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October 2021

image of small holes and stains in teeth which are cavities symptoms

Cavities Symptoms & Treatments

By Oral Health No Comments

Cavities are holes in the teeth that form from tooth decay. Although prevalence varies across Australian states and territories, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare estimates that 42% of children between the ages of 5 and 10 have cavities in their baby teeth. Even though many people associate cavities as a childhood health obstacle, it’s a more prevalent problem in adults. Tooth decay affects over 90% of the Australian adult population. 

Because of the widespread prevalence, you may be wondering, “How can I tell if I have a cavity? How do dentists treat cavities?” Below, we answer these questions and more.

What are the common symptoms of cavities?

Plaque (a sticky film of bacteria) constantly forms on the teeth. When people eat or drink foods with sugar or carbohydrates, they feed the oral bacteria in plaque. Consequently, the bacteria excrete acids that destroy the tooth enamel (the hard surface of the teeth). If not removed, the enamel breaks down and forms holes in the teeth (cavities).

If you believe that you or your loved one may have tooth decay, below are three common cavity symptoms to keep an eye out for:

1. Discomfort

Even though cavities do not usually cause pain until they are deep enough to affect the underlying nerves and tissues, a toothache is one of the most apparent symptoms. Discomfort can fluctuate from mild to intolerable. Also, toothaches can come abruptly, continuously, or promptly when biting, chewing, or eating.

2. Sensitivity

Below the enamel, the dentin has two roles (1) to reinforce the tooth’s enamel and (2) to protect the pulp chamber that houses the blood vessels and nerves deep inside the tooth. As the enamel erodes, the dentin is more exposed, and the dental nerves are more stimulated. As a result, sensitivity may occur after consuming food and drinks that are too hot, cold, acidic, sweet, or sticky.

3. Enamel Changes

As cavity-causing bacteria chemically changes the tooth, there may be changes of appearance:

  • Staining: White, brown, or black spots are the beginning visual signs of tooth decay. As the spots worsen, they become darker (brown or black) and more extensive.
  • Holes and pits: As staining advances, it can change into a hole or pit in the tooth. They may be noticeable by sight or felt when the tongue is run over the surface of the teeth. Sometimes, they may be difficult to see or feel if they are in ridges on the molars (the back of the mouth) or between the teeth.

How do dentists treat cavities?

While cavities may start small and unnoticeable, they rapidly expand when left untreated. After a dentist removes the decayed tissues, they may restore the tooth with a dental filling or crown.

If you are experiencing cavities symptoms, contact us now.

Many people are unaware of when a cavity forms. However, a dentist can identify tooth decay before it causes alarming symptoms that lead to more severe challenges with regular check-ups. At Magic Smiles Dental, Dr. Arpit Pathak offers a wide range of treatments to prevent and heal tooth decay for patients of all ages.

If you or your loved one are experiencing any of the listed cavity symptoms, we advise that you seek care immediately. The sooner that you seek care, the greater your odds are at preventing tooth decay progression. To schedule an appointment, contact us online or call one of our many New South Wales locations:

  • Woolgoolga: (02) 6654-0650
  • Coffs Harbour: (02) 6652-3242
Tooth Crown Cost by Type

Tooth Crown Cost Based On Type

By Restorative Dentistry No Comments

Dental crowns are caps that are placed over a damaged tooth. They are an effective way to repair a broken or worn tooth and restore a natural-looking, healthy smile. The cost of a dental crown depends on many factors including the extent of damage to the tooth being repaired, the size of the crown needed, and which tooth it is that requires the crown. Perhaps the largest factor in determining the cost of a dental crown is the material it is made from.  

Common Types of Dental Crowns and Their Costs

1. Zirconia. Zirconia crowns are widely regarded as the best material for dental crowns on the market. They are made from zirconium dioxide, a durable metal closely related to titanium. The major advantage of Zirconia implants is their strength. They do not chip or fracture as easily as porcelain or ceramic crowns. They are also considered to be biocompatible because they integrate well with the gums and other teeth.

Because of these advantages, Zirconia crowns can be quite pricey. They range in price from $1,000 to $2,500 per crown. 

2. Ceramic crowns. The major advantage to crowns constructed of ceramic is that because they are made of porcelain they match almost identically to the look and translucency of natural teeth. Because of these aesthetic advantages, ceramic crowns are usually used as crowns for front teeth.

The average cost of a ceramic crown can range from $800 to $3,000.

3. Metal crowns. There are several variations of metal crowns. The metals most often used to construct metal crowns are gold and copper. Other types of crowns require the removal of natural tooth structure before placement. Metal crowns are an attractive alternative because they require the least amount of natural tooth removal. Due to their color, however, metal crowns stand out the most and so are often used on rear teeth.

The average cost of a gold crown is $600 to $2,500.

4. Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. As the name implies, these types of crowns are constructed from a combination of porcelain and metal. Porcelain fuses with metal during the heating process to create a bond. This creates a crown that is stronger than regular porcelain because it has a large concentration of metal, but one that closely matches the look of natural teeth because of the color characteristics of porcelain. This unique combination of benefits makes porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns an attractive option.

The average cost of a porcelain-fused-to metal crown is $500 to $1,500.

5. Resin crowns. Because resin is a thinner material, crowns made from it tend to be more fragile than crowns made of either metal or porcelain. They are more affordable than metal or ceramic crowns, but because they are more prone to fracture and wear, they are not recommended very often by dentists. Resin crowns are most often used on baby teeth rather than adult or permanent teeth.

The average cost of a resin crown is $600 to $1,300.

6. Stainless steel crowns. Crowns made from stainless steel are usually used as temporary ones while a permanent crown is being created. Like crowns made from metal, they are very durable but do not blend in well with natural tooth color.

The average cost of a stainless steel crown is $300 to $500 per tooth.

Superior Dental Crown Treatment in Coffs Harbour

Regardless of your needs or budget, Dr. Pathak and the expert team at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Center can design quality dental crown treatment for you. Call (02) 6652-3242

or schedule an appointment online today to begin your consultation.

Damaged Dental Bridge: Can it be repaired?

By Restorative Dentistry No Comments

Dental bridges are an effective and popular  treatment for missing teeth. While a bridge can last for decades, there are several reasons why a patient may have a damaged dental bridge: 

  • Tooth movement caused by gum disease or other oral health factors
  • Chewing on ice and other hard objects
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Trauma 

So, what should you do if you have a damaged dental bridge? And how can you avoid damage in the first place? We’ve got the answers! 

Signs of a Damaged Dental Bridge

The most obvious way to know there is a problem is if the bridge falls off. However, the signs of a damaged dental bridge aren’t always so obvious. 

Other indicators of a dental bridge that needs repair include: 

  • Looseness or movement
  • Rough or sharp spots that irritate or cut the tongue
  • Pain, redness, or sensitivity around the bridge
  • A crack in the supporting tooth 

Repair vs Replace

The possibility of repairing a damaged bridge really depends on what the damage is and what it was caused by. In some cases, the bridge can be repaired, but in others, it must be replaced. 

Repairing a Damaged Dental Bridge

Sometimes a small chip or crack in a crown can be fixed with dental bonding materials. Loose bridges can be recemented in place as long as there are no additional issues related to the teeth. 

Replacing a Dental Bridge

If the abutment teeth are damaged, the dentist will likely need to remove the bridge to evaluate and treat the teeth.  If the damage is not too significant, the teeth can be fixed and the bridge replaced. 

Abutment teeth that are too decayed or damaged may not be able to hold a dental bridge any longer. In this case, a dental implant may be recommended to replace the missing tooth or teeth. 

How to Avoid a Damaged Dental Bridge

The team at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre knows that the best way to repair a bridge is to not damage it in the first place. You can avoid common dental bridge problems by: 

  • Proper cleaning and care: Patients with bridges need to brush their bridge and teeth twice daily with a soft-bristled brush. Additionally, they need to floss daily, sometimes using a waterpik or floss threader to get under the bridge and remove food and plaque. Regular dental cleanings and checkups allow your dentist to inspect and stay ahead of any potential problems. 
  • Avoiding foods that may damage the bridge: Patients with bridges should be careful to avoid anything that could damage the porcelain exterior of their bridges. These foods include hard nuts, hard candies, popcorn, sugary treats, or sticky caramels. Also, avoid chewing ice.
  • Use your teeth as intended: Your teeth should not be used to tear, cut, or hold anything other than food in your mouth. Using your teeth to try to open a bottle can chip and damage teeth or your bridge.

Dental Bridge Repair in Woolgoolga

Regardless of how or why it was damaged, it is important to get a damaged bridge repaired or replaced as soon as possible. Damaged bridges may not cause pain or discomfort at first, but damage can expose the bridge and surrounding teeth to bacteria and decay causing more problems over time. 

If you are worried about damage or decay to your dental bridge, contact our dental team at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre at (02) 6654-0650


woman sitting at desk typing on her laptop

How to Find the Best “Dentist Near Me” in Australia

By Woolgoogla and Coffs Harbour Dentist No Comments

With hundreds of local options available, finding the right dentist can be a daunting task. Conducting an online search for “dentist near me” might yield a list of dentists in your immediate area. But how should those choices be evaluated? While every patient’s needs are as unique as they are, there are some general guidelines that can prove helpful when it comes to choosing a new dentist.

1. Dental Association Membership

Members of the Australian Dental Association must follow strict protocols defined by the association in order to maintain their membership. Every dentist that is accredited by the association must follow the Advisory Opinions, the Principles of Ethics, and the Professional Code of Conduct.

Choosing a dental professional that is a member of the ADA ensures a patient will be provided a high standard of care. 

2. Experience

Before choosing a dentist, proper research should be conducted into the dentist’s experience and expertise. They may be the most important criteria for evaluating a potential dental professional.

Remember that expertise is not defined by one type of experience or another. Rather, research should be done into the type of procedure a patient is looking to have performed. A dentist that specializes in orthodontics will have different experiences than one who specializes in periodontitis (gum disease). Both of them will have different expertise still than a dentist who specializes in dental implants. Dentistry is a vast discipline and the type of dental experience sought should match with the type of oral care the patient needs.

3. Modern Equipment

Dentistry is constantly evolving, and technological advancements are consistently being made. An expert dentist has the highest quality equipment and latest technology available to serve patients. Patients should consider paying a visit to the clinic and asking about the type of equipment available and other amenities the dentist has on-site.

4. Patient Testimonials

One of the most effective ways to find a good dentist is by checking out what other patients are saying. Verified patient testimonials give great insight into a dental practice. Reading website testimonials and reviews can tell a new patient a lot about the dentist, their customer service, their office, staff, and most importantly, the quality of their work.

“Best dentist in my life. Thank you soooooo much!!” and “Fantastic experience, totally recommend gentle kind and affordable,” are examples of just two of the 5-star reviews recently left for Dr. Arpit Pathak and the team at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre.

5. Professional Referrals

Asking a family physician or a local pharmacist for input on finding a dental professional can be fruitful. Doctors and pharmacists deal with local dentists on a regular basis, and also with their patients. Quite often, they get feedback from those patients. Chances are doctors and pharmacists will have a good sense of the best dentists in the area.

6. Cost and Insurance

Affordability certainly plays a role in the dentist chosen. A large part of the affordability is whether the dental professional chosen accepts the insurance card a patient carries. Patients should consider comparing the cost of several clinics to ensure the dental professional they choose is cost-effective.

High-Quality Dental Care in Coffs Harbour

Magic Smiles is a community-focused dental facility that has been providing high-quality dental care to patients for the past three decades. Our mission is to provide compassionate and individualized dental care that larger facilities cannot match. Dr. Pathak and the team invite you to see what makes them special. Call any of our three convenient locations: 

  1. Coffs Harbour – (02) 6652-3242 
  2. Woolgoolga – (02) 6654-0650) 

 Or schedule a consultation online today.