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April 2021

female patient receiving tooth crown

Everything You Need to Know about Getting a Tooth Crown

By Restorative Dentistry No Comments

Sometimes a tooth is so badly decayed or damaged that it can’t be repaired with a simple filling. In these cases, a tooth crown may be necessary to restore your oral health, function, and appearance. Our team of dentists at Magic Smiles create custom dental crowns that blend in with your smile for natural results.

If you are considering a dental crown, there are several things you may be wondering. Our team is here to answer your questions and tell you everything you need to know about dental crown treatment.

When is a tooth crown recommended?

Dental crowns may be recommended for a number of reasons. This type of restoration can be used to:

  • Repair a decayed tooth
  • Strengthen a weakened tooth
  • Restore a broken tooth
  • Cover cosmetic imperfections, such as chips or stains
  • Restore a dental implants
  • Protect a tooth that has been treated with root canal therapy

Am I a candidate for a tooth crown?

If you have a decayed or damaged tooth, your dentist may recommend a dental crown. To be eligible for this type of treatment, you must be in good oral health, free from periodontal disease and other serious dental issues. During a consultation at Magic Smiles, your dentist will perform a comprehensive oral examination to ensure that a dental crown is right for you. If you have extensive damage, you may be better suited for alternative treatments, such as an extraction and dental implant. We will recommend the most conservative treatment possible to keep your oral health on track.

Dental Crown Treatment Process

Many patients ask us what to expect when receiving a dental crown. In most cases, the procedure requires at least two office visits. During the first appointment, your dentist will remove a small amount of enamel from the affected tooth. This prepares the tooth so that it can serve as an anchor for your new restoration. Once this step is complete, we will take dental impressions of your smile. These impressions are then sent to our partner dental lab, where a technician will design your crown.

Your final dental crown will be delivered to our office once it is ready. Next, we’ll schedule you for a second visit at our practice. At this appointment, your dentist will try in your new crown to ensure that the fit and color are correct. After making some minor adjustments, your new tooth crown will be permanently cemented into place.

Dental Crown Recovery

After having a tooth crown placed, you may notice some slight, temporary sensitivity. These side effects are normal and should subside in a few days. Most patients can resume normal activity and function the same day.

Though the area may be slightly tender, be sure to keep it clean. Brush and floss normally, and use an antibacterial rinse to reduce the risk of complications.

Preserving Your New Smile

To keep your new dental crown looking and feeling its best, you’ll need to follow the recommendations set forth by the Magic Smiles team. For example:

  • Practice good oral hygiene.
  • Avoid sticky or hard foods.
  • Wear a night guard if you grind your teeth.
  • Visit your dentist regularly.

Learn more about tooth crowns at Magic Smiles.

If you think you may need a tooth crown, schedule a visit at our Coffs Harbour dental office, also serving Woolgoolga. Contact us online anytime.

happy little girl brushing teeth

Children’s Dentist: Oral Health Tips for Kids

By Children's Dentistry No Comments

While most parents expect their child to have a cavity or two, this doesn’t have to be the case. Cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems are almost always preventable. As dental professionals, we don’t take oral health lightly, and parents shouldn’t either! It’s more common to take overall health more seriously than oral health, but what if we told you that one affects the other? Oral health problems in children can lead to poor digestive health, nutrient deficiencies, and low self-esteem.

We know that you want the best for your little one. That includes helping her achieve optimal oral health so that the rest of her body doesn’t suffer the consequences. In this blog, our children’s dentist offers three tips to help your child gain and maintain a healthy smile.

1. Begin brushing and flossing as early as possible

Parents should clean their children’s mouths long before they develop their first tooth. Milk and other substances can damage a baby’s gum tissue and increase the risk of gum disease. To clean the gums, simply wet a soft cloth and wipe the front, back, and top of your baby’s gums.

When the first tooth develops, buy a finger brush or use a damp washcloth to remove any residue, plaque, and bacteria. Be very gentle and don’t use a toothpaste unless recommended by your children’s dentist. Once the second tooth develops, use floss to clean between the teeth.

As your child gets older (usually by age three), he or she will graduate to a regular, soft-bristled toothbrush and a pea-sized dollop of fluoride toothpaste. Children typically need assistance with brushing and flossing until age six.

2. Offer healthy meals and snacks

One of the most important, and often most overlooked, aspects of oral health care is eating healthy foods. Children love snacks like crackers, dried fruit, gummies, and juice. Unfortunately, these usually contain loads of sugar and carbs that contribute to cavities and gum disease.

What our children eat is just as important for their oral health as it is for their overall health. To maintain a healthy microbiome, children should consume diets that contain these vitamins and minerals:

  • Calcium helps build strong bones which provide structural support to the teeth and gums. It also hardens dental enamel.
  • Potassium strengthens bone density and removes acidity from the blood which would otherwise inhibit calcium production.
  • Vitamin D assists the body in absorbing calcium.
  • Vitamin C protects against gum disease and prevents teeth from loosening.
  • Vitamin A prevents dry mouth and promotes healing.

Here are some of our favorite mouth- and kid-friendly snacks:

  • Greek yogurt
  • Milk
  • String cheese
  • Avocados
  • Fruit and veggie smoothie
  • Cantaloupe
  • Apples and peanut butter

Additionally, children should drink plenty of water throughout the day to clean the mouth of food particles and sugars and promote the production of saliva.

3. Find a kid-friendly children’s dentist near you

An experienced, compassionate, and friendly children’s dentist is a parent’s best resource for kids’ oral health. Children’s dentists help parents navigate the first years of oral health care, answer their questions, and give tips for teaching children how to care for their teeth and gums.

Finding the right kids’ dentist is essential to creating a healthy relationship between your child and his or her oral health. Choose a dentist with years of experience working with children, great patient reviews, and who is conveniently located.

Our Woolgoolga Children’s Dentist

At Magic Smiles, our dental team ensures every child that walks into our office feels comfortable and cared for. Our children’s dentist offers preventative treatments to ensure your little one achieves optimal oral health.

To schedule an initial consultation at our dental practice, call (02) 6654-0650 today.

gum disease or periodontal disease on green background

Gum Disease and Systemic Health

By Oral Health No Comments

Bleeding, irritated, swollen, and receding gums are a few of the most obvious signs of gum disease. Other signs and symptoms include persistent bad breath, loose teeth, changes in bite, and even tooth loss. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, progresses very slowly which is a great thing! This means that dentists can usually catch the disease in its earliest (and only treatable) stage before patients experience the worst symptoms.

However, for patients who don’t visit the dentist regularly, periodontal disease can cause tremendous damage to their oral cavity as well as their bodies. Additionally, periodontal disease can be triggered or worsened by systemic health issues.

How Gum Disease Affects Overall Health

Most often, people develop gum disease because of poor oral hygiene and/or eating habits. What begins as an infection in the gingiva, turns into an inflammatory reaction throughout the body when it gets into the bloodstream.

The bacteria from gum disease infiltrate the bloodstream and can cause the following overall health issues:

Heart disease

After evaluating several research studies, authors from the Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology have found a significant link between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease. Those studies proved that gum disease creates at least a 20 percent increase in the risk of heart disease.

Though this number is seemingly small, any percentage can lead to dire consequences. Therefore, periodontal care is an essential part of avoiding heart issues.


According to the American Dental Association, people who have periodontal disease may develop higher blood sugar which leads to type 2 diabetes. When the microbes from the disease leak into the bloodstream, the body has a natural reaction, which sometimes means raising blood sugar levels.

Alzheimer’s disease

Researchers haven’t quite figured out the connection between gum disease and Alzheimer’s disease and some even disagree that they are related. However, others believe that an over-production of beta-amyloid as a response to gum disease germs could be what causes Alzheimer’s disease.

Overall Health Issues That Cause Periodontal Disease

For some people, gum disease is caused by issues and changes in the body. While many studies of how certain health issues lead to gum disease are ambiguous, the connection certainly seems clear.

Hormonal changes in women that occur during puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause often lead to periodontal disease.

The story is a little different for men in that gum disease is more likely to affect other parts of their reproductive health.

Just as periodontal disease can lead to type 2 diabetes, the reverse is also true. Since diabetes leads to blood vessel changes that reduce the flow of nutrients to the rest of the body and removal of waste from the body the gums and bone tissue may weaken.

Gum Disease Prevention

The saying “prevention is the best policy” certainly applies to gum disease. Besides practicing good oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing, at home, patients should visit the dentist at least every six months. During these appointments, dentists look for signs of periodontal disease and can even eliminate the disease with a dental clean if it’s early enough.

In addition to these practices, patients should eat healthy, exercise, eliminate stressors, and visit their general physicians regularly since we know overall health issues lead to gum disease.

Ready to get your oral (and overall) health back on track? Contact our Woolgoolga dental practice today at (02) 6654-0650 to schedule an initial consultation.

3d render of parts of dental implants

What are dental implants and who needs them?

By Restorative Dentistry No Comments

Patients who have one or more missing teeth may be eligible for dental implants. This innovative dental restoration is the only one that replaces the entire tooth, not just the crown. A dental implant is made from biocompatible materials that are safe and durable. The implant itself resembles a screw. During the dental implant procedure, this screw-like rod is carefully and methodically placed into the jawbone where the new tooth goes.

Dental implants can also be used to replace several missing teeth in a row or an entire arch of missing teeth. In these cases, dentists may only use a few dental implants. For example, to replace an entire arch, the dentist may only need to use four implants to effectively support a denture.

Continue reading to learn about the pros and cons of dental implants and who is eligible for this procedure.

The Pros and Cons of Dental Implants

When it comes to choosing a tooth replacement option, it’s important to know all the details. To help patients grasp the advantages and disadvantages of dental implants, we’ll compare them to bridges and dentures.

The benefits of dental implants include:

  • Stability. Dental implants anchor directly to the jawbone and fuse together through a process called osseointegration.
  • No damage to healthy teeth. With a dental bridge, dentists make permanent alterations to the abutment teeth that may lead to weakened teeth over time.
  • Promote a healthy jawbone. Tooth roots promote jawbone regeneration. So, when a tooth goes missing the opposite happens—the jawbone begins to deteriorate. Thankfully, the bone will grow back once an implant is placed.
  • As stated earlier, dental implants can be attached to several restorations, including crowns, bridges, and dentures.
  • With proper care and hygiene, dental implants can last a lifetime.

The disadvantages of implants include:

  • Long treatment process. For some patients, the entire dental implant process takes 18 months, but it can be as little as 6 months.
  • Dental bridges and dentures do not require any type of surgery to place.
  • Possibility of complications. There is always a possibility of complications or infection when a person undergoes surgery. However, the dental implant procedure is nearly 100 percent successful.
  • Not suitable for everyone. Unfortunately, dental implants aren’t an option for everyone. Continue reading to learn about the candidacy requirements for dental implant patients.

Reasons and Qualifications for Dental Implants

You may need dental implants if you have one or more missing teeth, are suffering from jawbone atrophy, or need a dental extraction.

Patients who are eligible for the dental implant procedure must have these qualities:

  1. Sufficient jawbone density. Once a tooth is lost, the jawbone deteriorates. To place an implant, the bone must be dense enough to support it. In cases where the jawbone isn’t, the dentist may recommend a bone graft.
  2. Good oral and overall health. Surgery requires patients to be in good overall health as conditions like heart disease and diabetes can lead to complications. Patients must also be free of cavities and gum disease that can infect the surgical site.
  3. Healthy lifestyle habits. Consuming too much alcohol and using tobacco products can affect the blood’s ability to clot, slow blood flow, and interfere with your immune system.
  4. Fully developed jawbone. Children and teens are not candidates for dental implants because the jawbone is not fully developed. However, implants may become an option once they are adults.

Dental Implants in Woolgoolga

Interested in dental implants? Our experienced and compassionate dentists at Magic Smiles are ready to help you gain and maintain a healthy beautiful smile. Contact our office today at (02) 6654-0650 to schedule an initial consultation.

woman with Invisalign

Invisalign vs Traditional Metal Braces

By Invisalign No Comments

We all understand the benefits of having straight, perfectly aligned teeth—better oral health, higher self-esteem, and greater chances of success. These reasons are why so many people seek orthodontic treatment; it can be life-changing!

Unfortunately, these benefits often get overlooked when a patient is considering the possibility of wearing braces for up to two years. If that’s your situation, know that you have options and that those options will be the reason you reap the benefits of a beautiful smile.

Invisalign® clear aligners and traditional metal braces are two of the most popular orthodontic options. Continue reading to learn about their pros and cons.


Patients who qualify for Invisalign typically have mild to moderate orthodontic issues, such as:

  • Gapped teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Crowded teeth

Dentists will recommend this treatment for older teens and adults who are willing and able to commit to the process.

Benefits of Invisalign

Here are the most common reasons people choose Invisalign clear aligners:

  • Discreet appearance: The top reason patients love Invisalign clear aligners is their nearly invisible appearance. For older teens and adults, discretion is especially important. Putting metal braces on top of a less-than-perfect smile can add to feelings of insecurity. Clear aligners simply don’t.
  • Comfort: Invisalign uses smooth, flexible plastic material that doesn’t irritate the gums and cheeks (if they are fitted properly). The brackets and wires that make up traditional metal braces often cause irritation that is painful and distracting.
  • Convenience: Clear aligners can be removed at any time during the day. However, patients must wear them for at least 22 hours a day to receive desired results. Patients love that they can remove their aligners while eating or even while giving a presentation at work. This is a convenience that metal braces don’t provide.
  • Easy maintenance: Proper care is an essential part of being an Invisalign patient. Thankfully, clear aligners don’t require much! Patients should clean their teeth and rinse the aligner after every meal and use a special cleaner each night as a part of their oral hygiene routine.

Disadvantages of Invisalign

Before dentists approve patients for Invisalign, the patient must commit to wearing the aligners for at least 22 hours a day. The patient must also be responsible enough to keep up with every new aligner. They can easily be thrown away or misplaced during mealtimes!

Additionally, Invisalign clear aligners are typically more expensive than traditional metal braces because patients receive a new aligner tray about every six weeks.

Traditional Metal Braces

Initially, traditional metal braces may seem much less desirable, but the benefits of traditional braces are worth considering.

Benefits of Traditional Metal Braces

Metal braces…

  • are more effective for complex orthodontic issues.
  • are permanent, so they won’t get lost or damaged.
  • don’t require extra cleaning steps.
  • are more affordable.

Disadvantages of Metal Braces

Traditional metal braces are notorious for…

  • being chunky and extremely conspicuous
  • poky wires that irritate the gums
  • getting food stuck in the brackets
  • making eating more difficult

Invisalign and Orthodontic Treatment in Woolgoolga

Our dental and orthodontic experts at Magic Smiles are prepared to help patients with all types of orthodontic issues. We discuss your orthodontic needs, smile goals, and budget to create a plan that meets your specific needs. To schedule an initial consultation, call (02) 6654-0650 today.