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January 2022

Three Smiling Friends

Should I Receive a Porcelain Crown or Veneers?

By Cosmetic Dentistry No Comments

If you are considering enhancing your smile, a porcelain crown and veneers can be equally effective options. Our modern dental porcelain can be matched to virtually any shade of dental tissue, so your newly enhanced tooth or teeth will blend naturally with the rest of your smile. The right treatment for you will depend on several factors, including your dental health, your personal cosmetic goals, and the degree of enhancement you require. 

At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, a member of our team can explain both options at your consultation and help you choose the optimal treatment. Contact us today to schedule your cosmetic evaluation. 

What Is a Porcelain Crown?

A porcelain dental crown is a larger restoration, shaped like a tooth. Because it fits over the entire tooth, your dentist will need to significantly reshape it. He or she will gently trim away tissue before taking impressions. These impressions will enable our trusted partner lab to create a crown that fits comfortably and snugly. Your dentist will also carefully match the porcelain to your surrounding teeth to ensure a seamless and beautiful smile. 

Candidates for a Porcelain Crown

Because a crown requires significant changes to your tooth, we typically recommend this type of restoration for severe cosmetic issues or structural damage. A crown may be right for you if you struggle with:


  • Significant decay that is too widespread for a filling
  • An infected tooth
  • A cracked tooth
  • An acutely worn tooth that offsets the force of your bite
  • A severely misshapen tooth 

What Are Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are much smaller than crowns and, as such, require less alteration to your teeth. To place a veneer, your dentist will simply need to trim off the thin layer of dental enamel in the front of your tooth. As with a porcelain crown, he will then take impressions of your tooth and send them, along with an appropriate color selection, to our lab. The technicians will craft a wafer-thin piece of porcelain that will form a new facade for your tooth. 

Candidates for Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are a more conservative option than a porcelain crown. Accordingly, they may be a better choice if you are simply struggling with cosmetic dentistry concerns, rather than structural or functional issues. We may recommend veneers if you want to address:

  • Discoloration, such as internal staining, that teeth whitening cannot reduce
  • Small cracks and chips in your teeth
  • Minor gaps and misalignment that do not require orthodontic care
  • Worn edges that do not affect the balance of your bite 
  • Slightly misshapen or small teeth 

In addition, to qualify for veneers, your teeth need to be structurally sound. If you want to improve the look of a tooth with a cavity or previous filling, we will likely recommend a porcelain crown instead.

Find Out If a Porcelain Crown or a Veneer Is Right for You

At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, we proudly use the latest dental materials for stunningly lifelike crowns and veneers. We always provide detailed and honest treatment recommendations that are in your best interests. To learn more about our cosmetic and restorative options, contact us online or call (02) 6653-1788. We proudly serve patients in Coffs Harbor and Woolgoolga. 


Healthy woman exercising

4 Ways a Dental Checkup Could Save Your Overall Health

By Dental Checkup No Comments

You know that it is important to schedule a regular dental checkup if you want to enjoy a bright and healthy smile. But did you know that routine checkups could also help to prevent major health issues? At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, our team is extremely thorough. During each six-month visit, your dentist or hygienist will evaluate your teeth and your soft tissues to look for signs of damage or inflammation. Using advanced technology, such as Orthopantomogram (OPG) x-rays, we can obtain a view of your entire mouth and a comprehensive understanding of your oral – and even physical – health. 

1. Catching Gum Disease Early Could Prevent Heart Disease

Periodontitis is a common inflammatory condition, with moderate to severe disease affecting an estimated 22.9% of Australian adults. Alarmingly, there is also a strong link between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease, meaning a large portion of the population could have a higher risk for heart attack and stroke. Scientists are still researching the connection between the two conditions. However, many believe that bacteria in the gums will eventually travel through the bloodstream to the heart. 

Each dental checkup also includes a check of your soft tissues. Your dentist or hygienist will look for any signs of gum inflammation or recession. If you are diagnosed with periodontal disease, timely treatment will certainly help to prevent widespread dental damage, and it may help to ward off life-threatening cardiovascular events, as well. 

2. Poor Oral Health Has Been Linked to Respiratory Disease

Cavities and periodontitis may also lead to respiratory diseases, such as pneumonia. These concerns can also worsen existing lung conditions, including asthma and COPD. In part, this is because you may inhale oral bacteria into your lungs. Furthermore, periodontal disease is a chronic type of inflammation, which can strain your immune system, making you more susceptible to other illnesses. 

3. A Dental Checkup Includes an Oral Cancer Screening 

Routine visits to our office also include oral cancer screenings, using our state-of-the-art VELscope® laser. Often, oral cancer causes visible swelling or white or red patches in the mouth. In the very earliest stages, however, these signs are often invisible, which is why oral cancer often goes undiagnosed until it has spread to other parts of the body. The VELscope laser may enable your practitioner to see soft tissue abnormalities that would otherwise go undetected. When oral cancer has not spread to other parts of the body, the survival rate is between 94 and 62%.


4. A Dental Checkup Can Make for a Healthier Pregnancy

If you are expecting a baby, you may wonder whether you should still visit the dentist. In fact, checkups, as well as cleans, are more essential than ever! When you are pregnant, you are at a greater risk for developing gum disease, and in turn, this can increase your risk for premature birth. Furthermore, when women have untreated cavities during pregnancy, their children are at a greater risk of developing cavities later in life. Though you should not have x-rays during pregnancy unless absolutely necessary, dental checkups are not only permitted; they are essential.

Schedule Your Dental Checkup Today

Take steps to protect your smile and lifelong wellness. Schedule a dental checkup at our Woolgoolga or Coffs Harbor offices today. You can reach us online or call us at (02) 6653-1788.

Child brushing her teeth

How to Make Children’s Dentistry Fun for Your Little One

By Children's Dentistry No Comments

Dental visits are not just for adults; children’s dentistry, particularly preventative exams and cleans, can set the stage for lifelong oral health. As a parent, however, you know that trips to the dentist can be scary for young kids. It’s a new experience, and the unfamiliar sights and sounds can leave them feeling vulnerable. Fortunately, the team at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre has lots of experience treating young patients. With our compassion and sense of humor, we can help them feel comfortable. Plus, there are steps you can take as a family to make your child’s dental visit a pleasant and easy experience. 

1. Practice Good Dental Hygiene at Home

When kids aren’t used to dental treatment in any capacity, a visit to the dentist’s office will be very alarming. More importantly, good dental care at home can prevent serious damage to both baby and permanent adult teeth. Alarmingly, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reports that between 2012 and 2014, approximately 42% of children had developed cavities in their baby teeth!

Regular brushing and flossing is the best way to prevent decay. When babies first start teething, parents should wipe the teeth with a soft cloth or baby toothbrush. After 18 months, parents should begin using small amounts of fluoride toothpaste.

2. Visit the Dentist from a Young Age

Kids also should visit the dentist early on. Not only will this ensure optimal dental health. It will also make office visits a normal and expected occasion. We recommend that children see us when their first tooth comes in or when they reach age one.  

3. Talk about What to Expect

Before coming to our office, be sure to talk to your child about what they can expect. If you have been in the habit of regular brushing, you can explain that a dental clean is a lot like what they already do at home. Be sure to set a good example for your child. Let them know that, just like they have to visit the dentist, mom and dad have regular dental cleans, too!

4. Read Books about the Dentist

Books about the dentist can normalize the whole process! When children can identify with their favorite storybook heroes, the whole visit can seem like a grand adventure. Some good books include: 

  • Peppa Pig: Dentist Trip 
  • Going to the Dentist by Anne Civardi
  • Does a Tiger Go to the Dentist? by Harriet Ziefert 
  • The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist by Stan and Jan Berenstain

5. Choose the Right Practice for Children’s Dentistry

Of course, the best way to make dental visits easy for both you and your child is to choose the right pediatric dentist. Make sure you select someone who has experience working with kids and knows how to make the process fun for them. You should also find a practice that can provide a wide range of pediatric services. While exams and cleans are important, you also want to establish a relationship with a doctor who can provide more advanced procedures should they become necessary. 

Book a Children’s Dentistry Visit Today

At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, we love working with kids! Our gentle demeanor, smiles, and jokes make the experience fun for little ones. We serve families and patients of all ages in Coffs Harbor and Woolgoolga. To book an appointment with a member of our team contact us online or give us a call at (02) 6654-0650.

A person clutches their jaws to indicate the presence of a TMD

Woolgoolga Emergency Dentist Explains the Main Causes of a Toothache

By Emergency Dentist No Comments

Whether it comes on suddenly or gradually increases in severity, a toothache can cause major discomfort. Emergency dentist Dr. Arpit Pathak, along with his team, sees patients with toothaches that develop for a variety of reasons. Treatments vary depending on the origin of the discomfort and any damage that may have occurred to the dental structure. Although our main goal is to prevent toothaches through dental cleans and other preventative services, when patients are already experiencing discomfort, we provide urgent care as soon as possible.

1. A Cavity

Tooth decay is the most common reason for a toothache. In fact, according to one study conducted by the Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health (ARCPOH), over 30% of Australian adults suffer from untreated dental decay.

Cavities develop when plaque accumulates and erodes the outer enamel, creating tiny cracks and holes. In this initial phase, the damage will typically be undetectable, except to a trained eye. As the damage progresses, the plaque will work its way into the softer dentin below the enamel and eventually into the inner pulp of the tooth. At this point, the nerve can become irritated and inflamed, causing a toothache.

To treat a cavity, an emergency dentist will most commonly place a dental filling. Composite fillings match the natural color of teeth, and patients can receive them in one office visit.

2. A Dental Abscess

Untreated decay may lead to a dental abscess, or infected tooth. When this occurs, a small infected pocket will appear at the end of the dental root. It is important to have this condition treated as soon as possible, since infection can spread to the gums and even the jawbone. Abscesses can also develop due to untreated gum disease and may affect the gums only or both the gums and the tooth.

A toothache due to a dental abscess can be quite severe. Common symptoms include:

  • Sharp, shooting pain
  • Pain that spreads to the jawbone or ears
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Bad breath
  • A bad taste in the mouth
  • Swollen gums
  • A loose tooth

If the infection is located in the tooth itself, rather than the gums, an emergency dentist will typically recommend root canal therapy. The doctor will clean out the infected tissue, administer needed medication to remove any remaining bacteria, and place a dental crown. Root canal treatment allows many patients to retain even acutely damaged teeth.

3. A Broken or Cracked Tooth

Biting down on something hard or getting hit in the mouth can cause a tooth to break. Studies show that adults over age 40 are the most likely to experienced damaged teeth and that lower molars are the most frequently broken teeth.

An emergency dentist will provide various treatments, based on the extent and type of damage. If it is only a small chip, dental bonding may be enough to fill in the space and prevent additional harm. Larger cracks will typically require a dental crown, which will cover up the tooth, keep the crack from growing any larger, and restore tooth functionality. If the crack has reached all the way to the root, root canal therapy may be necessary.

4. A Loose or Damaged Existing Filling

A filling may come out or loosen for several reasons. Additional tooth decay around the restoration can weaken a filling. Tooth grinding or trauma, such as a blow or biting down on something hard, can also damage a filling, just like it can natural dental tissue. Finally, an old filling may simply be too compromised to protect a tooth. If a filling does come out, is important to seek treatment as soon as possible since there is now an entryway for bacteria.

Most frequently, a dentist will simply replace a loose or missing filling. In some cases, if new decay has damaged a tooth, root canal therapy or a dental crown may be required.

Receive Outstanding Urgent Care from a Woolgoolga Emergency Dentist

If you are experiencing a toothache or any other type of dental emergency, contact the team at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre. We will schedule you for an appointment as soon as possible, and we can guide you in minimizing your discomfort while you are still at home. We proudly serve patients in Woolgoolga, Coffs Harbor, and the surrounding areas. You can call us at (02) 5645 6376 or send a message online.