What services does a cosmetic dentist offer?

By May 19, 2021 February 16th, 2022 Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry services


Your smile is one of the most compelling gifts you share with other people. But when you don’t feel comfortable with the appearance of your teeth, you may purposely try to hide your smile.

Cosmetic dentists offer many services that can restore your teeth’s healthy appearance and give you the confidence to smile openly and broadly at the world again. Let’s take a look at a some of the cosmetic dental services that you can benefit from.

Repairing Chipped or Broken Teeth

Chipped and broken teeth are more common than you might think. Chipped teeth are usually caused by some sort of injury, like a fall or a car accident. However, sometimes teeth can become chipped because the enamel of your teeth weakens over time.

Broken teeth are often caused by excessive pressure. This pressure might come from routinely chewing on ice, biting into hard candies, or grinding your teeth.

Whether your teeth are chipped or broken, they need to be repaired. There are several different ways that a cosmetic dentist can repair your chipped or broken teeth, but the two methods that are most used are bonding (for chipped teeth) and crowns (for broken teeth).

Cosmetic dentists bond matching-color resin to the tooth that has chipped to make its appearance whole again. This is usually done with your front teeth when they have sustained damage.

Broken teeth that have healthy roots that need to be protected are crowned. Crowns are made from durable materials and they will usually last you a lifetime.

Aligning Teeth for Adults

You may think that teeth-straightening and braces are just for children. However, if you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth’s alignment, this is a cosmetic dental option for you.

Cosmetic dentists have the latest types of aligners that can address things like overbites or crooked teeth. Many of these teeth aligning options are removeable – and they are practically invisible.

Adults like the fact that they can choose clear braces and not have to endure wearing metal braces for several years. If you want to improve the alignment of your teeth or correct your overbite, a cosmetic dentist can help you achieve this.

Enhancing Your Teeth’s Appearance Using Veneers

Cosmetic dentists use veneers to help give you the perfect smile. Dental veneers can change the size, length, shape, and color of your teeth, giving them a beautiful and uniform appearance.

Your teeth grow naturally a bit more haphazardly that you may like. You may teeth that are uneven in length or you may have some teeth that look smaller in proportion to your other teeth. Veneers are a great way to address this.

While some people choose to have veneers installed on all their teeth, others choose just to have them installed on the teeth that show when they smile. Whatever your preference, the right veneer solution is possible.

Whitening Your Teeth

You may have looked in the mirror and noticed that your teeth don’t exactly look pearly white anymore. That is because the food and drinks that we consume cause our teeth to lose their luster with time.

Coffee, tea, and wine are big offenders, and they can leave your smile a little dingy. Fortunately, one of the services that cosmetic dentists offer is teeth whitening. While there are many over-the-counter products that claim to whiten your teeth, they may not be as safe or as effective as professional teeth whiteners.

Having your teeth whitened as a cosmetic dental procedure is easy. It is completely safe and it will produce the results you want in a very short period of time.

Abrasing Your Teeth’s Enamel

If the stains on your teeth are superficial, enamel abrasion is a perfect solution to restore their gleam. With this cosmetic dental procedure, a micro-abrasion tool removes discoloration on the outside of the enamel with a pumice stone.

Enamel abrasion, however, will not remove deeper stains inside the enamel or inside the tooth, so you can talk with your dentist about whether this option is right for renewing your smile.

Schedule a cosmetic dental appointment with us today.

If you are looking for a Coff cosmetic dentist with the knowledge and experience to make your smile the best it can be, then you want to entrust your dental care to our team at Magic Smiles.

Call us now at (02) 6654-0650 to make your appointment.

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