Why We Offer Dental Implants for Missing Teeth

By August 4, 2020 February 16th, 2022 Restorative Dentistry
parts of dental implant

Most people think about missing teeth as an aesthetic issue, but as dental professionals, we understand that missing teeth can significantly impact a person’s oral health. Just one missing tooth puts you at a much higher risk of developing gum disease and cavities, not to mention the negative impacts it can have on your overall wellness and appearance.

A missing tooth can also cause the rest of your teeth to shift. The neighboring teeth will likely move into the empty spot, and even the tooth adjacent to it will lengthen. This creates a domino effect, and before you know it, many of your teeth have moved away from their proper positions.

Replacing the missing tooth is the only way to avoid these problems.

While there are several options for replacing missing teeth, like dental bridges and dentures, most dentists recommend dental implants.

At Magic Smiles, our compassionate dentists work with each patient to create a personalized restorative treatment plan. Here are three reasons why we recommend dental implants to our patients:

1. Dental implants replace the tooth root.

Unlike any other restorative option, dental implants replace the root of the missing tooth. This is important because the root is responsible for keeping the jawbone intact and strengthening the tooth crown.

Like a natural tooth, the implant inserts into the patient’s jawbone. The bone and the implant create a permanent bond during a natural process called osseointegration. This fusing-together process may take up to six months. Once complete, the dentist can place a crown, bridge, or denture on top of the implant and abutment.

As a result of osseointegration, the jawbone is restored to its natural strength, patients can avoid facial sagging due to atrophy, the neighboring teeth are less likely to experience decay, and their restoration should never require replacement. None of these things can be said about other dental restorations!

2. Dental implants restore function.

Having just one missing tooth makes chewing and talking much more difficult. With dental implants, these functions are fully restored as if the natural teeth were never lost.

This is mostly due to the osseointegration process we explained earlier. As the titanium implant fuses with the jawbone, it creates a long-lasting, durable anchor that frees patients of food restrictions and speech impediments.

Unlike dentures, dental implants provide comfort and stability that keeps them from moving and shifting denture patients so often complain about. This problem isn’t just uncomfortable and painful, its also embarrassing. Dental implants allow patients to avoid these issues while experiencing the complete function of their new restorations.

3. The dental implant procedure is highly successful.

Past studies have found that the dental implant procedure is 90-95 percent successful when they are placed by a skilled dentist. The importance of choosing a dentist who has years of experience with dental implants cannot be stressed enough.

These dental professionals know a good candidate for implants when they see one, and they can spot any risk of complications that may occur during or after surgery and work to avoid it.

Though unforeseen complications do arise, they are few and far between. Most can be avoided when the patient takes proper care of the surgical site during the healing process.

Schedule Your Dental Implant Consultation Today

To learn if you are a candidate for dental implant surgery, contact our team to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced and compassionate dentists. We can’t wait to help you gain a beautiful, fully functioning smile again!

Call (02) 6654-0650 to speak with one of our friendly dental team members.

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