

5 Reasons to Consider Orthodontics

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Did you set any health or wellness resolutions for 2023? If you are looking for a truly transformative experience in the new year, consider orthodontic treatment. Orthodontia is commonly associated with the teenage years. But adults can also enjoy the many benefits of orthodontics.

At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, we offer clear aligner therapy. In most cases, clear aligners can straighten teeth just as well as traditional braces. But the appliances are much more discreet and comfortable, making them an ideal solution for teens and adults alike. 

To learn more about orthodontics and how treatment can benefit you, contact our practice today. We serve patients in Coffs Harbour, Woolgoolga, and the surrounding areas

1. Enhanced Appearance 

Of course, the most obvious advantage of orthodontic treatment is cosmetic. Straighter teeth can help you look younger and healthier. And if you have overall bite misalignment, orthodontia can even improve the contours of your face. 

2. Better Oral Function

If you have a very misaligned bite, your top and bottom teeth will not come together properly. This can make it difficult or uncomfortable to enjoy certain foods, like whole fruits, sandwiches, or tougher cuts of meat. Furthermore, severe misalignment can even impact your speech, making it hard to pronounce certain sounds correctly.

Orthodontics can help you comfortably enjoy a full range of foods. And you may be able to speak more clearly and articulately than ever before.

3. Reduced Risk of Tooth Decay

When teeth are crowded or overlapping, it’s easy for bits of food and bacteria to become trapped underneath. Even when you brush and floss, you may not be able to access these areas, providing a perfect opportunity for bacteria to proliferate and cause cavities.

According to one study following over 9,000 individuals, orthodontics reduce both the frequency and severity of tooth decay later in life.

4. Reduced Risk of TMJ Disorder

TMJ Disorder occurs when the jaw joints are inflamed or damaged. Although there are many risk factors for TMD, dental misalignment is one of the most common. A misaligned bite can put uneven pressure on your jaw joints. For instance, one side of your mouth and one joint might bear more of the brunt of your bite. 

Orthodontics can lower your risk of developing TMJ Disorder in the future. And if you already have it, clear aligners can relieve symptoms such as jaw pain, chronic headaches, and neck and shoulder discomfort

5. Improved Self-Esteem

Mental wellness is a vital part of your overall health. But dental misalignment can take its toll. You could feel embarrassed to smile or speak in public. And eating certain foods in front of others could cause you anxiety. Orthodontic treatment can improve all of these areas, giving you a greater sense of confidence and the ability to share your smile freely

Our clear aligners can further enhance your self-esteem because they are virtually undetectable, even from a close distance

Learn More about Orthodontics at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre

Experience the benefits of orthodontia for yourself. Contact our office to learn more about our treatment and to find out if it is right for you

Reach any of our three locations online or give us a call.

Girl slips clear aligner over her teeth after visiting an Invisalign doctor in New South Wales

How to Find an Affordable Invisalign Doctor Near Me

By Orthodontics No Comments

Invisalign® is a popular orthodontic, clear aligner therapy that has gained immense popularity over the years. It is a practically invisible, completely removable orthodontic treatment that helps straighten teeth without the use of metal braces. While the treatment is highly effective and convenient, it can be quite expensive. So, finding an affordable Invisalign doctor is key.


Don’t think it’s possible to find an affordable Invisalign doctor in Australia? At Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre, we can help you get the affordable orthodontic care you deserve. Contact our team today at our convenient locations in Coffs Harbour and Woolgoolga, NSW for more information!


Everyone deserves a dazzling smile without burning a hole through their wallets. In this blog, we discuss some tips that will help you find an Invisalign doctor that fits your budget.

Look for Invisalign Doctors Close to You

The first step to finding an affordable Invisalign doctor in Australia is to look for providers in your area. You can start by checking the Invisalign website, which has a list of all the certified Invisalign providers in Australia. You can also ask your regular dentist for recommendations or search online for local providers.

Check for Qualifying Experience and Credentials

Once you have a list of potential Invisalign doctors, it is essential to check their qualifying experience and credentials


Invisalign treatment requires specialized training. So, it is crucial to choose a provider who has a lot of experience in providing Invisalign treatment. You can check the provider’s credentials by looking them up online or by asking them directly.


Typically, Invisalign providers with significant training and experience get discounted products and materials from Invisalign. This means that experienced dentists may be able to pass the savings on to you, which can make a noticeable impact on overall costs.

Ask Invisalign Doctors About Available Payment Options

Invisalign treatment can be expensive, but many providers offer payment plans to make it more affordable


When choosing an Invisalign doctor, it’s essential to ask about their payment options, including any financing plans that they may offer. Some providers may also offer a discount for paying in full upfront, so be sure to ask about this option as well.

Conduct Thorough Price Comparisons of Available Invisalign Doctors

Once you have a list of potential Invisalign providers, it is time to compare prices. Make sure you get a quote from each provider you’re considering, including any additional fees or related costs. 


Typically, Invisalign treatment starts at roughly $1,800. However, it can total up to $9,000 in some severe cases.


Many dental offices have incentive programs that can make treatment more affordable for some patients. So, don’t be afraid to negotiate or ask for a discount, especially if you’re paying in full or have multiple family members receiving treatment. 

Meet Our Invisalign Doctors Today

A straighter, healthier smile is well worth the cost of treatment. If you’re considering clear aligner therapy, then it’s time to talk to an Invisalign doctor. Contact the team at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre today to get started! Patients can easily message our team here to request appointments, quotes, and more information.


A person clutches their jaws to indicate the presence of a TMD

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD): What It Is, and How to Treat It

By Orthodontics No Comments

If you have frequent jaw pain that makes yawning, speaking, and chewing more difficult, then you may have a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). Luckily, simple solutions (like orthodontics) can help you get lasting relief from jaw pain and dysfunction.


The team at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre is here to help you get healthy teeth and jaws for life. Contact our team in Coffs Harbour and Woolgoolga, NSW, online here to see how we can take your oral health to the next level.


Diagnosing a temporomandibular joint disorder starts with you. Keep reading to learn more about what a TMD is, what it feels like, and how to treat it

What is TMJ disorder?

The temporomandibular joint (shortened to TMJ) is a hinge-like joint. It connects the lower jaw (called the mandible) to the temporal bones of the skull (located just above the ears). These joints allow us to open and close our mouths. Because of their near-constant use for speaking, eating, and yawning, the TMJ is vulnerable to injury and wear over time.


Dysfunction and disease can limit the TMJ’s mobility, comfort, and function, leading to what experts call a temporomandibular joint disorder.

What causes a TMD?

A TMJ disorder may develop for a number of reasons, including:

  • Bruxism (unconscious dental grinding and jaw clenching)
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Tight or tired facial muscles
  • Trauma or injury to the jaw 
  • Arthritis 
  • Depression, anxiety, and other psychological stressors
  • Certain medications (like fluoxetine, sertraline, and venlafaxine)
  • Genetics


The cause of a TMD may be the result of one, some, or all of the above factors. Ultimately, a trained professional must diagnose the disorder in order to pinpoint the likely culprit and treat it accordingly.

What does a TMJ disorder feel like?

In the absence of pain, clicking and popping sounds coming from the jaw joints are normal. However, clicking and popping accompanied by pain are signs of a TMD.


Other signs and symptoms of a TMJ disorder include:

  • Pain that radiates from the jaw toward the face, neck, or shoulders
  • Jaw stiffness
  • Limited mobility
  • Locked jaws
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Frequent headaches or migraines
  • Changes in bite patterns

How can I treat a TMJ disorder?

There are several surgical and non-surgical options to treat a TMJ disorder. However, the team at Magic Smiles always prefers to pursue non-surgical treatment options before pursuing surgical treatment options.


Common non-surgical treatment options include:

  • Personalized night guards: These anti-bruxism devices provide a constant cushion between the teeth to deter sleep bruxism (which affects nearly 13% of all adults).
  • Orthodontic treatments: In some cases, improper dental alignments may put undue stress on the teeth and jaws. Simple solutions (like clear aligner therapy) can easily shift teeth into better alignment for prolonged pain relief.
  • Medications: Whether over-the-counter or prescription, painkillers can reduce discomfort and improve jaw mobility. Alternatively, anxiolytics and antidepressants may also decrease tension in the jaw and improve mobility.

Get TMD Relief Now at Magic Smiles

Don’t let jaw pain and dysfunction keep you from living your life to the fullest. Contact the team at Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Centre today to see how we can help you. Just send a message to one of our three, convenient locations to book your appointment now!


Girl slips clear aligner over her teeth after visiting an Invisalign doctor in New South Wales

Looking for an Orthodontist in Coffs Harbour?

By Orthodontics No Comments

The benefits of properly aligned teeth range from improved appearance and self-confidence to better oral health and function. If you’re searching for a great orthodontist in Coffs Harbour, you may already know the benefits of straight teeth. But do you know the difference between choosing an orthodontist versus an orthodontics provider?

“Orthodontics” refers to the movement of teeth with traditional braces or an alternative system, such as clear aligner therapy. An orthodontist is a specialist in orthodontics.

All dental specialists, like periodontists and orthodontists, must first become general dentists. From there, a general dentist may opt to become a specialist and undergo the required additional two years of intense training in one specialty area. 

General dentists who don’t become specialists can focus on specific treatments through continuing education. Dr. Arpit Pathak of Magic Smiles Dental and Implant Center focuses his continuing education on orthodontics, namely clear aligner therapy. While he is completely trained and competent in providing clear aligner orthodontics to Coffs Harbour patients, he is not an orthodontist.  

What is clear aligner therapy?

A Coffs Harbour orthodontist will usually offer traditional braces with brackets, wires, and bands. In contrast, clear aligner therapy, like Invisalign, uses a series of custom-made, transparent aligners that shift teeth a predetermined amount. For instance, aligner A will move teeth toward their ideal position for aligner B to begin. Once that position is reached, the patient will discard aligner A and move to aligner B. Then he will wear each  consecutive aligner for approximately 2 weeks before moving to the next. 

Traditional orthodontics usually takes about 2 years to produce desired results. Clear aligners, on the other hand, can take from six to 18 months to complete a treatment plan. No “tightening” appointments are necessary, and the patient will not have to worry about painful sores caused by metal components in the mouth.

Does clear aligner therapy work for all orthodontics patients?

Clear aligner therapy is well suited for simple cosmetic cases, but it can be effective for improving a patient’s bite, or occlusion, as well. Aligners are ideal for teenagers and adults. Children are best served by traditional orthodontics.

What are the benefits of clear aligner therapy compared to traditional braces?

  • Inconspicuousness – Instead of metal brackets and wires, you’ll wear clear, comfortable, acrylic aligners that are barely noticeable. 
  • Ability to remove aligners – Having your picture taken? Giving a presentation? Simply remove your aligners for the special event, then put them back on afterward.
  • Easy to clean teeth and aligners – Remove your aligners to brush and floss your teeth, and to clean the trays.
  • No mouth sores from metal components – Comfortable, flexible acrylic won’t irritate soft oral tissues.
  • Shorter treatment time, in most cases – Treatment time is generally six to 18 months, whereas braces usually take two years.
  • No dietary restrictions – Because the clear aligners are removable, you’ll have no dietary restrictions at all. 

Need an orthodontist in Coffs Harbour?

As an orthodontics provider, Dr. Arpit Pathak and the team at Magic Smiles will help you achieve and maintain straight teeth, for a head-turning smile! Call our dental office today in Coffs Harbour at (02) 6652-3242 to schedule your clear aligner consultation.

A woman puts a clear aligner in her mouth after visiting an Invisalign doctor in New South Wales.

Do clear aligners move teeth better than braces?

By Orthodontics No Comments

People often come to a fork in the road on the path to straightened teeth: braces or aligner therapy? Each treatment has its advantages and disadvantages, but you may be wondering if one orthodontic treatment is more effective than the other.

The answer? It really just depends.

In 2019, BMC Oral Health published a medical journal comparing the effectiveness of clear aligners and braces. Researchers discovered that clear aligners were better in moving sections of teeth in shorter lengths of time. However, braces are more effective at controlling the teeth, holding teeth in place, and bite force contacts.

Both treatments use proven technology with a long history of successful cases. The real question is not whether one is better than the other, but whether one suits your personal needs and lifestyle.

Clear Aligners

Aligner therapy is a popular alternative to metal braces. Clear aligners work like any other orthodontic device. They apply pressure on the teeth to gently move them and reshape the supporting jaw bone, but with trays instead of wires and brackets.


  • Most people choose clear aligners, like Invisalign®, because they are invisible. When patients clean them regularly and effectively, most people won’t notice that they have aligners on.
  • No poky wires or scratchy brackets are needed for aligner therapy, so many people consider them more comfortable.
  • Do you have a big speech, and you’re worried your orthodontic device may make you sound funny? Are you not ready to give up your favorite foods? Clear aligners are removable.
  • Clear aligners are low maintenance. Because they can be removed, aligners and the teeth are easy to clean.


  •  Although Invisalign has advanced quite a bit since its emergence in the 1990s, this technology is still limited and cannot correct overly complex alignment issues.
  •  Accidents happen. Clear aligners are easy to misplace or break because they are removable.
  • If patients don’t wear clear aligners as prescribed, they will not work. People must remember to wear them with responsibility.


When most people think about braces, they imagine those made of brackets, wires, and rubber bands. Traditional metal braces have been straightening teeth for decades. Thankfully, contemporary braces are much smaller and more comfortable than before.


  • Traditional braces are best for complicated cases, such as rotated teeth.
  • The wearer cannot remove fixed braces, so they cannot be lost.
  • Because they cannot be removed, treatment time can be faster when compared to inconsistent aligner wearers.
  • Braces encourage compliance because patients must visit their orthodontists monthly for check-ups and tightening.
  • Braces are customizable, and patients can choose different colors to showcase their sense of style.


  • Metal braces are obvious.
  • Braces aren’t removable, so patients must wear them at all times until treatment is over.
  • If patients have a tight schedule, it may be difficult to visit their orthodontists every month.
  • Patients must avoid some foods so that brackets don’t pop off.
  • Sometimes, braces can make it harder to clean and floss teeth thoroughly.

Schedule an Appointment Today

No matter what path you choose, straighter teeth benefit wellness and may cause you to smile more. At Magic Smiles Dental Implant Centre, our dentists examine the teeth to help determine if aligner therapy is right for you.

Please schedule a consultation for clear aligner therapy in Woolgoolga and Coffs Harbour, NSW, by sending us a message online.