Smile Makeover | Combining Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

By July 29, 2020 March 27th, 2024 Cosmetic Dentistry
Woman smiling

Enhance Your Appearance with a Smile Makeover

Everyone wants a gorgeous smile. After all, it’s one of the first things people notice when they meet you for the first time. Patients who wish to dramatically enhance their appearance can undergo a smile makeover at Magic Smiles. This comprehensive treatment combines two or more cosmetic dentistry procedures into a custom plan.

Magic Smiles has two convenient locations to serve you: Coffs Harbour and Woolgoolga. Our Coffs dentists are skilled and experienced in cosmetic dentistry. Combining science and artistry, they help our patients achieve the beautiful, healthy smiles they desire.

Am I a Candidate for a Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover is strictly cosmetic in nature. To qualify, patients should already be in good oral health. Issues such as decay and gum disease must be treated prior to any cosmetic procedure. Otherwise, it could compromise your oral health even further.

To find out if you are a candidate for a smile makeover, schedule a consultation at one of our surgery locations. We can talk with you in detail about your options.

Commonly Combined Procedures

First, it’s important to understand that no two smile makeovers are the same. Because each patient is unique, every treatment plan reflects their individual goals. Here are some of the most common treatments that our patients combine.

Teeth Whitening

Over time, dark-colored foods and beverages can cause the teeth to become stained and yellow. Professional teeth whitening can brighten the smile dramatically – by several shades. At Magic Smiles, we offer both in-office and take-home whitening.

Dental Bonding

Teeth that are chipped and cracked can be repaired with dental bonding. During this treatment, your dentist applies a tooth-colored composite resin material to conceal cosmetic imperfections. Bonding can even address deep dental stains that don’t respond to teeth whitening.

In general, dental bonding lasts about five to seven years. It’s a minimally invasive procedure that delivers beautiful results.

Porcelain Veneers

Chipped, cracked, misshapen, or discolored teeth can be treated with porcelain veneers. These custom-crafted restorations adhere to the front surfaces of the teeth to conceal a wide range of cosmetic imperfections and bring balance to your smile.

Porcelain veneers treatment can be completed in two office visits. During the first appointment, your dentist prepares the teeth by removing small amounts of enamel. Next, impressions are taken of your teeth. These are sent to our dental lab for the fabrication of your veneers.

When the lab has created your restorations, we will schedule you for a second appointment. During this visit, your dentist assesses the fit and appearance of your veneers and bonds them permanently into place.

Porcelain veneers are strong and durable. With proper care, they can last two decades or longer.

Gum Contouring

Excess gum tissue can cover portions of the teeth, making them appear short or boxy. Also referred to as a “gummy smile”, this condition can be addressed with gum contouring. During this procedure, your dentist removes excess tissue and reshapes the existing gumline. The result is a more balanced and symmetrical smile.

Traditionally, gum contouring was performed with scalpels and sutures. Today, advanced laser technology can be used instead, resulting in less bleeding and discomfort.

Clear Aligner Therapy

Misaligned teeth can detract from your appearance. But more importantly, they have a negative impact on oral health. Clear aligner therapy is a popular braces alternative that straightens your teeth discreetly using clear plastic trays.

Clear aligners are also removeable, so patients can still enjoy their favorite foods while undergoing orthodontic treatment. Best of all, clear aligner therapy can correct most of the same orthodontic problems as traditional braces.

Schedule Your Smile Makeover Consultation

Even if you have a healthy smile, there may be certain aesthetic elements you wish to improve. A smile makeover can dramatically enhance your appearance and boost your confidence. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, call one of our three convenient office locations.


43 Beach Street
NSW 2456
P: (02) 6654-0650
[email protected]
Mon – Fri: 9am to 5pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

    Coffs Harbour

    176 Pacific Hwy, Suite 2
    Coffs Harbour
    NSW 2450
    P: (02) 6652-3242
    [email protected]
    Mon-Fri: 9am to 5pm
    Sat: 9am-1pm
    Sun: Closed

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