Smiles wants to partner with you to help your little ones enjoy healthy teeth and bright smiles when their teeth erupt and throughout life. Call us today at one of our three locations or complete a contact form on our website to schedule a consultation for you or an appointment for your baby. 

image of cancerous and healthy cells under a microscope

Our Coffs Harbor Dentist Explains How to Prevent and Treat Oral Cancer

By Dental Checkup No Comments

Do you have a sore or new growth in your mouth that won’t resolve itself? If so, it is worth scheduling an appointment with your dentist in Coffs Harbor. Sadly, a sore that lingers for more than a few weeks is one of the most common signs of oral cancer. Oral cancer happens when cancerous cells form in the mouth or the oropharynx (the part of the throat at the back of the mouth).

In this comprehensive guide to oral cancer, Dr. Pathak goes over how to prevent oral cancer, treat it, and ways that survivors can improve their quality of life after beating cancer.


Good news! Oral cancer can be avoided, and people have an active role in avoiding it. People are more likely to survive oral cancer with early detection. Learning the warning signs and going to routine oral cancer screenings can help you prevent this potentially life-threatening condition.

Learn the Warning Signs of Oral Cancer

You can detect oral cancer with monthly self-examination. If you notice any unusual differences in your mouth, throat, or neck, speak with your dentist immediately.

Routine Oral Cancer Screenings

Being mindful about early oral cancer detection could save your life. Early detection can dramatically increase long-term survival rates. For these reasons, Dr. Pathak recommends oral cancer screenings:

  •       Every three years for adults over 20
  •       Every year for patients over 40

At our Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centres scattered across New South Wales, we use VELscope® during oral cancer screenings. VELscope is a non-invasive yet powerful device that can identify oral mucosal abnormalities that may indicate oral cancer.

Oral Cancer Treatment

The goal of cancer treatment is to cure cancer so that patients can live longer. Here are some treatments to consider if you have oral cancer:


Radiation therapy uses intense energy beams to destroy and restrict the growth of cancerous cells.


In a nutshell, chemotherapy involves using anti-cancer drugs to kill cancer cells.


While there are many surgeries for oral cancer, the commonality among all surgeries is to remove cancerous tissue.

Life After Oral Cancer

Congratulations! You’ve beaten cancer. If this sounds like it applies to you, you may be interested in medical procedures and therapies intended to improve your quality of life:

Periodontal and Restorative Dentistry

As previously mentioned, some people opt for chemo and radiation to fight cancer. Although often lifesaving, this type of therapy can damage the salivary glands and oral tissue lining and cause a slew of oral health problems, like:

  •       Dry mouth
  •       Tooth decay
  •       Periodontal disease
  •       Tooth loss

Consequently, patients with oral cancer may need additional dental services to protect and improve their oral health.

Reconstructive Surgery

A common misconception is that oral cancer can only exist in your mouth. However, cancerous cells can metastasize, which means they can spread from the mouth to other parts of the body. If oral cancer metastasizes, surgeons can reconstruct tissue, bones, and nerves so that the body can return to as normal as possible.

Voice Restoration Services

If a laryngectomy is medically necessary, an oral cancer patient may opt for voice restoration services two weeks after surgery. With the power of speech therapy and speech aids (for example, an electrolarynx), people can speak to their loved ones again.

Meet with Our Team for Oral Cancer Screening and More

If it’s time for an oral cancer screening, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment. Call (02) 6652-3242 or message us online.