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October 2020

woman holding clear aligners

The Good and Not-So-Good of Invisalign Clear Aligners

By Invisalign No Comments

When it comes to braces, most patients are ecstatic to hear that Invisalign clear aligners are an option. Traditional metal braces don’t usually sound quite as appealing. However, clear aligners aren’t right for everyone. Continue reading to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of choosing Invisalign clear aligners.

Benefits of Invisalign

Most patients are drawn to Invisalign because of their discreet appearance because they can achieve a beautiful smile without having to deal with metal brackets on their teeth. This is especially true for our adult patients who don’t want braces to make them look or feel like they are in junior high again.

While this is the most obvious benefit, Invisalign also offers:


When clear aligners fit properly, they tend to be much more comfortable than metal braces. Many patients with traditional metal braces complain about brackets and wires rubbing against their gums and cheeks throughout the day. Not only is this painful and irritating, but it can be a distraction from school, work, and other tasks throughout the day.

Invisalign clear aligners are made from a smooth, flexible plastic that won’t irritate the gums or cheeks.


Although it is important to wear the aligners for at least 22 hours a day, patients have the freedom to remove their Invisalign trays while eating, to give a speech or presentation, and while brushing their teeth. This benefit is unique to clear aligners and one of the main reasons so many patients chose them as their orthodontic option.

Simple Maintenance

Caring for traditional braces can be difficult because brushing and flossing require more a little more effort and maybe even some new tools. With Invisalign, you can keep your same toothbrush and floss because the aligner can be removed while brushing.

To keep your aligner clean, you will need a special cleaner recommended by your dentist. We also recommend that patients brush after each meal, before replacing their Invisalign tray, to inhibit bacterial growth.

Quick Results

While it’s true that no two treatment plans are alike, most patients can expect to wear their Invisalign trays for between 6 and 18 months.

Drawbacks of Invisalign

Because Invisalign requires patients to wear several different trays throughout treatment, the cost is significantly more expensive than traditional metal braces. Traditional braces cost between $5,000 and $6,000 on average. Invisalign can cost up to $8,000. However, every treatment plan is different. So be sure to ask your dentist for a quote.

Clear aligners also require more responsibility and self-control from the patient. We only recommend Invisalign to older teens and adults for this reason. It’s imperative that patients keep up with their aligners so that they don’t have to be replaced, making their cost higher and treatment time longer.

When an Invisalign tray doesn’t fit perfectly, it may cause some pain or discomfort to the gums and cheeks. If this happens, be sure to contact your dentist immediately to have a new tray created.

Invisalign Dentist in Woolgoolga

Invisalign clear aligners can help patients with all types of orthodontic needs. If you’re ready to begin the journey to a perfectly aligned, beautiful smile, call our friendly dental team today at (02) 6654-0650. Our expert dentists are prepared to help you achieve the smile of your dreams through compassionate dental care.

illustration of root canal therapy

5 Frequently Asked Questions About Root Canal Therapy

By Restorative Dentistry No Comments

So, you’ve been told you need root canal therapy. There are probably one hundred questions running through your mind, or maybe you don’t know which questions to ask! Although root canals have a reputation for being dreadful, the procedure is simple, comfortable, and extremely beneficial.

Root canal therapy allows patients to keep their natural tooth while eliminating the infected pulp inside of it.  This permits the patient to maintain chewing and biting force, keep a natural appearance, and protect his or her mouth from further infection.

To help prepare patients for their root canal treatment, we’ve answered five of the most frequently asked questions about root canal therapy in this blog.

1. What are the most common reasons for root canal therapy?

There are several reasons a patient may need a root canal, including:

  • Deep decay caused by untreated cavities
  • Having several procedures done on the same tooth
  • A poorly fitted crown
  • Severe crack or chip in the tooth
  • Injury caused by car accident, sports injury, etc.

The bottom line is that any time the pulp of the tooth is damaged or infected, root canal therapy is one of the most practical and effective solutions.

2. How painful is a root canal?

One of the most common misconceptions about root canals is that they are painful. While that may have been the case in the past, modern technology has made this treatment about as painless as having a cavity filled. In fact, the infection or damage is much more painful than the treatment.

3. Is it better to have the tooth extracted?

Because root canal therapy saves the natural tooth, it is a much better option than pulling out the tooth. Prosthetic teeth cannot replace the look and strength of the natural tooth and people who choose to have the tooth extracted will most likely need to have the tooth replaced with a bridge. These may not last long, but root-canaled teeth typically last a lifetime.

4. What happens during the procedure?

After taking X-rays, the dentist numbs the area with local anesthesia and places a rubber dam around the tooth to keep it dry.

Then, he accesses the pulp of the tooth to remove the bacteria and decay with root canal files. Water or sodium hypochlorite is sprayed throughout the inner tooth to flush away the debris.

During a second appointment, the dentist fills the tooth with a biocompatible material called gutta percha, then seals the tooth. If necessary, he will reinforce the tooth with a dental crown.

5. How can I avoid another root canal therapy in the future?

Avoiding another root canal is simple: amp up your oral hygiene routine. This is especially important for patients who had a root canal due to dental decay. However, a good oral hygiene routine keeps all types of oral health problems away.

Here’s what your oral hygiene routine should consist of:

  • Brushing in the morning and evening
  • Flossing daily
  • Using an antibacterial mouthwash
  • Eating properly
  • Visiting the dentist every six months

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Whether you need root canal therapy or its time to schedule your dental clean, our team at Magic Smiles is prepared to help. If you’re nervous about a procedure, ask us about our sedation methods.

Call (02) 6654-0650 to schedule your appointment today.

parts of dental implant

What can implants do for me?

By Restorative Dentistry No Comments

There are various reasons why patients are missing teeth, including medical conditions, gum disease, accidents, and medication use. Regardless of the cause, these individuals want to achieve a beautiful, natural look. At Magic Smiles, we use dental implants to give our patients a brand-new smile that they’ll love. 

During a consultation, our dentists examine your mouth to determine if implants are the right choice for you. We check the condition of your teeth, gums, and jawbone to see if your oral health is optimal. If not, our dental team can resolve any underlying issues to make sure that your implant surgery is successful. Before choosing the treatment, patients should understand how the restoration can benefit them.

Restore Appearance

Anybody with missing teeth knows how much it can affect the appearance. Patients might look older and more worn. Additionally, for some people with many missing teeth, the entire shape of their mouth can change. Patients with lost teeth might feel insecure about their looks, shy away from smiling, and might not want to participate in social settings. 

When patients are ready to boost their self-esteem, dental implants are an ideal solution. The replaced teeth provide a beautiful, seamless smile that will look natural. After the treatment, you’ll love the way your teeth look so much that you won’t be able to stop smiling and showing off your new teeth.

Restore Function

One of the biggest downfalls of tooth loss is the fact that you aren’t able to chew and bite down properly. This can affect a patient’s ability to eat their favorite foods. They may only be able to eat softer foods and miss out on eating a wide selection of items. Consequently, with such limited choices, patients might end up suffering from vitamin and mineral deficiencies. These individuals might begin to experience health problems that will also need to be resolved.

Since dental implants replace missing teeth, function is restored. The teeth align naturally, so you are able to bite down and chew with ease. 

Provide Stability

Compared to treatments like dentures, dental implants provide greater stability. Since the titanium post fuses with the jawbone, patients get that extra security to ensure the implant stays in place. Your dentist places a restoration like a crown to ensure that your implant is stable and performs like a natural tooth. Best of all, you don’t have to worry about it shifting or moving when talking or eating.

Provide Permanency

While there are some temporary types of restorative treatments for missing teeth, they can be a hassle. Just imagine if your missing teeth are replaced permanently, and you don’t have to worry about things like putting in or taking out dentures.  The beauty of implants is that they provide permanency since once they’re placed, they remain.

Of course, you should visit your dentist for regular check-ups to ensure your implants are performing as they should. Overall, the titanium post that’s placed in the jaw is designed to last a lifetime. 

Schedule a Consultation

When you’re ready to learn more about dental implants and to see how they can benefit you, contact one of our three offices to schedule a consultation. You can reach our Woolgoolga office at (02) 6654-0650 or the Coffs Harbour practice at (02) 6652-3242. Patients can also contact us online for more information.

dental bridge illustration

The Pros and Cons of a Traditional Dental Bridge

By Restorative Dentistry No Comments

Though there are several options for replacing missing teeth, dental bridges are among the most popular restorative treatments. A traditional dental bridge—the most common type—is made up of two dental crowns with one, two, or three prosthetic teeth suspended in the middle. There are three other types of dental bridges: the Maryland bridge, cantilever bridge, and an implant-supported bridge.

Each bridge comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, but for this blog, we’ll focus on the traditional dental bridge.

Here are the pros and cons of traditional dental bridges:

Advantages of a Traditional Dental Bridge

A traditional dental bridge offers several benefits to patients with one, two, or three missing teeth in a row. Aesthetically, the bridge is carefully crafted by a dental lab technician so that it matches the rest of your smile perfectly. Only you and your dentist will know it isn’t real!

Oftentimes, missing teeth affect a person’s ability to chew and speak properly. Dental bridges restore those functions by permanently replacing those missing teeth. Although patients may want to reduce their consumption of sticky foods, there are no food restrictions associated with dental bridges.

When a person has a missing tooth, there is a high probability that the neighboring teeth will shift towards the gap. This can cause a domino effect throughout the mouth. dental bridges fill that gap to keep the rest of the patient’s teeth in proper position.

A traditional dental bridge may also help reduce jawbone deterioration which leads to facial atrophy, though dental implants are a more effective solution to this issue.

Finally, patients prefer dental bridges because they are fixed in the mouth, unlike dentures. This provides stability, security, and a simple cleaning process. Dental bridges can be treated just like your regular teeth—brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting the dentist every six months.

Disadvantages of a Traditional Dental Bridge

When considering a dental bridge, it’s important to have all the facts—even the not-so-good ones! Thankfully, the disadvantages of a dental bridge are few and many of them are avoidable when you choose an experienced and trusted dentist.

The disadvantages of dental bridges include:

  • Risk of decay under an ill-fitting crown
  • Removal of enamel from the healthy neighboring teeth
  • Risk of failure if the neighboring teeth aren’t strong enough
  • Won’t last forever
  • Don’t replace the tooth root

While dental bridges can last up to 15 years, they aren’t considered a permanent solution.

More Tooth Replacement Options

Not sold on a dental bridge? Continue your research by looking into other tooth replacement options like dentures and dental implants.

While dentures are a more affordable option, dental implants offer incredible benefits and last a lifetime. They’re both worth considering!

Restorative Dentistry in Woolgoolga

At Magic Smiles, we prioritize patient comfort and satisfaction. Our vision for a family-friendly dental practice means that your needs are more important than our profits. That’s why you can expect to be treated with the utmost respect and high-quality care.

When it comes to restorative dentistry, we offer dental bridges, dental implants, and dentures. Based on your unique dental situation, preferences, and budget, we will recommend your best option and simply leave the final decision to you.

Contact our friendly dental team today at (02) 6654-0650 to schedule your initial consultation.

man with two thumbs up

Preventive Dentistry: The Benefits of Regular Dental Cleans

By Preventative Dentistry No Comments

Dental cleans are extremely underrated. Though your parents may have expressed the importance, many adults don’t prioritize their oral health and often skip out on six-month dental visits. Unfortunately, this can have serious oral and overall health consequences. For patients who do attend these appointments, the benefits are obvious!

While brushing and flossing at home is important, six-month dental cleans should be a part of everyone’s oral hygiene routine. Read this blog to learn about the oral and overall health benefits of regular dental cleans.

1. Prevents serious dental problems

Though you may consider yourself an expert brusher, and even if you are one of the few people who floss twice a day, disease-causing bacteria can still attack your teeth and gums. It is nearly impossible for a person to reach every nook and cranny of their mouth, but a dental professional has the eye and mobility to clean the surface of every tooth and soft tissue in the mouth.

Attending regular dental cleans helps patients avoid cavities and gum disease. When dentists thoroughly clean the mouth, they remove the bacteria that can fester and attack the teeth and gums. In the long run, these appointments can save you from unnecessary pain and other symptoms of decay and disease.

2. Saves money

This isn’t necessarily a health benefit, but it is one that we don’t want to overlook! Most dental insurances cover the cost of two dental cleans per year. However, patients who don’t have insurance will certainly still save.

The cost of restorative dentistry is typically much more expensive than preventive because it takes more materials and time. Save yourself and your wallet the pain by attending regular dental cleans every six months.

3. Improved aesthetics

Tired of your stained, yellow teeth? Attending regular dental cleans helps remove dental stains caused by foods and beverages. During these appointments, your dentist may also recommend a different toothpaste and other tips to keep your smile bright.

4. Freshens breath

Bad breath is embarrassing—you know it if you’ve had it or been around someone who did. Consistent bad breath shouldn’t be remedied with gum and mints that may actually make the problem worse. When you attend a regular dental clean, your dentist can identify and remove the underlying problem. If further treatment is necessary, he or she will let you know.

5. Reduces overall health issues

Researchers and scientists are finally letting us in on a major secret—the health of our mouths impacts our whole bodies. It may be surprising to know that gum disease can affect your heart, but it’s true! This is just one of the many reasons why good oral hygiene is so important.

Attending regular dental cleans appointments help reduce your risk of developing these overall health problems:

  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Diabetes
  • Premature birth
  • Low birth weight
  • Dementia
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sjogren’s syndrome
  • Head and neck cancers

This benefit alone makes visiting the dentist twice a year more than worth it!

Dental Cleans in Woolgoolga

Ready to restore your oral health? Our team at Magic Smiles is ready to help! We provide comprehensive dental care to patients of all ages. Our state-of-the-art dental equipment and compassionate dental team ensures you receive the quality of dental care you deserve.

Call (02) 6653-1788 to schedule your dental cleans appointment today.