Is Invisalign® worth it?

By April 21, 2022 April 29th, 2022 Invisalign
woman smiling before Invisalign treatment

If you’re considering starting a journey to straight teeth, you might be interested in Invisalign—and you’re not alone. Currently, 12 million people have achieved a more beautiful and healthier smile with this clear aligner system. Because of the solid global backing and success, you may still wonder if Invisalign is worth it for you? Well, the short and anticlimactic answer to this burning question is “it just depends.” 

Knowledge is power, and it’s worth visiting a dentist near you to know for sure. If you are in New South Wales, schedule an Invisalign consultation with Dr. Arpit Pathak or one of his colleagues as an initial step. Then, answer the following questions regarding Invisalign candidacy:

Do you value discretion?

One of the top reasons people choose Invisalign is that it is famously hard to detect. Invisalign aligners are crafted from transparent, biocompatible plastic designed to fit snugly on the teeth. If you want the fact that you’re straightening your teeth to be your little secret, then Invisalign is ideal.

How severe is your misalignment?

Although Align Technology is continually evolving, it is not suitable for everyone. Invisalign is ideal for patients with mild to moderate misalignment. Additionally, those who need to refresh and realign their teeth after previous orthodontic work may benefit from Invisalign. (Yes! Usually, it pays off to wear your retainer with fidelty!) Depending on your specific needs, braces may be better suited for your smile.

Do you want to be able to keep your diet the same?

It’s human nature to gravitate towards the foods we’ve learned to love. However, Dynamic Eating Psychology supports that restricting foods (especially those you enjoy) triggers a stress reaction in the body. Yes, it’s essential to eat some foods in moderation. However, saying “no” to foods that you have an emotional bond with can leave you feeling uneasy.

Unfortunately, fixed braces come with the hurdle of not being able to eat whatever you want. Sticky, tough, and crunchy foods are off-limits when wearing braces because they can snap the wires and brackets. Conversely, a bonus feature about Invisalign is that it’s removable. As long as you take out your aligners before meals and snacks, you can eat virtually whatever you want, whenever you want.

Are you interested in a potentially more comfortable treatment?

Usually, all orthodontic treatments have the potential to produce mild to moderate discomfort. Orthodontic treatment relies heavily on applying pressure to the tooth roots. Consequently, gentle orthodontic pressure can still cause soreness that you can usually mediate with over-the-counter medication.

Structurally, braces can be more uncomfortable than clear aligners. If dislodged, metal wires and brackets may scratch or poke the gums and sides of your mouth. On the other hand, Invisalign is made of plastic, which feels smooth.

Is Invisalign Really Worth Your While?

Though results and experiences vary from person to person, studies support that patients are satisfied post-Invisalign. Frankly, it’s hard to tell if clear aligner therapy is suitable for you without at least meeting with an Invisalign provider to see if you qualify.

If you’re still wondering if the Invisalign system is worth it, schedule an appointment at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre by calling (02) 6654-0650 or messaging us online. Our dentists are eager to evaluate your smile to see if Invisalign could benefit your life. 

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