Dentists in Coffs Harbour Give You Oral Health-Related Gift Ideas for the Holidays

By December 12, 2022 March 27th, 2024 Cosmetic Dentistry
person holds a nicely wrapped gift

Did the holidays sneak up on you like they snuck up on us? If so, then you may be looking for last-minute gift ideas for your friends and family members. Of course, we know that they’d love a prepaid cosmetic dentistry treatment (like teeth whitening!), but what about other oral health-related gifts? Our dentists in Coffs Harbour are here to help!


But, before you complete your holiday shopping, be sure to schedule a dental exam and cleaning for yourself at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre. Get started now by contacting our dentist in Coffs Harbour or Woolgoolga, NSW, here.


Now, back to your holiday shopping. In this post, our dentists in Coffs Harbour give you four oral health-related gift ideas that your friends and family will love!

Stocking Stuffers for Healthy Smiles

Never underestimate the power of stocking stuffers! Your loved ones will enjoy getting thoughtful, helpful, and cost-effective gifts, like:

  • Travel-size toothbrushes, toothpaste, and mouthwash
  • On-the-go oral hygiene products (like interdental flossers and single-use mini toothbrushes)
  • Sugarless gum and mints (opt for xylitol-containing goodies for their cavity-fighting properties!)
  • Store-bought whitening strips
  • Chewable toothpaste tablets

Electric Toothbrush

The Australian Dental Association (ADA) recommends twice-daily toothbrushing for at least 120 seconds (two minutes) each time. But, many of us struggle to brush twice a day for two minutes at a time.


If you know someone who hates to brush their teeth, then try gifting them an electric toothbrush. Not only are electric toothbrushes more effective at removing built-up plaque, but many of them are programmed to run for two-minute intervals. This means that your loved one can remove more cavity-causing plaque while also meeting the ADA’s daily oral-hygiene guidelines.

Oral Irrigators

Traditional string floss isn’t exactly fun to use. Wrapping the string tightly around the fingers can cut off circulation, and maneuvering the hands and floss around the mouth can be challenging, especially for children and older adults.


Oral irrigators (also called water flossers) are an easy and modern way to remove plaque from hard-to-reach places, like between the teeth and below the gum line. When used in addition to traditional string floss and regular brushing, oral irrigators are an ideal way to keep your smile healthy in between dental cleanings.

Specialized Toothpastes

While drugstore toothpastes are effective, they may not offer many additional benefits, like remineralizing properties


This year, show your loved ones that you care by giving them specialized toothpastes. Whether they strengthen weak tooth enamel or address tooth sensitivity, specialized toothpastes are a thoughtful way for you to help your friends and family members prioritize their oral health all year round.

Meet Our Dentists in Coffs Harbour or Woolgoolga

This year, don’t let the holidays stress you out–ask our dentists in Coffs Harbour or Woolgoolga for more oral health-related gift ideas. Simply reach the team at Magic Smiles here to learn more. And don’t forget to schedule a dental exam and cleaning for yourself while you’re at it!

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