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August 2024

3 stages of dental implant procedure

Dental Implants: A Timeline of What to Expect, Part 1

By Restorative Dentistry, Woolgoogla and Coffs Harbour Dentist No Comments

This is the first post of two regarding the dental implant timeline. The second installment will be published next week.

Are you considering dental implants to secure your dentures or replace missing teeth? Implants stand apart from other dental prosthetics due to their nature-mimicking structure. If you qualify for dental implants, expect outpatient surgery in our office and a total treatment time of eight months or longer. Knowing what to expect during and following the dental implant treatment process should bring you peace of mind, so let’s dive further into the topic.

In today’s blog, Dr. Arpit Pathak and the Magic Smiles team in Coffs Harbour will provide you with a timeline for implant placement and restoration. If you read this blog to the end, you should feel confident in your understanding of what to expect during your dental implant procedure. To learn more about dental prosthetics, call us today at (02) 6654-0650 or email [email protected].

Prepping for Dental Implants

Not every patient is right for dental implants. For instance, the procedure is best for people over 18 years of age. If you have poor bone density in your jawbone, you may need a bone graft prior to implant placement. Additionally, some medications, health conditions, and oral health concerns may disqualify you for implants. Smoking, pregnancy, and bruxism can also prevent your candidacy.

Your First Visit

At the first appointment for dental implants, a Magic Smiles dentist will thoroughly evaluate your oral health, teeth, and jawbone. We use orthopantomography to aid in custom treatment planning, and the dentist may recommend you have a CBCT (cone beam computerized tomography) at a local radiography center, as well. Digital images and the dentist’s findings from your exam factor into treatment planning.

Prerequisite Procedures

If you need periodontal therapy, tooth extractions, or a bone graft, we will work with you to accomplish the procedure. After treatment, once your mouth has healed, you might become eligible for dental implants. 

Implant Placement Surgery

Placing dental implants into the jaw takes about an hour or two per implant. You’ll be properly numbed and (in some cases) sedated before the procedure. The dentist will lift a flap of gum tissue back and insert a dental implant in each pre-determined, precise location for optimal stability. 

You’ll be back to work and fun fast! Over the next few months your bone tissue and gums will grow and integrate with the implant posts to create a solid foundation. Be sure to practice meticulous oral hygiene and follow the provided instructions for recovery. Some patients who received only one or two implants feel good enough to resume normal activities the day after surgery. Others, and those with more than two implants placed, may need a few days to recover so that swelling and bruising go down. 

Osseointegration and Healing

Expect to wait three to six months (longer in some cases) for your jawbone to fully integrate with the implant posts. During this time, you may wear a temporary prosthetic. Practice excellent oral hygiene and follow all instructions provided by our office. If you have questions, just give us a call. 

In next week’s blog, you’ll learn about abutment placement, crown placement or denture fitting, recovery instructions, and ongoing care for dental implants. 

Call Coffs Harbour Dentist Magic Smiles Today

Located in Coffs Harbour on Pacific Highway, our dental office caters to patients of all ages. We provide contemporary technology and treatments while paying close attention to patient comfort. Call (02) 6652-3242 or email coffs@ to schedule your dental implant consultation today, and learn whether you’re a good candidate for this life-changing procedure. 

business men and women sitting at a table, laughing

The Impact of Cosmetic Dentistry on Your Career: How a Brighter Smile Can Open Doors

By Cosmetic Dentistry No Comments

When it comes to career success, your qualifications, experience, and skills certainly play a significant role. But did you know that cosmetic dentistry could also be a game-changer for your professional life? A confident, bright smile can make you more approachable, boost your self-esteem, and even enhance how others perceive you in the workplace.

If you’re ready to launch your career with a new smile, contact Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre. Our dentists in Coffs Harbour, NSW, and Woolgoolga, NSW, have options to enhance your grin and boost your success. Call us Coffs Harbour office at (02) 6652-3242 or our Woolgoogla location at (02)6654-0650 for a consultation today!

Now, let’s explore how cosmetic dentistry can positively impact your career, from improving job prospects to helping you climb the corporate ladder.

A Confident Smile for First Impressions

In a competitive job market, first impressions matter, and a welcoming smile can be the key to setting yourself apart from other candidates. In fact, studies find that people with attractive smiles are often perceived as more trustworthy, competent, and employable

Cosmetic dentistry can help you achieve a smile that conveys success by addressing common dental concerns like stained, chipped, or misaligned teeth. Procedures like teeth whitening, veneers, and bonding can transform your smile, making it easier for you to showcase your best self.

Confidence Boost for Career Growth

The benefits of cosmetic dentistry don’t stop at first impressions. Once you’re in the door, your enhanced smile can continue to influence your career trajectory. A confident smile can make you feel more comfortable in the spotlight and willing to take on leadership roles, whether it’s delivering presentations, leading meetings, or networking with potential clients. 

In professions where appearance plays a crucial role—such as sales, customer service, or any client-facing job—a polished smile can be particularly advantageous. Your smile can create a sense of trust and approachability, helping you build stronger relationships with clients and colleagues. 

Cosmetic dentistry ensures that your smile is always working in your favor, helping you to establish rapport and foster long-lasting professional connections.

The Ripple Effect of a Beautiful Smile

Additionally, the confidence boost from cosmetic dentistry can spill over into other aspects of your life, leading to an overall sense of well-being

When you feel good about your smile, it shows in your demeanor, body language, and interactions with others. This positive energy can be contagious, making you more likable and influential in your professional environment.

Invest in Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

Whether you’re looking to land your dream job or take your career to the next level, investing in your smile can pay off in more ways than one. And with the support of the skilled cosmetic dentists at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, you can achieve a smile that not only enhances your appearance but also boosts your professional prospects.

So, if you’re considering ways to improve your career, don’t overlook the impact of a bright, confident smile. Schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation in Woolgoolga or Coffs Harbour, NSW, online here!

3D illustration of how dental crowns are placed on the teeth.

Exploring Smile Restorations: Dental Crowns, Fillings, and Bridges

By Restorative Dentistry No Comments

When it comes to restoring your smile, restorative dentistry at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre offers a variety of solutions that cater to different needs, including dental crowns, fillings, and bridges.

Whether you’re dealing with a chipped tooth, a cavity, or a missing tooth, there’s a treatment designed to bring back your smile’s brilliance. Talk to our Woolgoolga, NSW, team at (02) 6654-0650 or consult with our Coffs Harbour, NSW, crew at (02) 6652-3242 to learn more about your options. 

In today’s blog, our team explores three popular options to mend your smile: dental crowns, fillings, and bridges. By understanding the differences among these restorations, you’ll be better equipped to choose the one that’s just right for you.

Dental Crowns: The Royal Treatment for Your Teeth

If your tooth has suffered extensive damage – whether from decay, a fracture, or a large filling that’s weakened over time – a dental crown is often the best option. 

Think of a dental crown as a protective cap that covers the entire tooth, restoring its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Made from durable materials like porcelain, ceramic, or metal, dental crowns are designed with durability and aesthetics in mind.

One of the biggest advantages of dental crowns is their versatility and longevity, with many patients enjoying their restorations for decades. So, if you’re looking for a long-lasting solution that offers comprehensive protection, dental crowns are a great choice.

Fillings: Small But Mighty

While dental crowns are ideal for more extensive damage, fillings are the go-to solution for smaller issues, like chips and cavities

Fillings are a quick and straightforward solution, often completed in just one visit to the dentist. And with materials like composite resin and metal, you can feel confident that your fillings will last for years.

If decay or damage has created a small hole in your tooth, a filling can repair the problem and prevent it from getting worse. That’s right – these small but mighty restorations may be all you need to keep your tooth in top shape.

Bridges: Closing the Gap

Finally, let’s explore dental bridges, which are designed to replace a single tooth or even multiple missing teeth. A bridge consists of dental crowns supported by the teeth on either side of the gap, with a false tooth (or teeth) in between. This restoration not only fills the space left by a missing tooth but also helps maintain the alignment of your remaining teeth.

Bridges are a great option if you have healthy teeth on either side of the gap and want a fixed, non-removable solution. They’re durable, natural-looking, and can help restore both function and appearance to your smile.

Which One Is Right for You?

Choosing between dental crowns, fillings, and bridges depends on the specific needs of your teeth. If you’re dealing with extensive damage, dental crowns offer comprehensive protection. For smaller cavities, fillings are quick and effective. And if you’re missing a tooth or two, bridges can help restore your smile’s function and beauty.

Keep Smiling with Restorative Dentistry in Woolgoolga and Coffs Harbour, NSW

Whatever your dental needs, there’s a restorative dentistry solution that’s right for you at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre. Send our dentists in Coffs Harbour or Woolgoolga, NSW, a message here to learn more about which option best suits your smile.

woman in dentist chair, smiling at the camera

Ask Dentists in Coffs Harbour: Why do I have white spots on my teeth?

By Woolgoogla and Coffs Harbour Dentist No Comments

Ever looked in the mirror and noticed little white spots on your teeth? Those white spots are a common issue, and the good news is there are ways to get rid of them with our dentists in Coffs Harbour.

If spots on your teeth are making you feel self-conscious, contact Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre. Our dentists in Coffs Harbour and Woolgoolga, NSW, have treatments that can help. Just call (02) 6652-3242 or (02) 6654-0650 to request a consultation today!

In today’s blog, our dentists in Coffs Harbour dive into why these spots appear and what you can do to make your smile spot-free.

The Mysterious Case of the White Spots

White spots on teeth can pop up for a variety of reasons. Our dentists in Coffs Harbour explore some of the usual suspects:

Enamel Hypoplasia 

This fancy term means that the enamel (the hard, outside layer of teeth) didn’t develop properly. It could be due to a variety of factors like poor nutrition during childhood, high fever, or certain medications. The result? Thin or uneven enamel that shows up as white spots.


Ever heard the saying, “Too much of a good thing?” That applies to fluoride, too. While fluoride is great for preventing cavities, too much fluoride consumption during the early years of life can lead to fluorosis, which presents as white streaks or spots on the teeth.

Plaque Accumulation 

Inadequate or improper flossing and brushing can lead to plaque build-up on teeth. Over time, this can lead to decalcification, where minerals are stripped from the enamel, leaving behind those telltale white spots.

Diet and Acidic Foods

Enjoying too many sweet or sour foods and beverages can erode dental enamel. Over time, this erosion causes white spots.

Say Goodbye to White Spots

Now that we know why white spots show up, let’s talk about how to get rid of them with our dentists in Coffs Harbour:

Improve Oral Hygiene

Maintaining a strict oral hygiene routine of twice-daily brushing and daily flossing is crucial to prevent white spots on teeth. Consider using a toothpaste that targets enamel repair with specialized ingredients like fluoride or nano-hydroxyapatite.


This process involves restoring the lost minerals in your enamel. Special toothpaste and treatments containing calcium, phosphate, and fluoride can help remineralize the enamel, reducing the appearance of white spots.


For more stubborn white spots, our dentists in Coffs Harbour might suggest a procedure called microabrasion. This involves gently removing a thin layer of enamel to smooth out the spots and improve the appearance of teeth.

Veneers or Bonding

If the white spots are particularly resistant to other treatments, cosmetic options like veneers or dental bonding can cover them up, establishing a flawless smile. These methods involve applying a thin layer of biocompatible material over teeth to conceal imperfections.

Treat White Spots on Teeth with Trusted Dentists in Coffs Harbour

While white spots on teeth are usually harmless, they may detract from an otherwise healthy and beautiful smile. So, if you’d like to erase white spots on your teeth, contact our dentists in Coffs Harbour or Woolgoolga, NSW, today. Reach Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre online here to request information, appointments, and more!